Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Take offs .Air pressure and auditory masking

Played the videos i had taken yesterday of the take offs of planes from the western side of my flat's terrace.
observed following---
1. The air pressure or disturbance my recorder on my camera caught was quite unbearable to hear when the plane taking off is in  a certain angle to my position .

2.When the air pressure is less there were neighbours on the terrace talking or vendors selling fruits from down below loudly or a ambulance went screeching few seconds before .

3. The planes actual sound wasnot heard except in 2 take offs .when the actual sound is  heard that ear splitting air pressure or disturbance i use to feel  when on a flight ,in my youthful days.

4.Surely a lot of aero dynamics and aero physics has gone into in crafting this sound trap  thrown
 over me


i ll try and upload the videos and i am sure only scientists or those having knowledge of  aero dynamics.+ pshychology , i guess ,in bits and pieces  and not necessarily fully ,needed for making such traps can make a sense out of it


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