Monday, August 22, 2016

An example as how i am deliberately set up for sectarianism

When i was successfully scared out of blogging i kept away from it for nearly a year.One day i decided to get my translations of aazhwars typed and then print it and sell it and make money , .making money out of my blogging was the original purpose of creation of this blog site by my late son .I wanted to see whether this objective could fructify by printing and selling translations that were popular in my blog.
Since the cost of printing was daunting nearly 35,000 rs which was due to the condition that a minimum 500 -1000 copies have to be printed in one go , i dropped the idea of printing .Even if i paid the above sum would i be able to sell all the copies without any backing  from publishers or sellers advertisers?Un likely.I would have to store them in my cupboard and let dust gather over it
So i dropped the idea and decided to get the typed script in a book form and get a few  printouts  40 - 50 in number and see if they sell.If not distribute them amongst relatives .
So i first got a print out of 50 copies of Periaazwars translation of pallandu and thondaradi podi aazhwras thiru palliyezhuchi .Had to do 6 -10 proof readings and after several tiring trips to the xerox shop and back , finally had my first baby in my hand.
Sent few copies to several organisations related to hinduism and the only favourable response was from the book stall at Tiruvallur veeraraghava swamy temple .The manager said that all my copies were sold out as NRI's were interested in such simple and interesting translations .I didn't even get back the sum i invested as a heavy discount  was requested [which seems to be the norm in sale of books related to hinduism]and i obliged dedicating the proceeds made by the temple to the deity.But the fact that were takers for my booklets  encouraged me to translate all 3 aazhwars mainly thirumangai aazwars pasurams on Veeraragha swamy and went with great enthusiasm to this typing and xerox shop to  get 20 printouts in the first instance and then if they wereall sold in that temple then get more printouts .

So i sat down with the female typist to get it typed .The english translation  was full of errors. I sat with her nearly 10 times in succeeding days to get the correct spellings.and finally managed to do so .and with great happy anticipation asked the owner to take print outs and staple them into book form.He did it hastily amidst lot of commotion in that small shop.
Came home with the bundle and put them in cover to be deposited with  the day .i was so sure that it would be perfect,that i didn't even check the contents.Next day just before mailing i glanced at it casually and saw that nearly all the first and last words were missing .Blurred and missing.A mistake in alignment?That man was very experienced  in taking print outs etc , so unlikely .

The machine was deliberately jammed .why?earlier,even the typists mistake free scripts on computer were after second or third proof readings were  found to be full of spelling mistakes much to her amazement as well as mine .We were sure that final typing on her computer  in that shop was perfect ,without any mistakes when ever we sat together and completed the correction and even revised it.So some mischief was done to her computer so that the spelling mistakes kept cropping up , tiring her as well as me.But after 10 th attempt it was spelling mistakes free but the faulty print out rendered the book meaningless.
so why was this being done .I felt that  it was  done deliberately .The reason is this--In one of the pasurams/stanzas Thirumangai aazhwar whilst praising Veeraraghava swamy [mahavishnu]in his Vamana avatar says that Ganga which Vishnu created in his Vamana avatar washes his sacred feet and then falls on the matted  locks of Siva.  So sectarians the newly found ones are up in arms  viz a drama of being up in arms was sought to be created.
Today i saw a popular and famous Sri vaishnavaite scholar who gives discourses all over south and comes regularily on tv, tell on Podhigai which is regional version of national DD tell this--When Arjuna a staunch devotee of Siva wanted to perform his puja ,Krishna stopped him as time for the battle was nearing and asked him to put the flowers at his feet.Arjuna couldn't didn't like hindrance to his daily puja  but agreed to his friend's wishes . and obliged him
Later when he opened the puja box he saw the same flowers adorning the Linga.making him realise that Krishna the avatar of Vishnu is supreme and he is in all ,even in Siva.That scholar was quoting from Mahabarata !
This telecast in seen by thousands of people , may be even a lakh .MY copies a pathetic 20 ,only and its market is only in a temple which is under srivaishnavaites ownersip and managment.These booklets  may find takers or may not.where as Mahabharata is known or read by millions of indians of all sects for the past thousands of years.And that scholar has a wide viwership unlike me.

But i ll be hounded for sectarianism! If this is not being set up deliberately then what is .it?
What i was doing was translating honestly  without any air brushing  what the aazhwar has written Again what is the need to cover up? Similar reverse stories abound in saivaism also and all this is accepted by both sects without this foolish antiquated drama of hostility between sects which is being woven around me .only me.
Finding  the booklet riddled with  printout errors i didn't mail them to that temple's book stall.The temple town where my late son met his fatal accident.

Pettiness abound in those wanting to make my life meaningless .
If i blog it is wrong.If i leave blogging and branch off to other meaningful one's that is also wrong..What ever i do will be frowned upon

just what am i supposed to be and do?Be as active as a maid servant or labourer and make mental notes or small conversations with every muslim in  my vicinity which has been programmed for me with flight schedules and auditory masking?

The facilitation of this outdated concept of sectarianism seems to based on this --Sects within hinduism fight against each other [like it was done during aazhwars and Ramanujars times]and leave other communities alone.
I am sectarian as i was born in a sect and raised as one belonging to that sect and never deviated from my sect.and am proud of my sect.But i respect gods of other sects like every other indian and also visit those temple with as much respect i show to temples of my sect
ok  since i have never deviated from my sect i am sectarian so i am secular and therefore i should not defend my right to blog on hinduism and history in general .The blogging   generally on hinduism that  causes displeasure and disquiet in other communities.
                                                                          Had i stuck only to blogging only on srivaishnavism my sect, from the begining i would have been be let off.but i defended my right to pursue my sect as well as the main ocean that it originated from-Hinduism.So i am communal.I am a shining example of a sectarian being communal .A rarity as per the drama enacted over me.
the irony of all this is which country would one have to put up such a fight for airing one's own  views on one's  own religion ?Leave alone other countries even in this country several can air thier views but bar is mainly for me.
It is truly puzzling how my views and observations on my religion without an ounce of offence to, other religions can cause so much disquiet, displeasure to other communities that it has culminated in a horrendous conversion attempts with use of latest technologies and unusual methods .And it is still going on .
written on 17.8.16


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