Monday, June 20, 2016

Walking barefoot on streets of Chennai

The bare foot walking on the beach for 40 minutes earlier this week freed me from auditory radiation.A ingeneous but heinous method to remove my sense of privacy .I am saying sense of privacy and not privacy perse becuase my intimate thoughts could be  jaw read with help of gadgets but i wouldn't be aware of it nor would my thought process be impeded by that all knowing clicking i hear too often in a day and my attention be constantly diverted to inmates of upper floor.whose forcibile demand of my attention for past 6 years has thoroughly vexed me and it has become unbearble after the loud clicking s i heard in 2014 .

At the beach i was free from those sitting forcibly on my shoulders .This clicking is worse than the headaches since the forcibile diversion of my attention  to mino's in vicinity constantly removes my sense of my identification with my family and my individuality .

The clicks returned once i got back to my house.It made me bubble with anger . why not shame those shaming me by walking barefoot on the  streets where road tapers off to mud and show the world the extent of harrassment i am facing that has pushed me into doing this?
Now a days even the very poor donot go barefooted on the streets and for people of my --middle class and station it is unthinkable to do so.I have myself never walked bare foot even once on a public street except whilst crossing the short distance to a temple after leaving slippers in a shop on the outside..I also carried several safety pins always with me lest my slippers strings snap somewhere on the road away from a cobbler so as to string it and wear it and avoid the ignominy of carrying it in my hands or dragging it all the way by foot to home or to a cobbler .
But i was determined to put my latest attempt to try and beat the radiation by walking barefoot on the streets , my usual beat in the mornings Shaming my harrasers if they were shamed by this was only  second in my priority .
So took a plastic cover .Set out at 6,30 am wore my slippers till the end of my locality as the road side a bit away at the turning is used for defecation  by children and adults from pavement dwellers of nearby slum tenements[not of those opposite to me but those tenements  towards  south ] and i couldn't brave this  ..
Took off my slippers when i crossed the main road and entered a decently posh area.Scarcely any one on street . Felt a good grip on the road Entire street upto the compounds of houses are tarred hence very little bare earth for my feet  yet the roads have small holes here and there which gives a glimpse of  earth and i tread on it .Now i was concentrating on finding potholes to place my feet and ground the radiation .Irony! I had often like so many other road users on vehicles riled at potholes .When i actually wanted some repectable potholes  i could scarcely find any !
The roads were not that dirty either.Was it specially cleaned for my barefoot walking?  I didnot feel too much  pain from pebbles pricking my soles nor did i feel any revulsion to some garbage and dirt i did encounter in some corners .
A house wife in thick sports shoes , a regular walker waved at me .She was going back home.zI was surprised that she wasn't surprised at seeing  me walking barefooted on the road.A lot of girls were learning to drive scooters.usual scene.None of them seemed to be surprised at what would appear to any person  seeing a middle class middle aged woman walking thus ,as odd .
Koels kept singing.A country  dog with a collar was let loose,when i walked westwards  viz up when i crossed a thick tar road newly laid a servant came out with a dalamation. on my return saw a stray dog running ahead of me .Were they all symbolic represenataion ,of me? i mean the dogs?which would mean that i was free of radiation only for last  10 minutes .the time i saw that stray.A mangy one.A white police van with only a driver drove by.
Felt head aches in same spot up and down ,near a shop where we buy water.on reaching my area wore my slippers.The bjp hater was waiting for me .Greeting or waiting angrily?Latter i guess.earlier in my return trip saw crows creating a ruckus in a tree .A crow swooped down on me angrily.

 So  did i free myself of radiation by walking barefoot?don't know.I was sure of that i beat  it in my walk in beach as i didnt hear the click whilst walking barefooted after i removed it on hearing a click.
But one thing that could indicate that i was free to a certain extent was that i didnot find any enchantment or lifting of spirits on seeing in sunlight filtering through trees or stop and gaze at flowers .in rapture.
Was intent only on walking I used to walk upto Mylapore and Adayar 5 -6 kms away amid tree lined streets in 2008 to work off my grief  and never found any tree or flowers on road side rife with poetry.Used to visit elliots beach  in the morning often then but was never so bowled over by suns reflections on it as i was since i started blogging extensively in 2009--10.

So was i free of radiation?Maybe for a short while when i was walking down facing east.

If crows is said to symbolise rights and that neigh thier opponent, the left .It means both right and left are angry at me  gaining  my balance  and normalcy even if it was for a very short period.and may feel i shamed , [slightly,]them both by walking thus  .
One thing i did today was what i have never done in my 59 years of life walk barefooot on a public main road for nearl;y 40 minutes ,And i wasn't ashamed of doing so .My middleclass dignity  was thrown to the winds and i was past caring   !

Was amazed that walking barefoot didn't cause any pain whatsoever .Nature has made our soles pretty thick and i realised i was unnecessarily pitying those walking barefoot on the streets around me.Slippers are more or less a sign of prosperity and is not a neccasity in our roads if they are clean, barring the time's when it gets heated up in summer scorching sun  .
Had a good grip down to earth ,that i was free of vertigo's and could walk firmly and quickly.

written on 18,6,16  Saturday


Blogger Ajay said...

Hi Sujata,

Walking barefoot is no fun, particularly when your soles are used to years of wearing footwear. I trekked barefoot up and down the Vellayangiri Hills in Coimbatore and my feet and legs were sore and swollen for no less than a week. I often wondered why some people here in Coimbatore walk barefoot and I was told that it cures some ailments. I agree it can be like an acupuncture but for prolonged period a barefoot walk starts hurting.

Ajay Singh

June 25, 2016 at 5:06 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Hello Ajay,
I walked for 40 minutes in the beach and then another day40 minutes on tarred road bare footed.

I felt great ,probably becuase i was working out the toxic microwaves by grounding them.I felt down to earth , had a good grip on the ground, a grip i had lost for past several years and regained my sense of balance and walked confidently without the fear of slipping and falling down.

Several years back before these micro wave attacks i couldn't even walk the short distance to a temple from slippers stand or on roads muddy wayside as i used to feel the sharp pains of pebbles pricking my soles on the way making it uncomfortable for me to walk barefoot .

June 30, 2016 at 1:06 AM  

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