Saturday, May 7, 2016

Eloborate calculations .

After spending a week or more observing landings from my bedroom window and people deployed and used nearly non stop made me observe this----
The eloborate calculations based on observation of our habits , routines and mindset and then fine tuning such habits to the arrival and departure of flights , people on street  and neighbours routine etc with various formulations  preceded by smoothening an easy take over by intrusion first into our house and then  our bodies viz teeth, shows that this is the handiwork of people who are  specially trained in  mapping all this out to the minutest detail and convinces me that this  cannot be the work of ordinary missionaries or Mullahs .I am reffering to missionaries and mullahs as conversion has been the theme foisted over me since 2014 june.

Only those trained by govt can lay out such a eloborate net to trap or control  me.
Why should any govt servant set this complicated trap to tackle an individual like me who is not a terrorist or hardened criminal or a spy or a extremist?Govt servants are notorious for delaying ,passing the buck and pointing out the rules , Those who digress and act with alacrity and constancy  in the manner it was done and is being done as in my case , do it for extra money or promise of promotion .

State is not in the business of liberalising  of a individual or allowing such softening to take form of conversion.  But methods deployed over me shows state's training It must be to control or fine tune or influence or change my writings .

i doubt whether any such rule which is clearly ultra vires the constitution exists  as it clearly curbs our rights to enjoy our property with all privacy and with  no encroachments  and  delivers a blow to my freedom of expression.

If such a rule does exist it is only encouraging a  communist or totalitarian type of society in which dissidents are routinely brain washed without any questions being asked and aern't we a democratic country?Was that last bit deliberately overlooked in my case that  tiny  irritant all these years --Democratic rights of a individual?

written on 6.5.16


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