Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dog on leash.

Was watching Rama sita marriage festival conducted by ttd in Kodanda rama temple at otamita near cuddapah yesterday .It was attended by AP governor and Cm ,who sat through the entire ceremony which lasted more than an hour on the ground .The festival brought to mind the marriage of Rama  with Sita that took place centuries ago and was touching.
This blog is not about that festival and how well it was conducted but at the attitude and beliefs of politicians and my predicament.The politicans at the topmost level  in APare not dveshis of rama or vedas a stark contrast to the attitude in here.Whilst the cm of telengana conducted several yagas showing his regard and belief in vedas the cm of ap attended Rama'smariage in Rama's temple  ,They are both considered as secular.

Can one even imagine such a scenario in here at Tamilnadu where Rama is a bad word and Vedas are foolish  in political circles?

Rued my fate to be caught in such political set up.Would my blogs receive so much censors in other states say in nearby Ap? Doubt it.

Read a news that the cm in here didnt allow politicians to influence local police in dealing with offenders unlike in earlier regime.Good  policy as far as criminals go but what about me a blogger on public affairs and hinduism .Was i totally left to the mercy of local police who on their warped sense of  secularism treated me like a hardened criminal or a offender putting me up as tit for at against' communals' up north ?A scape goat
Is that why when reported to police on gross interference into our family and home by some of my neigh's the complaint was ignored and instead my sanity was doubted?Hand in glove?with  third degree police mentality and perverted thinking was a gps rfid implanted in me ?Is it really true that they were given a free hand in my case as well or was there  political involvment?If there was political involvment my belief that politicians are more flexible and would openly take on irritants like me instead of resorting to such inhuman , illegal suppression, is shattered .

 .Why were no such crude and perverted form of controls with invasion of not only our private property  by my mind itself --a worst form of control whose use can be justified on real terrorists , serial rapists , real violent extremists--like naxals etc, not done to me in previous regime in this state ?Was it due to political interference?This is not to hail the previous regime .They may have also turned blind eye to invasion of my property but they definetly didnot  control me through bodily invasive procedures like as if i am animal though they are the open dveshis of Veda and Rama .And if it is also to do with my blogs and one liners on corruption instead of bopping me off a reprieve was granted by making a dog on leash out of me  and every insecure politician  of all hues welcomed it? How the mighty rich and powerful fear the keyboard of a ordinary law abiding citizen and the conscience less extent they are willing to go .to suppress persons like me ! Can understand such controls in dictatorships , states based on religion and communist countries but indigestible in a 60 long years, old democracy .                                                                                        This terrible  mind control started  happening only from 2011onwards .

If there is involvement of politicians in my inhuman control it means that it was two in one .Distracting me from my ordinary life and confusing me to such a extent that i would neither make observations on corruption ,specially at the height of anna movt nor relate my experiences of hindu belief's  or translate ancient slokas .The latter is clearly to do with appeasment of mino's or put in succinitly fear of .majo mino's.Few years back even i was fearful of such peoples reactions which is always violent and steered clear of them totally  .But now on finding out how despicably i and my family had been ruthlessly monitered,health shattered  and separated. ,that to by persons of this very same commu and still am, i lost this fear and am striking back ...I am a living shining example of  the extremity of  this appeasment policy and how it can wreck a persons confidence ,shake the pride in one,s lineage -my main comfort zone,provoked to keep on proclaiming i am a hindu iam hindu pathetic statements i never once in my entire life had to as the conversion attempts in september2014 and its follow up of constant vigil being kept on my puja, temple visits and pics of our gods so as to descecrate their association with my spirit and body is forcing me to keep on tom tomming that i continue to be in the religion i was born into  .                                                                                             Never did i even imagine in my wildest dreams that my life and unquestioned inheritance and beliefs would come to such a pass!i am well educated from a very good family ,family of hindu scholars and politically ,well to do ,and living amongst sea of co religionists hindus and my grief  further showed me that its practises were not anarchic but relates to human experiences and how to try overcome some of the difficult ones ,and so never ever felt disenchanted with it .So i am in no way a fit case for this stupid conversion  i am being put through .It happens only to poor or to some film star [plenty  of such conversions in here] doesn't it?Well it  was tried on me pretty seriously after weakening me and there is no let up.despite my blogging and it maybe read by thousands but it did lessen only after i decided 'keep purdahs to yourself and your wives ', 'don't throw it on my house and another man's [my hub] wife 'and very determinedly got out of the fear  put in me that of strangers,neighs and low life's watching my very personal moments like dressing, bathing  etc and went about it like before.knowing fully well that my electric connections have other.controls .

i guess if politicians were in my shoes with  such personal  revolting and dehumanising brushes with persons of majo mino  commu maybe only then they will be able to understand my position .Tilll then it will be like banging against brick wall.
The prime cause of all my  troubles is the gps +rfid  implanted in me.This is facilitating the rampant use of rays all over me.Not a single day passes without my cursing the pervert who hit on this idea and the cruel person in authority who gave the go ahead. 

if not for reducing me to nervous and emotional wreck by bombarding my ears with high decibel sounds +social humiliation +refusing to give me a moment of privacy [this is still going on -dont know how this is to do with law and order--the more i am denied of  my rights   the more i get angry, disappointed  at my neighs , officials and politicians  and rattle of against them  and sound more like 'communals' or naxals] i wouldnt have written such free and  frank views , as my natural defences were broken , landing me more and more into trouble .So this is how law and order is maintained here. make the irritant incriminate herself  by constant provocation and throw her to the dogs and let them finish her.

Didn't these fellows who did this to me have a broader vision of our country and be in sync with thinking and views of the major number of people and respect its democracy?Do they think that TN is a island and a separate country?Aern't they in their jobs and secure in it in the first place due to democratic framework?By my constant blogging if they think they have succeeded in running down our institution they are in fools paradise i am attacking only those ungrateful ,selfish,stubborn persons who did this in human thing to me wrecking my normal life .                                                                                                                                                                   They are giving a dirty smell to this state and country.


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