Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pressure Cooker sound and milk boiler whistle.A flat shrouded in mystery.

Whilst summoning all my determination and resolve to note the flights at least for  a week and try to unravel at least a bit of this trap i heard  Pressure cooker sound going on and off from ground floor flat .some times short sometimes prolonging upto 8 -10minutes .This whistle is nothing to do with cooking some hard stuff but linked to me.
In fact i heard this sound go nearly non stop during September of 2014 when i was being dehydrated .
I had ignored this sound till last week  as some alert i will not understand.This time when i was noting down landings i found the link between the flights and this sound and sound of vehicles leaving our compound in the manner in which motorbikes used to whizz every 5 minutes or so during September dehydration operation over me  . The sound of cooker ceased when i could feel rays stinging me down and soon hear sound of a vehicle leaving and this followed a little later by ringing of puja bell from ground floor.Those two days i was experimenting with doing japa of my deity when ever  i spotted a flight and made sure to bathe and do my routine small puja  on the time of a huge plane gliding down very slowly and very close and break the myth foisted over me in 2014 june and august that if did that puja in my bedroom in the morning about 10--11 a  ailing relative of mine will die  .I linked the threat on observing the landings to the closeness and size of the plane.The ray attack is given  3 minutes or so before  when a huge plane is gliding down slowly . Ray attacks are made when other planes not so huge or near or slow are landing.

Only huge planes that glide slowly and very close  are given this respect.

This time i wanted to find out as to who the pressure cooker was warning .So at end of each session of loud whistle went to balcony to observe who was leaving as i had heard cars scooters etc leave .Sometime neighbours in it including hindus and at time strangers .From next flats also the cooker sound issues and did pretty frequently last saturday when i had sat down determinedly to note down . Twice i saw a sad looking with  a pale washed out  face , a  rich young well clad  woman  most probably a mino mino leave on a chaffeur driven car parked opposite the next flat .

i found the following leave not by car but by foot.

1.A burka clad ex-English  lecturer , owner of a flat in second floor but had repaired to another town .But comes here on and off.She also used to take Arabic classes for poor children

2.The majo mino youth unemployed  newly married [inter religious , that is married a forward caste non brahmin hindu and threw a burkha over her --this once liberal family who kept off conservativnes has changed over the time.This jolly youth started to wear turbans like arabs after stint in one such place tho ' he is a labbai and has left wearing it now] friend of Vidat from next block walking away glumly .

3.A  young maid from upper floor without bindi who was taking instruction from upper floor resident to walk up and down .

 4. Heard subdued cooker sound whilst watching tv . Saw the duaghter of next block  majo mino resident imarried with kid walking around it swiftly.

Actually the upper four incident i noticed when i was watching tv news and cooker sound started .i swithched channels to bhakthi ,but no let up .The sound petered off and it was then i got up to see the cause of this sound .

Today i took note of milk boiler whistle that had virtually stopped , but was in peak during september and there after.This sound comes from opposite tenements .i don't remember whether i was watching that time .after it stopped saw a middle aged woman without bindi probably a mino mino  of lower means leave those flats .

Today 6.5.16 the word Ameen. kept flitting whenever i bent or got up .It is something like Om but is not om  Is it because i meditated when a blue plane was landing , slowly not very slowly and hub also was mediating at that time.? I said get lost when ever that word flitted.and wondered whether my flat is a micro mini suadi Arabia .If not for the liveliness of ground floor family-couple and kid  it would appear so .

Ok who are the ground floor residents They are .Hindus .religious perform lot of homams.But how do they know of this casing/influencing  work going on .Definetly upper floor and boisterous resident of my floor are involved in this casing/influencing work .This gfr also gets news of my bodily attacks specially the most private but a little bit later whilst i caught ufr getting it instantly his face glowing with revolting pleasure .

I remember this same cooker sound from ground floor of this same couple who were chilless for a long time  go on and off even when Vidat was around specially when he started working in Wipro. i think  the cookers sound started in 2004 with change in govt in centre.It also the suggestion given by toi police reporter that i looked like his mother who died in 2004 that is erasing of my personality , maybe by intrusion into my very private moments .sound could have been earlier also but i donot remember it as well as i remember that when Vidat started work these sounds were given out .

So what are they warning about and whom? Was it only us or also other hindu residents of our flat?As this sound is linked to majo mino in our flats  i recollect the following

1. A tenant was in upper floor social family  But could hear thier pestle knocking on my kitchen loudly and smell a lot of masala in drain . i then thought it was normal  sound sand smells,but now a bit skeptical

2.The musical voiced lecturer talking loudly.She often came for my notary seal.

3.Third floor resident came later but when Vidat was still around .Very unobtrusive.,till 2012  shadowy sound attacks and mob heckling  on me ,but after that  showing  open aggressiveness towards me .

Did't take much note of next flat except that Vidat had a mino mino woman lead of his company who was   friendly .A thin woman  .

Ok what are these source of pressure cookers warnings  were upto then and what are they upto now? Are they being used or are they the culprits in intrusion and influencing? Why is it linked to my watching  tv news or other knowledge channels,as of now when i have started to observe ? What do they do to me?How does ground floor resident know that they are upto something fishy that they have to warn whether i or others take note or not?                                                                                                                                           They have been warning for years.To whom? only us or others as well? And about whom?Political adversaries of ruling party or  about other communities fishy activities or both?

                                              Now i know it is for me. And i have seen persons of all communities, mostly strangers  but persons of other communities more, mostly neighbours, often. Only warnings , no action , except briefly after September 2014 till i wore back my mangal sutra in May 2015, a dedicated focus of which i am grateful

This flat is shrouded in mystery.


some more neighbours who are the source of prolonged sound of pressurre cooker whistle---

1.A hindu brahmin neigh from my flat .He is the father of that boy i thought i rescued.He left  10minutes after the plane took off overhead ,on foot though he has car and two wheeler Dressed in that black and white some of my neigh's suddenly wear.
My activity--Browsing newspaper..
whilst the mino youth -neigh left on foot immediately tisperson took his time.
i dont know why but the source whatever thery are upto always leave the flat after cooker goes off.Why on foot? They know or warned that i am standing in the balcony waiting to see them and hence they are taking precautions ,which means that i am, bombarded by these signals or rays which so many others may be sending and they dare not take the risk of it hitting thier vehicle .If planes can be made to avoid landing one whole day ,these puny vehicles are nothing in comparison.
point to ponder --does the deflection hurts the person or jams the vehicle ? my experience . i often get sudden cramps, stinging in the eyes  in .the house.but witnessed minor accidents of scooters and mobikes and autos on the road .Did the ray or signal sting thier eyes or jam their vehicle?at times even cars go off !

2.Another hindu neigh from next block who often threatened Vidat that he would call the police for playing cricket in the common space.He was said to be  doing  business from home.When he left , Hub was reading paper .this is a few days back.he left on scooter probably becuase i wasn't standing in the balcony.


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