Monday, June 13, 2016

Scientific Analysis of effects of microwave effects on me

Vexed at the abnormal situation i am in like hearing clucks and flitting of alien words in my forhead which i have never ever heard  in my past 58 years of life and the constant wetting of parts that had gone dry 12 years back  ,sudden loss of memory in the past one year specially that which is related to the memory of the loss of my late son, nearly a sudden and complete wipe out of my grief and observing the effects of ordinary sounds on my moods i decided to search the net for scientific explanations to what was written about people cookers methods and gadjets used by them in thier shadowy missions.
I know that any amount of my lamentations publicly  will not take them off my shoulders  as all my torture are still continuing though i blogged reams at my observations and expereinces at thier one site in wikki mentions sites that people maintain about how thier life is being controlled or they have come to know  of such tortures employed by US defence ,have all been researched and are all people who are delusional or hallucinating .

It is very few viz those who are actually into this shadowy wing of inteligence and defence would believe what i have been saying and blogging To others i will be seen as a serial delusional hallucinator .So no one will come forward to help me and i want to get out of this trap even be it  a fraction .Hence spent past 10 days going through wikki and scientific article ,  blogs of people who are aware of all this and, cancer orgs  so as to ward of these  air borne  attacks on me.

Since people cookers mentioned that waves which are similar to that used in mobile phones are used and  i decided to google and find out as to what waves are used in mobiles and further read more about the properties of such waves and what causes them to be blocked off .

The following is what i noted down when i googled"what blocks radio frequency waves, micro waves and infra red rays."

Radio frequency waves and micro waves are electro magnetic waves.Rf   short form of Radio frequency waves  travel in speed of light .Lightening is natural source of rf waves.The songs and so many other programmes we hear on radio or transistor  all  carried by artificially generated radio waves.
Radio frequency radiation which in cludes radiowaves and micro waves is in the low end of radiation unlike the radiation of  x rays and gamma rays  which are also electromagnetic waves.
Rf waves can cause vibration by moving atoms in molecules but cannot ionise them .Ionise means --removal of electrons from the atom .
Micro waves, radio frequency and other types of radio frequency radiation  .effects.

Effect of RF radiation  ---When Rf radiation is absorbed in large amounts by materials containing water ,such as food, fluids and body tissues , it can produce heat.This can lead to burns and tissue damage.It may lead to cancer

Effect on  me--A lot of  tiny blisters  in clusters which only  burning can cause started dotting the left side of my private part after 2014. Gyno after a test ruled out cancer in 2015.but couldn't give me a resaon for their sudden eruption.These blisters are still there and i associate them with the sudden pricking i often feel.

Health problems caused by RF radiation--

1.High levels causes severe burns.

2.Low dose of RF radiation over  a long period of time can have harmful effects like cataract.Not much research has been done on this aspect.

3.Those near a microwave radar equipment can be exposed to enough pulsed microwave radiation , that they begin hearing clicking noises .The way i started to hear in June 2014 and several months there after .very loud then . i continue to hear it even now though it is very muted  .
This clicking sound  caused by RF radiation  doesnot cuase health problems as per  that article.But to me it was and is highly irritating and disorienting

How to avoid RF radiation?

 Keep away from appliances that use RF radiation .Keep mobiles away from the ears .In my case my transistor radio also, by doing away with my long habit spanning decades of hearing music at keeping the box close to my ears or body.

Micro waves --from wikki.
Micro waves are also radio frequency waves .But in wave length etc they fall between radio waves and infrared light .
They are  used in navigation , GPS, communication, radar , oven ,to name a few.The round silvery metallic plates found on mobile towers are for broad casting micro waves.

Effect  of micro waves radiation on health .

Persons in radiation path experience clicks and buzzing sound in response to the radiation .This was observed in second world war in Germany.This is known as microwave auditory effect.
In 1970 NASA research showed that this clicking and buzzing sound is caused by thermal expansion in parts of inner ear and hence this sound  is heard inside the ears.
Exactly just like  what i heard  since 2012 that reached a high volume in june 2014  and do still hear on and off inside my ears
 i even blogged about the way i was hearing sounds that lizards make cluck cluck like as if saying yes yes.But in june 2014 this sound was very loud , a terrific torture .That was also the month when i felt unbearable pain in my head for nearly  a month .
So the clicking sounds i heard and do still hear is becuase i am in path of high level of microwave radiation .In short i experience and am experiencing auditory effect of micro wave radiation .

2. low radiation delivered steadily over a period of time can cause cataract .The micro wave heats up the lens and cornea  like a egg , as they have no blood vessels to carry away the heat.
I used to feel stinging pains in my  eyes specially my left eye  since 2012 .Used to feel pains in left eyes even earlier but not such  a stinging pain.In 2013 was diagnosied with cataract much to my disbelief and amazement ,since in my family viz parents , blood relatives  cataract forms only in late 7o's or doesnt form at all and i was only 56 then.

The stinging pains were microwave radiations which cooked my lens like a egg and caused cataract which i had to remove last year..An living example of cataract being caused by micro waves deliberately directed at my eyes.

Infra red rays.

It is a invisible radiant energy used in industry, science , medical and by army for night vision and target accqisition .
Generally human eye cannot see infra red ,But intense infra red light example from IR lasers, Ir led sources or from brightday light with visible light removed by cloured gel , can be seen as red light.
Leaves are particularily bright near IR.
I always found canopies  forming a dome over streets with sun light filtering through them when  i walk in morning quite alluring.or those near my house For past two years i found them exceptionaly dazzling    and wrote quite few descriptions and then was made to feel guilty since my attention was directed at a lungi clad muslim man walking up whenever i found  a tree glowing exceptionally like as if to establish a bloggers view that Brahmin woman fall for lowly muslims.The IR rays must have made them glow and this was linked to some stooge and his mere presence on  my  seeing the vicinity around him.rosily.
Have seen spot of   red rays directed from my upper floor  to the ground .maybe the invisible ones are used  on people as well to show them in  a sparkling manner .making beauties and prince charming out of ordinary persons so as to catch my attention.

Health hazard .

Infra red rays can cause blindness ,Since this high level radiation is invisible special goggles have to be worn.

 In daily life people are exposed to RF radiation via radio. tv broadcasts,cordless phones, cell, cell phone towers ,radar,wifi, cordless phones , computer monitor,.body scanners ,blue tooth,

Micro wave radiation --Protection .

This is a blog by a Britisher dealing with the bad effects of mobile tower which is within 200 meters .Though this site is to market products that block of such radiation the information he is giving  about radiation is quite credible. He says--
2 g frequency  are similar to internal mechanism of our body.hence it supplants information into our bodies and our immunity is affected [more details in that blog] so shift house or follow the following steps.
He says mobile towers interfere in our sleep. and sleep is required to restore genetic damage.

He says further --"On a equally serious note what i find particularily disturbing is that according to a number of scientists the low frequency that characterisse certain aspects of GSM /tetra pul;se modulation are close to those 'frequencies' that are known to influence human moods and behaviour in a number of ways . This can range from depression,docility,even to rage depending on the kind of modulation used .
i felt such feelings a lot in 2012onwards whenever i felt a squeezing sensation in my head The feeling of a sudden fit of sadness which was in no way connected to my grief but to some article i read on net or was reading from a book or whilst watching tv and the need to cry ,all of which will never elicit such deep emotion in normal times ,if not for that tightening i often felt in my head then  ,Even now i see children bawl around me for no reason at all at times waking from deep sleep, which must be due to such squeezing.
He says --it is  even possible to induce sounds and even words inter crannialy by appropriate modualtion of these micro wave signals.
it happened to me after September 2014 my de liquidification  and still does.The floating cum internally hearing  like one does in silent meditation ,of Allah in my forehead whenever i bend and also  Arabic words .And at times Siva and at times names of people far removed from my inner circle.So micro waves are being constantly used to make such sounds to float inside my cranium.

 He continues --Maybe micro wave mind control MMC is more than a conspiracy theory .After all it is alleged by many that MMC forms part of military [secret]psychotronic warfare .DR.Rauscher of USA boasts ,give me money and  3 months and i will be able to affect behaviour of 80% of people of this town without their knowing it .make them happy or at least think they are happy or aggresive .
i remember that either 2008 or 2009 the burkha clad an english  lecturer in nearby  minority institution ,who is the owner of the flat right above mine and who used to visit her flat that had been let out , on seeing me on the road expressed concern over my depressed state owing to death of my son as well as my hub's and said that her husband was capable of making entire family happy .she moved in ayera or two later.
I associate the sound blasting done on me in 2012 with her hub ,since all sounds , vibrtaions  on my spine, thuds on ceiling emanates from that flats floor.which is my ceiling and he openly boasted that he was here to control me.ever since that public humiliation si was subject to uin 2012 this entire area which is notorious for rowdyism ,killings and fights breaking at drop of  a hat has become very quiet, with not even a single argument to be heard . All are too well behaved , so well behaved that  i doubt whether this could be bringing down law order with iron fist since there are hardly any police patrols.Maybe like that US doc this area has been made 'happy' with money ,time and micro mind altering signals.
Can a person hear conversations aimed at conversion in ones mind ? I did in september of 2014 at those times i was relaxing in chair at noon  after fatigued by fluid loss. This is clear example of inducing sounds inter crannily I heard sounds which were in no way related to conversion in previous years also .i still do .The only difference is that before 2014 i knew that conversations or suggestions were external but now i can barely make the distinction .
This britishers views on micro wave radiation  is  to do with ill effects of cell towers in ones immediate neighbourhood and he has supplied additional arguments about defence uses and only that applies to me.yes there is this mobile tower very near my flats but i am 100% sure that my experiences in induced carnnial sounds  is directly related to radiation and signals aimed specifically at me from my own flat or from the street below or from opposite tenements.and those towers could facilitate such radiation and signals to be more deadly .
He cautions that radiation from mobile tower and signals emanating from it that can control mind will cause premature death.

How to protect oneself? in following manner
1.Use screens made of aluminium the cheapest metal that deflects such radiation .Best bet is gold as i had found out in my walks with my gold bangles causing the ray to deflect and sting the eyes of motorists .but gold is costly .Next best alternative is aluminium .So cover walls with aluminium camp sheets , specially corners and near windows ,the places where radiation signals is maximum .With my own experience viz getting headaches when i got to a corner or am in a angle to a window ,what he has found out with radiation reading meters is correct.Head aches are caused by microwave signals .this is as per ; 'mon talk'which is  another blog that speaks of MMC signals.
 Copper canopy over the bed .Copper also blocks the signals

 2. Nutrition and exercise.Walking barefoot on earth .The body will pass the micro waves to the ground.
eating plankton .Eating alicin which is derived from garlic pearls.
                                         Indian food has garlic as a important spice only brahmins avoid it .I have never eaten it since childhood. Since mmc can harm heart this diet can prevent it .Hub. was given a heart attack in 2012 August when i prevaricated from joining a political party at the height of anti corruption movt by depleting nitic oxide.

Since my flat is in first floor there is no chance of grounding .When i go out it is with slippers on .Hardly ever set foot on bare earth except when visiting a temple or going to a beach .Both of which has become a rarity now.So am full of signals

Demand switch -People who have microwave detection kit have been surprised by the high level of microwaves emanating from lamps, lights .This is becuase  this radiation is picked up many household products through electrical wiring system in our houses
demand switches--are switches that cut off electricity at the fuse box .when there is no demand on the circuit there is no electricity flowing through wiring thus preventing absorption of radiation  from happening.  
3.Ionisers to break the concentration of mmc and to disperse it.This should not be kept near a computer.
4.Universal harmoniser.This is to stabilise water in our body .Water has ability to store and share information from all sources .our body consists of 3 gallons of salt water .This inner watery environ can also store information and if too much alin information is dumped through these micro wave signals it can interfere with natural conhrent information and energy and communication within the body.
Was september 2014 dehydration operation of my body preceded by june dehydration of my head done to remove information and wipe out memory .What this man is suggesting could be at a low level What was done on me  was on a large scale for a long period of  time .It was aimed at exhausting me and wiping out my memory.

How to block Mind programing signals by Mon talk --This is a popular website in internet Educate yourself org 2003

One can feel effect of MM signals which induces dull headaches or presure in temple.

i feel this quite often .i felt a sudden dull headache even yesterday night in my bedroom at 10.15pm when i was placing a small gold dollar in the locker of my bureu .

Cell towers are used to generate these signals.

Like i said there is one near by .Had also this dull headache in melkote  in my lodge at bed few months back , that went on and on .The lodge was on  a hill top and very close to a huge cell tower

A person is tracked for sending these signals by dna or signals by implant or devices put in him Computers calculate the location .
These signals have audio encoded messages and elf modulation .
Audio messages like-you are angry ,You have no energy, -- this is true since  'You are lustful,'starved' ,'irresponsible' etc was   repeated often in september 2014.
Also emotional signature frequency in carrier that induces anger, sadness , trust .
How to prevent such signals reaching one?
1.farrady cages.
2,Aluminium foil hat.ALu Blankets to cover walls , windows.Micro wave cannot penetrate metals specially grounded metals .Only silver absorbs microwave .most others block it off or deflect and af
fect the transmitter itself..
3. Air ioniser ,ionisers improve mood ,noise from generator interferes slightlyin monitoring device .
 4.Avoid fluorides.--soft drinks ,tap water as fluorides impair will power, alacrity and makes it easy for microwave signals to act.
5.Keep moving.Movt delays the signals reaching the person .

So how can i protect myself ?

Plaster my  house with aluminium and  myself with smooth surfaced  gold.or go to a village away from a cell tower and with no electricity,live in mud hut  sit and sleep on mud floor , use only aluminium vessels for cooking and eating and walk barefooted on its mud roads and fields and temples,watch tent films for entertainment  placing my feet on the mud floor,listen only to village bards live music, use only posts --letters, for communication then maybe over a period of time  mmc gadjets whose rf micro and inred rays with thier mind controlling and programing effect used so very  geneorously by my stalkers  all over me every day in this city and any city i travel to ,who would also surely follow me to the village  will become defunct ,inoperable and useless.

   Back to mother earth.




Blogger Ajay said...

Back to mother earth! Very nice..

June 15, 2016 at 4:55 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Thank you.

June 20, 2016 at 1:34 AM  

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