Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Choice between devil and deep sea.

I have no choice in the warnings i get and its follow up punishments

10 rs balm means physical injury,Very serious ones before 201 4 .Now it is mild
velon varuga means mental injury ,very serious before 2014 ,A bit milder now.

Of the two i d rather prefer 10 rs balm as it is a attack on body as it can be endured and cured

But donot like the mental attacks that is the punishment for the warning  velon varuga  since it gets into the mind unsettling it , causing fear , revulsions   , confusions and disorientation which has no cure .Of  late revulsions .This is the worst of the two .

 i donot remember the warning i got before my tooth ache which led to implant.way back in 2011.The worst punishment this far . The above observation is for 2015-16  the period when i started to understand the significance behind such warnings

Saw  landings in the morning despite clouds .So after 2 days of going off the sky they are back,


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