Sunday, April 10, 2016

The clouds were summoned

The clouds were definetly summoned .For the past one month sweltering heat gained momentum .The floods that moved in stealthily at night and satiated the thirst of the earth to its brim bid adieu very soon retracting every drop of water to itself on its hurriedly speeding tryst with the sea.
Did the spate of flood a huge dense volume of water actually lap on the compound wall?Did it tap on the window panes?Not a drop  of water was left behind ,not even in small ditches .No puddle was there to see within a week of this flooding ! The traces are left only in memory .once fresh and terrifying .Now a deep seated one pushed to the depths of the conscious as deep as those waters  which now fill the deep ocean.

A strange squeal caught my attention one night 2 weeks back.It was emanating from the nearby arasamaram --fig tree The source --a small black bat swinging from one branch to another .A fruit bat.
These squeals of satiation  reached a crescendo few days back.Saw a group of bats swaying from one branch to another in a fever of excitement .They were gorging on the red fruits that this tree had sent out , richly speckling the emerald green canopy with tiny rubies.
The merriment of the bats feasting could be heard for 2 nights ,last weekend and then the guests left.
Today in the morning a thick black cloud rose in the eastern sky from the direction of the sea.
It is yet to empty its load and if it does surely my question in my earlier observation [also blogged] whether clouds were summoned or not for this tree to complete its life cycle will be answered .
Even if it doesn't rain ,the very fact that water was sent at the time ripe for germination of its seeds makes me  wonder at the power of this tree! i am witnessing this cycle of nature for the second time.March-April  is not the usual rainy season .Rains here are always only in winter months of Nov and Dec.

 Is there a time tested truth in gita's sloka where bagwan krishna  says ' In trees i am the sacred fig tree '?

written on 7.4.16--Thursday.
it didn't rain



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