Anti -conversion Law
As a young adult i read about mass conversions of tribals in north east who had become civilised owing to the sacrifices of Christian missionaries .Those brave men [as per such articles and general impression in the circles i moved ]had left the comforts of their homes to live in forests infested with snakes and disease so as to educate uncouth and ignorant tribals and civilise them.So what if they were converted to Christianity in that civilising process.
This was news ,a piece of information about distant regions .It hardly touched me .
When i first started to browse the Internet in my 50's having been introduced to it only in this late age due to force of circumstances [if not for this blog site created for me by my son when i was 50 years old i would have never come on the net or browsed it so widely.Had he been alive after creating it, again i would never have got so involved in this blog site or read from Internet]
When i started visiting various sites to pass the time i smiled to myself at the paranoia of many bloggers at conversions that took place earlier and also taking place now.
How can i billion Hindus be converted to other folds so easily?
Apart from gullible , innocent and ignorant persons getting converted enmasse which was only a news to be read and forgotten what bemused me more was the news of very educated persons and famous author like kamala das and several popular film personalities of Chennai converting to Islam.It made me wonder how can change of ones religion to another to solve one's psychological or emotional problems? These persons who have converted are not in want of money but are trying to solve their emotional problems thinking this religion will solve it for them.These problems can be done away with by any trained therapist . i felt sort of let down only when a famous no nonsense journo cum ex minister Arun shourie exhibited his bitterness at our religion and favoured Buddhism as a panacea for his terrible personal problems .Felt let down because despite his scholarship and knowledge he was not able to find solutions and, comfort in our religion nor understand it properly where as I in some what similar circumstances did not find it wanting .
Few years back was going through the debates of constituent assembly that took place from 1947 -1950 which i found were available on the net which just a click .I wanted to know about the role my grand father played in them as i had heard from my father that my maternal grandfather was member of constituent assembly and had helped draft the constitution .
Going through his debates on various clauses of the constitution i learnt that he was forefront in pushing for a law on anti conversion!
This was surprising news for me .As i continued to read his arguments in favour of such a bill i was amazed at his very strong views on this subject.It also embarrassed me .It jarred at my moderate cum 'secular' views.My secular views =Do not offend other communities .
His convictions did not touch me . It was his views not mine.The fact that his quest was shot down by majority of his party members also did not bother me .This indifference was what i felt then but no longer now.
Now i admire his lack of hypocrisy and his determination in adhering to his inner convictions and his perseverence in trying to achieve it.
Let me give two other examples of my secular reactions to happenings in public sphere.decades back.
1. When Vajpayee was the pm he called for a debate on conversion immediately after the murder of a Australian missionary. i found his call for debate so soon after a horrific incident as being highly insensitive.
2. The present cm of Tamilnadu in one of her earlier tenure as cm had passed the anti conversion bill .i .immediately felt that she was doing a political blunder .She would be antagonizing other communities and this would cut into her votes .She did away with this bill after sometime. I wish now that she hadn't.
3.Read about mass conversions to Islam by SC villagers down south few decades back.This news also didn't touch me.
Apart from my upbringing which was free of rancour or discrimination against other communities i formed my opinions mainly by reading mainstream media papers which have consistently for decades in no end have blacked out the news on the other side ,about provocations the other side could be facing and not supplying enough information or statistics regarding any controversial activities they may be indulging in and generally painting all minorities as goody goody ones pitted against baddy baddy Hindus ,This is the impression i still get by reading newspapers or watching debates on private TV and even on DD, on such 'controversial issues'.It is no wonder that in a recent TV interview a christian father who was thanking the TV channel for taking interest in the mishap his son encountered ,said 'we rely only on media and supreme court' .Naturally as media seems to be catering only to their needs and, problems and is leaving the other 80 % out in the cold and refuses stubbornly to present the true picture with impartiality of any 'controversial' happenings.All this i got to know only when i read information provided by other side on internet , so thorough was my brain washing for 50 years of my life.
I have no grudges against judges .On the whole i have great regards for their wisdom .
The media never supplies honest information on such happenings but only opinions.It does not allow the reader to form his or her opinion by supplying impartial information on such subjects .it spoon feeds.
My plight/ viz on the conversion attempts on a middle class Hindu family right in the middle of a metropolis will never catch their exalted attention .
In recent times several villagers in south Tamilnadu are holding the threat to convert to Islam if they were not given eminence in a particular temple festival and its rituals.
Now i have some reaction .If they are converting to another religion with the sole purpose of teaching rest of the Hindu community a lesson for relying too much on vedic practises and rituals why can't they convert to Buddhism like SC's do up north ?Buddhism does not accept the primacy of vedas .It has no caste.yet it is considered as part of Hinduism.Buddhism that is practised in India consists of worshipping Buddha .In many Hindu mythologies Buddha is seen as avatar of Vishnu.Jayadeva the 12 th cent saint has sung songs praising Buddha avatar of Vishnu.Plus Hindu family law the personal of Hindus relying upon century old customs includes Buddhists along with Jain's and Sikh's in definition of Hindus.
By leaving the Hindu fold they will be losing several liberal forward modern property and marriage rights and all those constitutional reservations enjoyed by them in education and in jobs.This is on the assumption that state govts do not by pass constitution and gift those who have left Hindu fold with equal or more concessions thus making a mockery of the very basis of such concessions given to sc's making all those sc's who have remained loyally in the hindu fold despite centuries of humiliations , to feel cheated and short changed.
It is my view that persons who convert to other religions like islam or christianity either under persuasion or on own accord so as to escape the low caste and very low social status in Hindu society to trade for equality in society with all in these communities ,that so pride themselves in thier casteless society and some of whom also deride our caste ridden Hindu society ,will be negating the very purpose of thier conversion if they still linger on to thier caste or sc status by seeking concessions from the govt on basis of caste they were born into.It is a blatant contradiction It is making a mockery of .Hindus penitence ,which has been incorporated in the constitution.
Actual experiences in life can touch one and give one the courage to take a stand .I am taking it now.I want a bill on anti conversion .Had it been a law as my grand father had so much desired would any one had dared to try and convert me with such impunity ?
The painful screwing i was made to undergo all the nights of June 2014 made a zombie out of me.The ejection of fluids from my bowels nearly every half hour in the first half of September 2014 dehydrated and exhausted me and broke my natural defences and confidence in me .The commands ,the nagging persuasions coupled with threats and lures to leave my religion and become a christian along with that dehydrating process i was subject to , shattered my confidence in being a proud Hindu who had strutted around thinking that in my country which is synonymous to Hindus and Hinduism , no one will dare touch me .Well i was not only touched by this no touch torture but also abused in full public glare without a murmur of protest from my own community , viz Hindus !
What held them back? What held me back with total indifference to conversions all these years?
There is no concept of conversion in our religion .Hence we just don't know as to what it implies.It is unthinkable for us to intrude into others beliefs , customs and faith and to bring them to our fold either forcibly or persuasively .There was no concept of conversion from the very inception of Hinduism.Our minds have been set thus for centuries.It is only when i personally came up against the brazen conversion attempts of other two Abrahamic communities in September 2014 , done in a unique manner by sending mental commands that i realized the following---
1.Conversion is a sacred and honoured duty of these religions and has its full fledged backing.They were launching a full fledged offensives on me because they have no guilt at intruding into others beliefs unlike Hindus.
2.As a Hindu we have no such religious duties and i had to tap into my own convictions to defend such a despicable onslaught and on my determination that i would rather die than change religion under persuasive threats and lures.
This conversion process had started on me since 2012 .it was subtle then .it was shown in following manner
1.Touching and spilling off food prepared on the days shradha was performed in my house .The special food kept on the table after the ceremony was over and which no one else apart from immediate family members can partake , would be disturbed deliberately when i left the flat empty for just 30 minutes or so.
2. The pictures of various deities were dirtied , blackened here and there and smeared with smelly yellow dirt in its corners.
3.Severing emotional links of my husband with me by giving him commands that made him find me revolting and rendering him powerless and dumbing him down by giving him a heart attack and weakening his heart. some what like conversion under sword .Change or die or see those around you die. jeering commands were sent to me in the few intimate moments i had with my husband so as to put him down and come between us and create a rift, isolate me /us and then offer a kind me..Some what like love jihad
4.Created so much revulsion or fear in him that he did not attend the 12 th day ceremony of both his elder brothers .It is on the 12 th day that the departed person is joined with our pitrus .Pitru worship is a important feature of Hinduism. This was very uncharacteristic him to do so.The only reason for this could be the mental commands from rf's or micro waves he was subject to like i am . Some rituals in these ceremonies were grossly trifled by Hindus themselves .They were clearly arm twisted to do so..i saw tears in a old woman's eyes when she did something odd in one of these ceremonies which she knew was wrong and against traditional practises and her belief.
5.I caught myself reading magazines and books on Hinduism from back to front and turning pages from back to front in the manner in which Muslims read their books .
6.Whenever i looked at myself in the mirror after washing my face to apply kumkum i could feel or absorb the command of appreciation sent by some one watching me at my bindi less face.
.7. making me feel isolated from my community and all neighbours and making me feel very comfortable only in Muslims company specially my immediate neighbours living in upper floor.
After 2014 -conversion attempts were full fledged .No nicety .No more slow and steady persuasions .It was all out attack.on me
The following was and is sought to be done
1.Complete wiping out of my identity by removing confidence in myself ,and in my families abilities to protect me and the helplessness of few who knew as to what was being done to us .
2. losing sense of self worth by trivializing my abilities , teasing my private parts with rfs at will and applauding the incontinence as evidence of my base nature. Constantly portraying me as a child by making some chosen children in my flat to cry.before 2012 it was Muslim boy after 2014 it is a Hindu girl so as .to constantly hammer into my head that my mental capacity is no higher than a child of 4 and i needed to be taken care of.
This bring to my mind a interview of Muslim woman libber in a international conference on women say proudly that for all her capacities she is still a child to her husband who treats her as such.Was this applied on me as well and is still being done by those who have cunningly supplanted themselves in my husband's place?
3. Creating revulsion in all that has been part of one's life style so far.Erecting walls against all those who were near and dear by injecting poisonous meanings into filial and family relationships .Creating horror towards gods one has worshipped for decades and preventing one from visiting temples by making the priests mistreat one and after 2014 to make me have incontinence whenever i visit a temple and make Hindus recoil in horror at me , thus discouraging me from visiting temples .
4. Turning ones own community against one so that one would would find it easier to cry and rely on the shoulder of person of another community who is waiting in the wings for this weakening to convert one easily. . 5.Totally uprooting the sense of belonging to this land and society and also slowly losing all sentiments attached to this land and creating insecurity Is this how some minorities feel viz no attachment to this land its sacredness and feel like as if they are visitors from another land who should keep aloof and away from others and stick only to their community ?Those who were and are trying to convert do feel thus as they are dumping all this into my head and my life . if not why should the mental notes i make to be conveyed to my husband or son be always preceded as if on cue by
presence of a Muslim in the vicinity?
Now when i am gaining my confidence and regaining my memory ,it makes me wonder the guts of those converting me and their continued attempts though i have made it public in my blogs.
Apart from the sanctions given by their religion for conversions what else emboldens them to act with such impunity?They have no fear of law because there is no law preventing conversions.
Laws are bent , yet there will be some fear that the law can be evoked and this will be a deterrent on such activities.
Amongst officer goers there is fear of scheduled atrocities act . So much fear that they dare not utter even a word against them for fear of landing in jail .
whilst we are prepared to have laws that penalises dipping into historical injustices [ i hold no grudge against any law that confers special priveleges to sc's who have not converted to christianity or islam and have remained in the Hindu fold, The ill treatment meted to them by all our anscestors even if it be a century and half back still makes me squirm in discomfort ]why are we baulking at laws to defend our religion and in my case against conversion?
it is also my view that all those who have been lured or persuaded to embrace islam or christianity with the main intention of upgrading their very low social /low caste state cannot then claim or be gifted with concessions that sc's enjoys.Then the very purpose of their conversion viz equality with all in that community or being a member of a casteless society that these religions so pride themselves in , will be negated. Caste is only for Hindus.And this is derided by other why should it be allowed to linger on into those converting to such communities, who have converted seeking to escape this and to gain social status?
How i wish my grand father had succeeded in those debates from 1947-50 on the need to incorporate articles that would come down heavily on conversions and had brought his party colleagues around.
written on 28.7.16.
Maybe i wrote this due to suggestions and induced head aches/microwaves ,though my opinion on this was clear for a long time,many months before .Hence i hesitated to blog it as i a had a suspicion that those who may have knowingly or unknowingly facilitated conversion by jamming and squeezing out liquids out of me could have triggered this urge in me to write down this view of mine .
A Hindu neighbour's genuine concern at conversion attempts on me betrayed by a unconscious jerk of head on hearing the 'call to faithfuls' and then turning towards me , a neighbour who may be working for the same govt which facilitated it has how ever has given me a shot of confidence , the moral support that at least one person of my community , a Hindu is not indifferent to my plight and i should blog this, .
Addition on 18.9.16 .
A week back enroute to my annual trip to Sri Varadharaja swamy temple at Kanchipuram 50 kms away , by ac bus which has huge glass windows despite my bodily pain and fever i had developed [probably induced for not shifting or deleting or putting this post on redraft] i observed that huge container lorries would come between the side of the bus i was seated and traffic on other side at turnings and junctions .I also observed that a ganapthi temple was on the other side of the road or festivities related to ganapathi puja were going on nearby .i also observed take offs of planes at such traffic snarls caused by such container lorrioes -the huge ones with metallic body without any aperture or windows .
This happened so many times on our way to the temple town in the morning hours viz 8--10 am that i knew that it was being done to protect not me . no way , but protect motorists or pedestrians who may be struck by deflection of Radio frequency waves that were being sent to me viz my implant in my teeth.i also experienced mild headaches . which i associate with micro wave mind tuning or commanding radiation and signals .
So some one knew that i would receive heavy radiation and RF's on way to this temple and that some one was taking precaution to ensure safety of motorists caught unwittingly in this unceasing tug of war being played over me.If that some one were one and the same viz with the persons relaying these RFwaves then it would mean that some one wants the cake and also eat it.
That is on one hand encourage conversion and sectarianism by allowing this censoring on my visiting temples ,specially those temples which are very popular in my sect since it is on such temple visits that i experience obvious nastying and observe so much hullabula in traffic and on other protect motorists , [mostly from other communities who will be nearby in pursuance of this conversion cum sectarian change that is foisted on me ,]stray defelction of such heavy beaming of RF's from my gold bangles!
1.If i visit vishnu temples i will be made to have this incontinence .
2. if i am in vicinity of ganesha temple which are numerous , in every street corner ,there would be heavy beaming of rf signals and there is liklihood of its deflection that could cause minor accidents specially to christians near that temple.It could be deflection from my gold bangles or some aluminium metals found on nearby small vehicles like auto or scooter or car or name plates of houses etc.
what a sick and cowardly mind it is that devised this implant and executed it and is still executing it.Shame on humanity and also.shows little regard for our democracy. and rule of law .It is that person or people who are a threat to our society, humanity and country and not me .It also shows intolerence to others views on any subject and total indifference to a persons inalienable rights .
If the implant in my teeth was done by liberals in 2011,which is making me dance like a puppet, lose all my sense of privacy and make a mockery of marital and property rights what moral right do they have to speak of intolerence in society and polity to which they have suddenly woken up after change at helm in 2014?.
Those who turned a blind eye to my plight since 2011 despite my public pleas have ceded and lost the moral ground to show case me as a classic example of liberals/psuedoseculars intolerence .
Addition on 2.10.16
I am seeing another intent behind my conversion attempts that was launched full scale after 2014 general elections in September 2014.It is economic angle.
Those persons with wealth amassed by political power to sustain themselves personally as well as the costly political process [reality of indian politics] wanted to deprive me of my right to my matrimonial home and my inheritance and render me penniless .[Both are laughably small when compared to the scale of money and wealth that flows in politicians hands ,yet they are my anchor as well as my freedom]
It could be a revenge for my posts on corruption .
Ok how would conversion make me penniless and literally make me beg amma thaaye pitcha podu [mother give me money]
The legal angle---
1. If i converted myself to other religions then i lose my rights under Hindu marriages and succesion act . i will no longer have right over my husband's property ,the matrimniol house and he continuing to be a hindu and then to succession ,as i would no longer be a legal heir .So i would literaly be home less
2.If i converted i would lose my inheritance from my faters side It will revert back to his other legal heirs .Which would mean that i would lose my economic independance and become penniless.
So had i succumbed to threats and lure mainly threats to my family held over me in september 2014 and even merely acquisised to those mental commands to embrace christianity my economic deprivation would have been done in full i have said earlier muslim conversion attempts didn't involve any conversation but just one blowing of thier gods name in my ears once and then proceeding on the assumption that conversion was done .
Why was all this done?I observed that the saiboo --the upper floor resident who openly declared his intent to control me in 2012 showed his anger on two occasions viz--1.when i wrote about history, hinduism and my observations on blog censors .How could he control me if not through rfid im planted in my teeth .which means he has the ID number of the rfid.probably of my husbands also.
2. when i wrote about corruption ,even if it was in humourous vein.
So apart from teaching me a lesson for my objections to censors ,the upholders of secularism it was also to do teach me lesson for my blog posts which were in tune with the national sentiment at the height of anna movt.against corruption .
this conversion attempts were done only when this movt had lost its steam viz 2014 as there was no more fear of society
Poor Ghandhi did he take birth today a century and quarter back for this?
Now a very important question arises .Why should defence be involved in this conversion attempt ?
And the question arises What is the job of the defence?Is it to protect the nation from external threats or save politicians from internal embarrassments?
Is it thier job to teach lone small time 'activists' like me a lesson ? I never considered myself to be a activist either on safe guarding hinduism or on anti corruption .i was just taking part in public discourse off and on with my posts
.Probably others viewed me as a activist.
ok even if i am considered as an activist .Does blogging on Hinduism and corruption equal terrorisism and naxalism that defence has to facilitate conversion and keep me under its eye?
Lets assume that i do pose a threat to security of this nation then why isn't my rfid [which was slyliy implanted ,without my knowledge or consent in a root canal operation in 2011,the source of all trouble to me and others ],disabled by using its password?
Those who could actually disable it are continuing with it and so it seems that those in charge wants the cake and also to eat it .
Id like to relate a drama an emotional black mail that was played out on me in the days when i was successfully kept away from net and from blogging , in 2015 and conversion was attempted in full swing.
one day back from my walk i was confronted by hurt looks of the mother of a saiboo .Saiboo is the name given to muslims in my family circle in andra pradesh and i prefer using it .Earlier i was confronted by hurt look on mother of a param pita--[i have named christians as this word was often used in that month long conversion attempts in sept 2014].This was in reaction to my mentioning my discovery of thier roles in the, on going conversion drama my diary.
These mothers were making me feel guilty for ratting out on the pivotol role thier sons could have played in the conversion attempts on me by noting it in my diary.
It was like as if they were doing a great favour to me by sending thier sons in thier jihad and crusade missions ,to convert me and i was being ungrateful !
It was also like this -that i went begging and pleading to them to convert me as i realised myself or some body realised and made me realise that i was becoming communal day by day owing to the fact that i was finding solace in my religion to overcome the grief of the death of vidat.And i was doing a greater crime by sharing my nuggets of wisdom from hinduism and even radicalised by linking some of it to my real life experiences!.
There fore i was upsetting minorities security and it was my bounden duty as a responsible citizen is, to play down my discovery of hinduism or even better convert to one of thier religions and forget my grief laden past .
So finding solace for my grief in my religion the religion of the majority community is communal .if i found solace in other religions it is secular!
Ok what if those two mothers were in my place?.Would they be treated as communal for finding solace in thier respective religions?if they start blogging thier experiences and start sharing thier insight into thier religion on the net would they be considered as a threat to the secular fabric of this country and be slyly implanted with rfid's and a boorish hindu would be given the id numbers and he would boast when their husbands and family is away ,.that he had come to control them?And if they still didn,t stop reading thier religious texts and still share them on net will they be forcibly converted to hinduism ,citing law and order problem?
would any one dare to give control of a married middle aged middle class non brahmin woman say a obc or bc to a saiboo or any other person in here on the ground that they were upsetting secularism with thier blog posts? wouldn't that controller be done away the very next day and even cause riots to break out?Where as for years no one has bothered about me being controlled and similar indifference shown when conversion was attempted publicly.Brahmins like us who are not very wealthy or not in power are soft targets in this game of power.We are the expendables .
It seems that for me to even to grieve i have to take permission .such luxuries are for the others and not for me.if i dare think of my past and my late sons tragic demise i will be doing the cardinal sin of pouring over various texts on Hinduism to get a grip over myself, undertake temple tours , share it on net and radicalise young hindus and incite them to become communal and be the sole cause for riots to break out in all corners of Bharat.
So i have to be kept constantly high with help of micro waves,be kept reeling in the induced artificial and superficial pleasures of the body , if cancer results from blisters caused by such waves in my private parts why should it matter to those doing it as they are safe and sure that such things like making thier woman scratch in thier private parts when they are about to pray or make them leak in places of worship or near images of god and constant pricks to thier sensitive places with rf'swhich could result in cancer ,will never happen to them.