Monday, June 20, 2016

Combination of waves

Pondering over the  way i am heated and then cooled alternately, browsed net .

Ravindran of popular science answers the quetion can micro wave cool and says no.Thay can only speed up atoms and not slow them down  as per a prof of Massachusts univ who is a expert on microwave.

This blogger says scientists have found that lasers  can still a atom ,decrease its energy, momentum and then cooling it .This drop is a couple of 100 degrees farenheit in less than a second.This laser is not used in cooling food because it can act only on low density gases of atoms of a single element.

So fisrt i am heated  viz -forhead ,and  other parts by micro wave and then laser is used to cool me hence perspiration or liquid leaks out.
just as i  had guessed earlier a combination of electromagnetic waves are being used very liberally all over me
Hindus in vicinity are shown as provcateurs[heaters, causing irritation ] whilst minos  in vicinity are shown as placaters[making my body cool down with sweat and fluids coolants] when such waves are used on me alterantely.


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