Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Front runner /pioneer.

Early this morning i wrote down my observations and my angsts .Was thinking of blogging that piece after a week or so as i have a trip to make .Is it a sense of grandiosity or the need to play god that has made me come on net and blog it today itself.Where from am i deriving this ? Is it from the fact that ordinary peoples  or rather middleclass persons views are  often read to form a true opinion of a country  by other countries and i had several such illustrations from my own life in past before i was forced out of blogging?
ok why am i again getting into this wilfully by blogging? what i am going to blog  will show despite my ravings and rantings against shadowy arm of intels that i too like people of other Wn democarcies do posses the guts and freedom to do so and still be alive and kicking to tell it and this will strengthen india's bid for nsg?Laughable ?But i have tasted the power of blogging in past in some facets of foreign affairs as  also the brickbats that followed it though no accolades, yet the temptation that may be a chance say 1over 1000 like the risk i have been made into ,to lowflying aircrafts , a chance to pitch in to make india prosperous has made to type this out---

Wednesday--22.6.16  7.40am

It is true!There is some threat to huge huge planes landing from deflection of mmc or rf's from my gold bangles .How?
Last night i scarcely had any sleep .Maybe punishment for my blog on 'placating'.Yesterday the temple warned 'Donot  blame and abuse shut your mouth and open your heart'.I have taken to closing my ears tightly when this hourly advise which has once again started to roll out after recent assembly elections ,lest i get unduly influenced but was in midst of some work or lost alertness and i didn't take this precaution and so heard it Maybe who ever controls the temple  was issuing the warning.This temple used to bare out only songs on Amman for 12  years of our stay here  has started relaying such advise since ge of 2014.
Decided to walk around in my compound for20 minutes barefoot in the morning instead of going out into the streets.Wore my watch.

Went down at 6.30 am At 6,45 saw a huge tanker probably concrete mixer parked at front of the second gate blocking out the petty shop from view.
Felt it was becuase i was walking  around.Is it really for me?If it left after a plane flying by then it would mean so .so kept a look on the skies .As i walked to B block and took a turn towards east and came up nera my block saw a huge plane visible in the east . gliding down .i Stopped and waited .The plane vanished from sight within  few seconds may be i missed its full visual when i was behind b block. Soon a boy got into the cabin seat and the driver drove off .
I contd walking around wondering at the blocking.Heard lower floor resident the mimic or representative of my ' Father' talking to his daughter .
Came up .Mind cleared after getting down to earth.A mind  that was bombarded with name of god of another community whole of yesterday ,whenever i bent down  and i had lost my alertness to forestall it by chanting rama or narayana whenever i bent a technique i use of late to ward of such mischief.

Why is there no such blocking of plane from my sight at other times of day and at night? I keep moving up and down my house .East to west.There are very many close landings at night , all through the night.And i sleep with open window in the bedroom facing the landing path with my bangles on
Is it becuase Law and order people donot want to bathe me in micro wave radiation when streets are busy and dare not risk it? Whereas in early mornings there are hardly any one on the roads.So at those  time's i can be  safely be fully drenched in it?
I am writing what i observe.Instead of reigning in those given a free run over my life and property and privacy ,i am asked to shut up and keep quiet.
Watched people  walking up and down the street, like going to school or workplace, Their blissful normalcy  contrasted sharply with my present life that i felt sick.--Am i really such a threat ?Who messed up with me so much to make me one?That person is responsible , not me .

Another q , how is my exact location known?Is it implant or is there a gps in my watch?
Another observation ==I am constantly watched .My blogs and writings read , my moves anticipated [ only mmc's micro wave mind controllers who can read my thoughts can do that] and there are two authorities involved --State  or those who have got hold of such devices [non-state] for punishing and centre for protecting planes from me!
That tanker with steel or aluminium body was stationed to deflect any deflection of rays from my bangles .Aluminium and gold are capable of deflecting such rays as per wikki and as per my own personal observation.
I have to suffer for others vagaries  and their arrogance in suspending all my rights and in taking too many liberties over me 
Assuming following from my experience and the representation of lower floor couples of,politically powerful leaders/ parents of  a 4 year child as  as my parents --
1.Since law and order is state subject TN is punishing me with ray attacks for offending minos with my writings .It may fear the extreme elements and wants to keep the ordinary ones in good spirits hence instead of telling them to stop intruding in a majority community persons household and life, is asking me to grin and bear it.
2.working of federalism---TN says my job is law and order so i will put this mischief maker -me, under heavy radiation or delusional control. will not bother if some of it gets deflected and stings  that pilot eyes and brings down the plane even it may be full of mino's and it may fall over them in here , since airspace is not my jueisdiction , it is centres.
So centre has to keep a eye on me to protect those in its jurisdiction --air space [even if it is just 300-500 feet above ground of a state ] 
Wow ! This is true spirit of federalism.Federalism to the dot!Did my grandfather ever envisage that he would one day put his grand daughter in a tricky situation when he was debating the various clauses of our constitution regarding federalism?Would it have ever crossed his mind that the freedom he fought for from alien rule and the sacrifices he made and ultimately savouring the success of gaining it would be denied to his descendant for the sake of descendants of those who never fought for it?

3. scenario -=-There is a implant which receives radio waves and those who have hacked in or know of of it are sending extra dose of such frequencies and therefore the gold i wear could deflect any one such  wave  and this may or may not sting the pilots eyes but may interefere in his planes frequency whilst  landing ,like how all on board are asked to switch off mobile when taking off or landing so that radio waves should not interfere in planes frequencies .Hence a huge truck stationed to deflect such deflections .

What ever the issue may be Secularism vs communalism or left extremism and terrorism, state vs centre --federalism or politics or both,the fact is that i am seen as threat to lowflying aircraft.

I could have been made to remove my mangal sutra and  ordered to wear only plastic bangles , sarees without zari==gold coated silver threads , under heavy hypnosis after 2014 june and  so that  my gold pendant and gold bangles would not be there to deflect the heavy dose of radio waves beamed at me and cause interefernce in a plane's system.All easy methods to stave a potential risk to aircrafts to which a blind eye had been on turned till 2014 ge.

Why did conversion creep in?That would not have made me remove gold , every woman  in india wears gold to which ever community she may belong to .. Even if i was scared out of meditating in my bedroom which faces planes landing how would conversion changed this ?I could still meditate there though turning west and my bangles still twisting this or that side.and deflect or was it expected that by holding the threat of conversion i ll shut up or that by blowing some alien words into my forhead  i will simper and my wicked thoughts will take flight ?
It could be for this---

1.Revenge for words written

2.cover up for actual intent and confuse me lest i come on net and blog credibily and scientifically and make it clear as to what was the real problem and lay bare the workings of the shadowy arm of the government
I am the first person in my country to lay bare such shady works by intel crooks etc after actually experiencing it first hand , being at the receiving end.

Quite  a achievment! i didn't fulfill my dream of getting into ias and develop a district .i didn't earn my keep by putting my education  to use .i didnt send my sons to US for a better quality of life.           Back bencher in life but front runner in a land of one  billion and more,  by being the first and only person so far ,in unravelling the technologies used by intels all on my own and in revealing the unethical and immoral methods used by these persons ,the  shadowy arm of  State agencies  that have no fear of ever being punished for thier dirty works.

I am not hiding behind the sheild of  altruism in doing this, saying i am revealing all this so that others will escape and not meet my miserable fate. I am doing or venting out  all this  for myself ,


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