Saturday, April 30, 2016


Spent last few days glued to my bedroom with eyes rivetted on the sky visible  from my bedroom window noting down  the movements  of planes .they are a dime a dozen  and mainly landings .
Huge planes cruise down silently from eastern sky to south losing height as they near the airport which is 10kms away.
They come straight in my vision from my bedroom  behind the tenements right in front and go out of sight for few seconds  behind another set of tenements and then become visible  , even their windows  and wheels .
why was i watching them like an ats?I know that my being nastied is linked to planes take offs and landings  .i had noted take offs earlier and wanted to finish mapping landings as well and then try to figure this.trap thrown over me and wriggle out a space for myself and try and regain my original indentity.In short to get myself back
observed that as i was patiently noting the timings persons from the opposite tenements were used to alert ,distract and also be stooges in rays targetting my body and brain . make believe that those persons were causing all this by merely staring at me or moving in front of me.The peadophiles didn't spare a young girl either,
ok what happened was that as i sat to note, persons would peer at me very boldly at me from opposite side and leave when i get stings or tenderness in private parts of my body and soon a car  would leave from our flats and a huge plane will land few minutes later .The pressure cooker kept whisitling on and off from lower floor and from next flat.
I tried to deflect the invisible rays beamed so very generously at me with steel  lid and if the person staring at me from opposite tenements  first floor landing changed position of his head it meant that i did deflect but the fact that he would come back to original position and continue staring till all those crowing around me are satisfied that their rays found the target and did its work and when i felt it myself , he would go up to his flat

Horror .A small girl  was linked with a youth her flat mate in this teasing of my parts ..

Youngsters in my flat whom i have seen growing from lkg onwards are also used

They are hindus and in this shadowy job and must be well aware that their son or daughter is being used as a commodity in order to keep me in place..It is more like  ruthlesness borne out of their  stealthy job as they surely know  as to what use  their young sons and daughter will be put if they come near me when i walk in terrace or am with persons --neigh's with specs and rays beamed very generously are yet finding invasion of my body or my sudden loss of balance making me trip ,mirthful and literraly celeberating it with smirks and glee.

I am feeling for this debasement their children are subject to , in this crazy attempt to control and tame me but they don't seem to . In fact i should be jumping with joy at the turn of karma that all those who acted snooty and holier than thou are getting it back now.somehow these children's innocence and they being used as scape goats just to score points over me only saddens me.

ok back to noting --i was attacked so many times  on all parts of my body as i stayed put in the same spot for several hours, wanting to unearth the links    that it was virtually impossible to protect .myself with metal keychains and pots and pans and aluminium foils .

Either i should wear the outdated   metal armour like knights of medieval Europe covering myself head to foot with metal and get ready to battle it out every day or deck myself in shining gold ornaments from head to foot like the living culturists Bharatnatyam dancers ,do
Thala samman, chutti, chandra soorya billa,to protect my forehead and head,vanki --armulets to protect my heart, belly,odiyannum --waist band to protect my spine,a dozen gold bangles in each hand ,and rings on all fingers like Rajasthani women dancers.and dazzling brocade sarees,and anklets .

i observed this
1.The ray attack on my body stop when the planes which are huge are in my sight.Barely half a minute .

2.The radio signals  , a metalic whoosh which i hear feebly on and off which   i could at times hear very clearly  at 2 am in bed  or 7 pm when in kitchen before jamming of my head   and dehydrating me seems to stop when a huge plane descends near my flat window .

so my respite from non stop questioning and ray attacks could be only at that brief half a minute period.

some one must be hating and despising me too much to do all this to me constantly.

First what impelled implant? Only the guilty fear.Was it corruption and communalism  and of being a AC room bleeding heart?.I am guilty of none of the above

if minorities and thier hindu backers prevent me from exercising my normal rights so as to please minorities  that is not secularism it is sheer communlaism as one community interests are  clearly preferred over mine to the point of denying my very basic human rights and ,my very identity itself  


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