Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Forty minutes of privacy .

Sprang out of bed on hearing Venkateswara suprabhatam being played from the temple nearby.Oh yes tho' i am neraing 59 i can still spring out of bed if i had chalked out a mission .I had decided yesterday night to test a bloggers advise to walk barefoot on bare earth to ground microwaves by making a trip tp Marina beach in the morning .
Time was 5.15 am Saw a huge huge plane gliding down .Thought of the blisters and laughed to myself the hullabulla made around me at these pin pricks so as to shame me.laughed becuase it was no where near the real thing .The constant jeering ,knowing looks and ringing of puja bells had made me forget a lot of my  real experiences and this was one.Mind cleared and decided not to get upset over such irritating childish teasing.
Caught a bus.Empty one but for few.Reached beach by 6.20am Lot of grey heads near Ghandhi statue who were chattering, walking , exersicing , chanting and some laughing aloud in the artificially and irritatingly boisterous.manner .
On reaching the sand took off slippers and put it  a carry bag.Then started walking down to the sea very gingerly ,afraid of stepping over shrads of glass that lie on  the beach.Had observed pieces of glasses popping up now and then on the beach , from my .earlier trips .Beach empty save for a few walkers ,some ruffians and a family.or two.
Sat on a log of wood placing both both my bare feet on the sands.A man in bermuda's was hovering around.Several planes came in from the sea. I could see and  hear thier  sounds a dull sound  very clearly.
The log was uncomfortable hence slid to the ground Saw a plane approach from the sea.  None of the others around looked up to see the way i was doing and am doing for past month or so.Natural for city dwellers , i was also thus, before stumbling upon this auditory masking and the importance of flights path and schedule in my daily life .It was ahuge one Gliding slowly Could see the cockpit dimly.I turned to watch it go.Felt a dull headache .Oh!So MMC was being used on me.How come?Was it becuase only one of my feet was on sand or did the layers of sand divorce the grounding?So was this a futile exercise?
I was so alert to escape MMC--Micro wave mind control, that i wasn't even enjoying my day out unlike my previous early morning  trips to the beach .
Several planes probably those i see from my window were gliding down from over the sea.Watched them Would the pilot or the passengers would ever know that a woman sitting down  below on the sands had her life entwined in these landings -the dull sound as the plane turned?No.To them sands would mark their entry into Chennai or India, would be preparing to disembark .Meetings to attend, relatives to be met and so on .Said softly Welcome to Chennai Welcome to India .Have no fear of me.Even if i raise my gold bangled hands i doubt whether a roughish micro wave will harm you all.As per my observation and experience of motor cars skidding at my raised hand ,the driver has to be at my chest level  for the ray to deflect and sting the drivers eyes making him lose his bearings for a few seconds .I would have to be on top of the nearby light house waving my hands to be at the pilots eye level.

The soft rays of early morning sun's reflection  over the sea was bewitching .Waves of silver poured over the sands .Was infraredrays being used to make it appear so attractive to my eyes?Brushed the silly thought.Can man made ray ever overtake the producer of the real ray?The producer of infra red rays in incalculable amount , a ball of silvery fire seemed to be just at arms length .Laughable even to think a mortals toy can compete with this cosmic brilliance.
As i sat on the sands watching kattumarans and small schooners bobbing on the sea the thought crept up
were they being used to send MMc?I have become so very alert to dirty tricks that the magic of my earlier trips was lost.
Saw a huge huge plane coming towards the land. Also saw a quaint , short man His dress that of a rustic with turban but it was not  the dress of  rustics of hereabout.The bermuda chap had left ..That short man unsettled me .Why?Was it the memory of losing my purse with money, wrist watch and photos and images of god to the waves in one of my trips much before 2014 and a similar looking man was coming down jauntily on my left caught my attention and stayed in my memory?or  it is the  night mare i had on the night of my utreus operation that shot my temperature up ?A very ordinary dream that  of a short man with turban similar to this man was  rising out of the chimney from roof of opposite tenement along with a young rustic boy .It sacred me like hell in that weakened state .two days later when i was asked to walk in the room saw the quaint man of my nightmare walk down in the street below the nursing home ,early in the morning and look up at my window as i stood looking out .
Of late it is these rustic and quaint short men who unsettle me .is it the effect of that nightmare or are mmc deliberately putting fear in me or unsettling me .who are these men? Are they sent by extreme left?Why is that i have no such discomfort with dark men or ruffians or dirty lungi.s or even rag pickers?                                                                                                                                       Actually I never had any discomfort in presence of any stranger howsoever shabby or shoddy or rustic,handicapped or diseased he or she maybe nor with people of other communities or of other regions or of other countries or she may be from or of dark colour, in  my entire  life .
ok back the beach .The bermuda left when ahuge huge plane came gliding down .Symbolic--if he was using microwave gadjets he couldnt or wasnot allowed to  when a hug huge plane is landing .So i had my half minute of  independance but it was seen to that i will not have it by sending this quaint man to distract my attention and it succeeded .what a achievment!.

Vexed i got up saying forget it drench your feet .The waves were miserly in their approach and draining but the artificial wetting wasn't.Stood watching plastic bottles and white cups brought in and taken back by the waves that were yet to reach me.Saw two skinny fisherman drag in thier kattumarans to the sand .To them sea will hold no mystery or charm , it is just a huge office to them.
just as i gave up hope of waves reaching me and decided to climb back to small sand dune a huge wave came surging and wet me upto my knees.Felt overwhelmed and also low.Said 'Good bye son 'as i watched the wave retract.His ashes were dissolved in the next beach but same sea .Put ahold on my emotions with suspicion leaping up
Was mmc being used to make me grieve all of a sudden?After learning about mmc and observing their effects in combination with flights ,on me i have to suspect the sudden swelling up of my emotions as well.Was that huge wave also generated?ridiculous.Shrugged of my suspicion and climbed back
It was a split second sorrow which pushed aside all the information and observations i had gained on mmc's and the layers of artifices built over systematically for past so many years by my exploiters and my reliance on my knowledge and intellect and gave me a glimmer of my original identity and a spot of memory  of the unbridgeable yawning gap of my loss.

Even now when i writing this after returning i am suspicious of mmc's Are they making me write on and on about my trip and emotion?For what?Fisherman politics?Pinning too much responsibilities on my shoulders.When will i be free of shani bhagwan's reign over me?

Ok back to the trip to test grounding.
After that low and quick bouncing back debated whether to walk along with the waves Would this region of lesser sand ward of mmc's attacks?remembered the leak whilst waiting for waves .No point in walking on the narrow strip of shore line which would be full of off loaded human dirt and muck which i would have ignored if that wet sand had warded off the climbed back dried myself in the wind The bermuda appeared again .
I started my usual trek on the flattened sands to kannagi statue which was 40 minutes away.towards north.Soon i felt that i wasn't enjoying my walk.All my concentration was set on avoiding glass shreds moreover didn't  i get a dull head ache earlier disproving that bloggers assertion that barefoot on bare earth will bounce off micro waves? So put on my chappals but hung on to the plastic cover resisting the temptation to dump it.As soon as i wore my slippers i stopped looking down and started looking around The huge long beach was the open space i was craving for .The sea shone in the distance like a blue glass and drank in the delicate lace like beauty of the spray sprinkling on the sands .no one was around Had the whole beach to myself .Heard the dull cluck cluck in my inner ears .So i was in path of micro wave radiation .good thing i didn't throw away the cover.removed my slippers  and put it in and experimented walking bare footed once again .The cluck went off .Didn't hear that irritating sound so bare foot walking works .felt elated.Feet felt warm and good in the warm sands Sort of accupresure .Concentration returned to body and not on  people and scenary around. Feet felt great with a tingling sensation ,it also looked reddish purple. was the radio frequency or micro waves  passing to the ground from my feet?
                                           So what? was free of that 24 hours of irritating unwanted companion .A unwanted  sound of companionship that stole my sense of privacy for past 5 years !What a torture i have been under going .Total deprivation of sense of privacy and there fore shackles on all my freedoms.No wonder the beach is always deserted when i go  there.Are people kept out of the micro wave  radiation?                                                                                                                               It must be a moderate level as the auditory effect viz burning my inner ears and consequent hearing of sound is a low cluck unlike the loud clicking sounds in June 2014 .Yet the hazard i have been put to is truely inhuman and sadistic.How well this secret has been guarded all these years with all those in know keeping mum.Silence is assent.

Well ,walking bare foot on  the sands worked and i was having my sense of  privacy  .

As i walked on Saw Vivekananda 's statue ,a dazzling gold in the sunlight sitting in calm repose like Buddha, like Brahma ,like Siva.
Further on passed very young couples.I am so out of touch with that phase f life.The budding of creation .They are so near nature yet so very mystified by it.

After 30 minutes of walking on the sands reached the spot where the entrance to Tiruvallikeni temple is visible.Paid my obseince to Parthasarathy swamy who is Krishna ,as the charioteer of Arjuna Vishnu
was visible of the arch.
Stood musing.What was this place like a 1000years back?This temple is a lot older than 1000yeras as it is said that Ramanujar's parents worshipped this deity and performed  yagas and homamas in here in order to beget a child and Ramanujar was born soon there after this pilgrimage.
Ramanujar was a son born of vows,tapas, pujas and longings.He must have been cherished by them ,later to be cherished by so many others .till date.
The sea could have been nearer and this place a quiet and calm.village. with nothing obstructing the view enabling the sun and the deity to greet each other every morning . The deity whose words of wisdom is like a anchor in the turbulent sea of life.
From here on the sands thinned .and the service roads and main road  that run parrelel to the beach was nearer.A dark man walking from opposite side a aeroplane''s sound was heard and i felt that annoying sensation down below.kindling anger.Why is this dirty game being played on and on ?The farce of conversion is also mixed into this .Is it to rile or cock a snook at those who are dead against coversion by making me a example of public, though shadowy form of conversion victim  they have to squirm and watch helplessly? No other reason can justify this sudden attempt at conversion after2014 general elections apart from rubbing the political leaders ,wrongly.That outburst was also the result of  minions .i still  remember the teriffic tingling i felt in base of my spine .must have been administrerd an excessive dose of extremely low but high power radio frequency whilst i bathed and how is my bathing in my bathroom or do  what i like in my bathroom a law and order problem?It is those who are peeking  in into another man's house and trying to control his wife to the extent of monitering her,my bathing who needs to be punished and need to be thus chastised .If not for that heavy dose i would have never written that undiplomatically .so who ever did that  to me has queered my pitch .Instead of holding such persons responsible i am being held responsible and continue to be whipped.

How ever  two years and another  election [assembly]is too long  a time to harbour so much ill will  towards me and i am reasoning that all this is to unsettle the champion s of anti conversion .As per net it is the shadowy wing of intelligence or army that uses these types of gadjets.Intelligence works for both  state and  center, independant of each other,Why should we think that india or its states are still backward and its intelligence services do not have such weapons like MMC  or that they will not resort to nasty and dirty tricks and that they are holier than other spy agencies of the world?Unlike US there is hardly any information about the doings ,the dirty doings of our intel agencies in public domain.No de classification , nothing

This is what i read on wikki.-Effect of Radio frequency on human body--
Extremely low frequency but high power are known to induce perceivable currents within body that create annoying tingling sensation .
These currents will typically flow to ground through body contact surface such as feet on the ground..

Further Micro wave as a weapon ----are two viz heat ray and death ray

 Heat ray --This is a harrassment device that makes use of micro radio frequencies to create an  unpleasant heating effect in upper layer of skin .
Active denial system is publicly known heat ray weapon developed by US military to deny enemy acces to an area  .
i am sure this is used very often on me .i have felt the sudden heating of my face and forhead whenever i near a shop or house owned by a muslim or go near lone muslim man and this is soon followed by sweating .which means being  considered as a enemy of Muslims and i am actively denied entry to thier places  or go near them specially  if it is on a public street! This has been happening since 2012.

Death ray ---is a weapon that delivers heat ray ,eletromagnetic energy at levels that injure human tissues .The inventor of death ray lost his eyes when developing it .

Was this used to create terrific pressure on my heart at bed  the night when i  analysed my illiberal take the false public preception[ must have been mind controlled to give false views.Frankly in india nobody cares about personal lives of Political leaders ,all turn a blind eye ] of on SG's illness and thus rendered  it useless as a evidence to overcome a harsh law in US in early 2014 ?
Was this also used on my hub in August 2012 that gave him a heart attack and has permanently weakened his heart?
Micro wave as a weapon doesnot require a implant .it can act without it also.

 As i neared the street at the end of my 40 minutes walk and turned towards it a crow sitting in the small patch of shade of a vendors handcart was cawing .It was looking at the service road and kept cawing.It looked so cute and so out of place that i stopped to stare at it .it was fully concentrating on its work that of warning me.Looked at the direction of its beak and saw a ruffian get off his scooter and walk towards me.i  moved to my right and that person looked away /In my experience only muslims who come deliberately looking for me look away from me when i am in a sari that shows a bit of my wais.
Now the crow started to chuckle.Ok what was that ruffian  capable of doing ? invite heat ray attack  on me as i am his enemy?who sent him?whom does the crow ,my alerts since 2014 represent?Was it helping me ? Dropped analysis and caught a auto from the busy main road Found vehicles going crazy at turnings .Hid my bangles  of left hand with a hanky .then felt a sting in my right eyes at a crossing .Then i covered my right hand bangles with my bag

Hid them to avoid accidents to others and me .

Now the q is who is using these micro waves/heat rays on me in such heavy traffic? .is it easily available in market for any one to use or is it used only by shadowy wings of intells?If it is former it shows they are  terrorists  if it is the latter , are the agencies  so irresponsible as to put some many lives at risk just to keep me in check?


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