Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Swift punishment

Swift punishment for spilling .just as i have to leave a few minutes from now--9 pm , by night bus ,travelling all night ,my bowels started paining and moving giving me loose motions .Very sure that  one of those fancy waves were used to upset my stomach which was perfectly ok till 7 pm ,


Blogger Ajay said...

Hi Sujata,

These days I am too suffering from upset stomach. There could be food poisoning but I blame the change of season more. Around rainy season it usually happens to me, I would feel lethargic and frequency of bowel movements with cramps.

Thankfully, I cannot sense those microwaves which bother you. Sometimes I wonder if you are having auditory hallucinations.

June 30, 2016 at 3:59 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Hello Ajay
I was forced to come on net today becuase i received a 10 rs balm warning in the morning,hence i could read your comment .

It made me laugh .Thanks .I was feeling quite glum.How i wish that i could be in the normal situation you are and brush away my harrassment with combination of electromagnetic waves as figment of my imagination and visit a psychiatrist and get a cure.
It is not that simple .I was forced to go in for removal of my uterus though i had nothing malignant in it .A painful and waste of money and energy as i am still made to leak .It is exactly like that person in people cookers com observed 'These bas----- will make you go in for useless surgeries and even drive you to a loony bin'.
Your ignorance makes me laugh.Please go through my earlier blogs to find more about the peculiar and abnormal and sadistic situation i am in .I have given scientific explanations like 'auditory clicking'and annoying sensations due to use of radio waves after going through Nasa's report on auditory clicking in path of microwave radiation and WHO's report on effect of radio waves that cause annoying sensations in the part it is aimed at and that it is more effectively felt due to clothing ,taken from its cancer org.
The neighbours in my flat are not the normal variety.Many get flustered if their occupation is questioned .Who will be so secretive of thier occupation?Thieves ,burglars . paid killers ,cheats to name a few as well as those pursuing secretive profession like spying and attacking from the shadows--to give them a dignified name i am using 'intelligence ' as they are not working for any private detective companies but definetly for the government.
Yes be very thankful that you are not feeling the effects of microwaves .You are not feeling them becuase you are not being targeted by weapons using such waves,unlike me.

July 4, 2016 at 12:36 AM  

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