Monday, June 20, 2016

Persons whose head i entreat sudarshana chakra to slice off

I entreat Naryana/Perumal/Vishnu to leave his sudrashana chakra and slice  of the heads of the following persons.
1.The person who is putting me under the path of constant microwave radiation which makes me hear that annoying cluck cluck sound in my ears  in my house after sending mind control microwave signals to my brain to have a silent conversation with my hub or son and  making this happen when a dirty lungi or neighbour--viz low and middle class muslims  are in my vicinity viz road down below or in my flats i s passing by and irritate me with this connection  by that 'cluck 'as if to say that every middle aged Muslim is my hub and every minority youth on a bullet is my son.

In short making me the converse of sultans of days gone by who had huge harems  and 100's of children.
I want perumal to leave his chakra and slice off that daridhrams/ dirts head.

2.The person and persons who are  sending that extremely low but high power radio frequency signals to give me  annoying  tingling sensation or sting in my private part of lower region .

3.Person and all those persons who used high decibel noise like thunder;. grating of electric saw, bees buzzing [torture s reserved for hardened criminals and terrorists were used on me]and to wreck my auditory balance in 201 2 and to make me abnormally  sensitive to ordinary noises and to use it to provoke my thoughts ceaslessly and to pour it out in tomes of writing .

All the above three are in top of my list for Narayana to send his chakra spinning and destroy them .All three provoke me to anger, frustration and chain of  thoughts, emotions and analysis which are of no use to me except to disrupt my peace of mind.

4. The person extracting abnormal fluids from lower private parts which not only exhausts me but also wipes out my memory.Though volume has gone down fluids are still squeezed out and it continues to exhaust me and make me lose my memory ..

                    Maybe due to my surgery as well as refusing to treat my house as a public place even if i am constantly made aware of persons peeping into my house and my movments with thuds on ceiling, whistle, crickets creak , gas cylinders sound with intervals as if waiting for my reply,microwave induced headaches and that cluck noise in my ears, though quantity has gone done liquids are being squeezed out every day.The link made for this is to with puja and nearness to images of god and mino's in vicinity.

5Persons sending those annoying tingling sensation definetly due to extremely low but high power radio frequency on my upper private part on the left side.

6.Persons giving  Pain in my left knees when a youth drives down on a motorbike.

7. Persons who make me want to visit the loo often .

 Hope perumal takes note of my entreaties as quickly as possible and closes this sordid chapter in my life once and for all.



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