Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ruthless neighbours.

As i was walking back from my shopping on the busy main road a couple of days back ,i felt light headed and dizzy and leaned on a parked car for support to avoid falling down.
A group of slim young women were behind me chatterring and laughing as girls do .Knowing very well that thin persons ,specially girls and women are used to make me lose my balance and trip me down and that young men of other communities are used to make me feel  a dead weight i am going about my usual routine inside and outside my house ,with the determination not to fall prey to such scares devised to immobilise me.
A neighbour a woman passed and turned and smirked at me and hurried away to home.That smirk got me.

Yesterday i saw her smile knowingly at the thin auto driver seated in the auto parked near my window as she returned from work ,walking briskly  .An auto used by her.
I could feel my anger rise .This thin fellow is used as a stooge in teasing  my body.I controlled my urge to go up the stairs to the floor above us and tell her are you  crazy are you stupid ,your son is also being used in this dirtying of me.Don't you have any self respect? Are you so ruthless or is it the job or is it the money?Just throw it                                                                                                                                                            .Isn't smirking showing an obvious enjoyment at my weakend state, sadism?Exercised great control over my urge to tweet about her and her son and take revenge on Hindu seculars and also do a reverse nastying , note it and tweet it which would teach them a lesson .

Several months back i had with a shock realised that this youth whom i have seen growing up since his lkg days , who had gawked in admiration at Vidat , rode merrily on the pillion of my second son and roamed around these flats with such gay abandon that it was a treat to see his ever smiling cheerful little face and who was drawn like a magnet to my two college going sons and entered our house freely and hovered around them was being used to give me leaks!
I couldnt stomach this .Too painful.whilst i could take on immediate upper floor neighbour and son as they came here much later, only when i started to blog and had no attachment or friendly contacts with my sons ,total strangers , i hesitated to take on this family even in my diary.except for that cheerful boy's mother rest of the family moved quite nicely with all of us.
i was also shocked to learn  that a majomino community youth who had played cricket with both my sons and hung out with vidat and whose mother consoled me quite compassionately on day of vida ts death was taking part in this day after that september mission  he hid when i saw him gazing at me  making me realise his role and  found out his motorbike rides were to nasty me that was painful too.I guessed at his guilty move that he knows what he is doing there fore my temper was in check only to be replaced by revulsion but i doubt whether this boy does.

ok back to this boy,s mother .Pleasant looking reminding one of yesteryear actress. but extremely stealthy just like many  residents of my flat.Many are  stealthy , quick ,quiet to point of non existence not very social but at times exihibit their suppressed violence and ruthlessness.
She was doing it A brahmin woman.I thought what if i paid her back and deliberately nasty her boy now a college going son?
But that boys face from childhood kept flitting .He doesn't know but his mother does ,the person who enjoyed the victory of making me lose my balance and making me nearly fall down ,so why not nasty her by relating  the times her son was used  when i walked on the terrace or in the balcony in a detailed manner?

But i held back i even postponed writing my boiling emotions fearing of  spoiling the name of that innocent , friendly cheerful fan of my sons.But wrote it today.Maybe it would release him from being abused and used as a commodity.

written on 28.4.16

I deliberately left out mentioning a dusky girl whom i have seen from infancy being commodified in this battle to take revenge on me again fearing for her name being spoilt.i felt the same anger rise in me when she was used recently, anger against her hindu brahmin parents who know very well the tricks played around me with rays.They had become quite nasty and hostile after 2012 .How was it not ok for them to commodify her before 2014 but ok now?i didnt understand the tricks played with specs and rays then and was wearing it and received nasty looks from this very couple like as if i was a paedophile  but now i know and they know yet they are making a scape goat of thier young daughter litrellay commodifying her.It riled me and with great effort i held back my urge to tick her and warn her not to bend so please those in authority by pawning her child's future.                                                                                                                                                      They are the hindu seculars who rushed to protect majo minos  [who had no misgivings in nastying me] when i was doing  reverse nastying.

Cooled down wondering at the workings of Karma.


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