Friday, April 15, 2016

Some more observations on my no touch torture +my arguments against conversion .

1.on my walks specially morning walks men hidden from my view send micro waves or rays targeting my knees timing it with a stooge  or paid lackey of majo mino community youth turning and driving towards me as i face east and he faces west ,[ so keeping in with our respective religious beliefs , but used for dirtying]so that my left  knee cap tigthtens or starts throbbing with pain, thus linking the artificially caused pain to mino youths
i discovered this recently in one of my walks .i was carrying my clutch with images of my deity within .this purse has a shining stainless steel small  rectangular band . i had abandoned this practise of carrying purse as i would start getting knee pain  and took to taking sling bags which had another effect .Expanding my torso

.ok back to my discovery  .on my return i was walking to main road when a youth of majo mino commu turned on his scooter and came down speeding .i had slipped into my earlier practise of carrying the purse in my left hand just for few minutes though i had determined to carry it in my right as i associated the pains scratches etc  by carrying it in left side

OK as i shifted the purse back to my right hand the scooter wobbled and scooterist nearly skidded . As i walked further saw a dusky middle aged man on his mo bike on wrong side of the road glare at me with such a vehemence that i kept pondering over the reason.Then it struck me.he was on the main road  to my left but hidden from view by row of flats  of the street i was walking .he was beaming those rays to target my knees to carry forward the myth that by carrying  images of my deity my knees will automatically throb in pain in vicinity of youths of that communi.

When i shifted the purse from left to right i guess that the rays he was beaming got deflected by the metal and instead stung that youth in his eyes which made him lose his grip .i know the sharpness of such stings having received it constantly for more than 4 years.The mo bike fellow didn't expect this and showed his displeasure for having thwarted his nasty move .

i  saw youths of other sect - hindu- skid in similar manner  when i suddenly paid obeisance to way side Hanuman.but that was laughed off. Maybe my gold bangles deflected the rays or some one was sending these rays to their eyes to keep up this myth woven around me that i am equally toxic to youths of other commu and  youths of other  hindu sect.

So i have reasoned out and clearly broken this myth that has been deliberately woven around me that i start my contractions in vicinity of such ' lowlife' youths .My exact  position on streets must be known due to GPS in me.

Police who are supposed to inform and me ,protect  are themselves running for cover ---

on my walks i come across police in pairs driving a van A dusky youth at wheel and a middle aged colleague.once the middle aged  policeman averted his face on coming upon me in a corner in my morn walks on seeing the same purse i had carried just for that day to experiment its fabled effects , in my left hand  .i mused over this.Why ? why should a policeman fear  me ?Aren't they supposed to see and tackle people face to face, Why was he shying away from me like as if i am the police and he a criminal  guilty of crime.It was laughable and also mystifying.As i was also reeling under the careful image built around me that i would start pain in my knees in vicinity of mino's i wondered whether he was a mino and he didn't want to be the cause of nastying me.I really think highly of every one around me .
                                                                                       what i realize now is this ,he was shielding his eyes  from the stinging pain of  freak deflection of rays beamed at me from some corner !He knew of persons lurking with their gadgets  , instead of taking action against such miscreants  or even have the basic courtesy to warn or inform me  of such movements he was averting his face .He is duty bound to tell me but maybe cannot do so .He was scared of that small stinging pain  And i have been through such pains nearly constantly for 4 years  in my eyes, knees ,heart  , abdomen , teeth, temples  and brain , the  screwing  type of attack on my brain for a month the worst so far more than the terrific knee pain i  felt  one morning when i tried  to get off my bed  in 2011  which immobilesd me for a couple of days and made me limp for a year, as i   am yet to recover myself from that terrible  month long day and night attack on my brain in  June2014.

   Even today i felt a sting  in my eyes  as i was blogging slokas on Rama, .The myth of my contractions have to be carried forward  ., isn't it?

Another myth about me is that i would quake i fear if any one stares at me or will be provoked to great anger by persons standing behind me .
Again a police duo.'s strange  behaviour alerted me to this.As me and hub were waiting standing side by side for a auto in busy main road the pair middleage and  dusky youth  got out of the van .whilst older  one stood near the van on our left and  the dusky one went nera a tender coconut vendor on my right .i glanced around feeling some what suspicious and saw that dusky police youth staring at me covertly in angle a little behind me  from my implant .
The weekend  after i wrote about floods the great leveller my son came over . For no reason at all i was getting furious at him and his father.i observed that this sudden change to a violent mood  , came over me that flumoxxed me , as this has never never happened to me in my quite a long life and put me on my guard  and started to observe my position .observed that such sudden erruption  to violence rose when i had my back to an angle to the tubelight  and at same time was behind them .
So it was something to do with the light  and exposure of my right side of my face to it in angle and little behind me , the way that youth police stood .Was it becuase some one was peering at me through the cameras ordering me to do it?How is that possible? or was it? i was falling into the trap woven around me .that a mere stare is enough to make me weak kneed or get into orgasms or as happened recently get into a explosive temper? If i could  prove other myths wrong then i ought to prove this also whether anyone else believes or not at least to myself.
it cannot be a stare .it must be the effect of rays those deadly rays that can give me knee pain from gagdgets held by persons nearly 1000feet away.They must have been weilded near at hand and in all probability i had no indication that they were being used becuase of that month long ray atack on my brain and then the draining of liquids . if not for these two i might have felt the effects as a headache or even as a depression   which i am quite often made to feel at end of blog that doesnt go well with my monitors . all a squeeze at the correct spot  does the trick , haven't i seen so many kids around me bawl all of a sudden for no reason and even turn and look at persons walking by .and then look at is the effect of thesesrays. whilst kids can't bear it and cry i can but feel low  which i often had before 2014 probably the reaction of my immune system to these rays which had not been  so completely  wiped out then,

OK why was it used on me all off a sudden? hadn't i questioned the rationale behind mino mothers in my flats  showing utter dependancy on their sons  without it inviting any wrong meanings in their maternal ties with their sons and hailed as sacred and normal whilst my ties with my son as well as my late son [who cannot even defend it]  is deliberately given a odephius complex touch?

what the jamming and draining did was to take away my natural safeguards against these rays .Before that my brain  was thwarting or defending me to a certain extent, only to  a certain extent proof, headaches or uneasiness that needed a pill or a terrific  need to write and clear the mind.But now it is a cake walk for such cowards to hide and i am getting no such  alerts at all .

   i never thought that i would get tangled with the famed  police of Tamilnadu Chennai in such a shadowy fight.To me  police always meant  persons who came face to face having the backing of law and  power and put me  in jail if need be ,all publicly and be presented in court and not this weird shadowy battle of nerves.Now why did they go and spoil the good image they have in general , in my case?
Is it to do with secualrism ?who is to define what secularism is in here?politicians seeking votes?I am not  a politician so why am i dragged into this?is to do with my blogs ?
What do i write in my blogs? the following
1 my spiritual experiences of hinduism
2.translate works of  hindu saints  and acharyas
3.Find nuggets in hinduism that thrills me and of which  i take pride of
4.write about how suddenly a quite neighbourhood has suddenly turned hostile , specially those of mino commu living right over my floor and all taking their side in this tussle over my blogs and writings .

so secularism means ---this

i should not feel or reel in any experience  to do with spirituality and relate it to Hinduism and write it

2.I should not translate ancient works

3.should never show pride in my religion as that would offend people of other religion .That is i should dumb down hinduism  the more i do it it is better for all living in this region and  country and i will be certified as a  secular person who is no more a threat to the society

4. i should never comment upon the partiality shown to neigh in my flat of similar  of economic and social set upof other communi and accept all the abuse thrown by them  at me humbly, quietly .and with a spirit of self sacrifise or rather self effacement and always understand their fears and fury and shed tears and swallow my pride for the same..That is i should show humanity and understand religious sensitivities  but should never expect it in return.
5. never visit temples as idol worship is a foolish  thing to do.

on the whole i should erase my sense of identity and belonging to this country and place, curtail the soaring of my spirits,hide my religious identity and, should never take pride in works of hindu scholars and saints of yore ,.
If i do all the above then i will be certified as secular  and then set loose and free .
And it also seems that  conversion is seen as  the natural corrolary to secualrism in here at least in my case.

i should also prostrate myself in all humility and plead for the removal of kafirness and paganess from me
kafir for worshipping idols hence am still in evolution of a low kind  wiping out the fact  that in srivaishnavism god can be worshipped in 5 forms  viz avatar[animal and humanform], archa,[idols in temples] vyuhaa.[milky ocean] param[vaikuntam] and antaryami [in heart] .the first two relates to human form and idol worship and other three to the higher evolution of relating to god directly .
Arguments to counter conversion
paganess =for worshipping gods other than that which a particular section conveniently forgetting the Gita says whom ever you worship your worship comes to me.which means who ever is worshipping Jesus or Allah is actually worshipping Lord Krishna an avatar of Mahavishnu as per one of the most important text of  sanatana dhrama /hinduism viz gita.
i can go even one step further  and excersise my ;right to offend' which libs love to exercise and being in receipt of conversional attempts i can say that hindu belief of Vasudeivakutumbakam is nothing but recognition of the fact that people of this world are our family because they all had  previous births as hindus and owing to karma are born elsewhere .and will be born here in any century in any of the births and ultiomately attain moksham .it is bound to happen hence we Bharathvasis donot bother about conversion etc and waste our time and energy and resources on something which is bound to happen  .

Further there is a ancient Tamil saying  'Yaadhum oore yavarum kelir'  which means all places and countries are mine and all people are my own.That old woman saint --Avvaiyar walking up and down this Dravidian land  with help of a stick  observed 'Aridhu Aridhu manida piravai Aridhu 'meaning it is very rare to be born as  a human being.Take note that she didn't say that it is sinful to be born as  a human being  2.Her observation encompasses entire humanity and is not limited to merely this Dravidian land or bharat.

So i can interpret  the above two sayings from Tamil to be in support of vasudeivakutumbakam That Dravidians are in consonnance with the broad view and belief of hinduism that of re birth  and also believe that people all over the world are all Hindus  who taken birth in various countries owing to thier karmas  hence basically  all are our relatives
                                                                                                                                                 It is good karma that some are born in rich countries like western nations and enjoy life and bad karma to be born in poverty and strife like in africa and parts of  asia.and  suffer But all  will attain mukthi after spending thier karmas in various births.since they are all  family members  of Hindus hence it doesnt mater as to which ever place they are born and whatever religion they follow in that birth

                                                                         How dare i write all this ,Sensitive issues . My upbringing was such that i treated members of other commun equally and even more than my equal when several around me viewed them with suspicion and maintained a  distance  .I am forced to dive head long in matters i considered were too controversial mainly owing to my extreme secular upbringing ,thanks to  the unique way of conversion through talking and suggesting to my jammed head was attempted in the liquid draining month of september is a tit for tat .If some neigh and strangers are emboldened to trifle with my personal beliefs they are inviting me to trifle with theirs.

if other commu  members take such a liberty with my personal beliefs , deride it and try and make me leave it , i too can take the liberty to defend myself  and my religion i guess  on the main sticking points though  my knowledge of other religions is pretty low.
                                                                                                Till now that is september 2014 my pride in my religionHinduism was such that i never needed to defend it  and never  tried to  fish into it to find doctrines to reply to what other religions consider as the  one and only truth.As i didn't want to drag this sublime religion  whose effective hold on me is deep and sacred  and is  acceptable  and am not unduly bothered about  some aspects which other religionists or even co religionists consider as flaws and never needed to prove its hold over me  nor  scan for  uniformity with  other religion's beliefs and get into this slush of slinging matches .


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