Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Neighbours who suggested incontinence ,sectarianism and muslim conversion

1. Incontinence or discharge of fluids
 Before 2o14 May i  was in talking terms with my immediate neighbours or rather they courted out the way.
when i was dragging my left leg  in my walking  either in terrace or in my regular morning walks [which i never left]even after a bout of sudden pain and its immobilisation in 2012 , the wife of a neighbour in my landing enquired about my ailment viz knee pain and  siad in that very landing, that she too suffered from knee pains that vanished when she had her monthlies.
I  as clearly taken aback then as i thought her to be much older than me having  a grandchild and therefore well past mensturating age.
I guess that she was deliberately putting that suggestion into my head as a precursor to incontinence operations on me. 
I always suspected that family's role in 2012 nastying.They didn't hide it much .Were quite proud of it.
When i had a showdown with her husband to know what they were doing to me in, 2014 . whilst i was angry and her husband nervous she went and stood behind me like as if that would control my emotions.
Which meant that she was doing this to me for long with help of cameras whilst i read or relaxed or had arguments with my husband and son in my house.

She never masked the revulsion or contempt she felt for me and i got to know from her son's wedding invitation that her mother had a christian name whilst her husband according to her had special entry to Murugan temple in tiruchendur in a annual function.
Her son who was and is active in nastying through auditory masking.He had a very poor opinion of my late son' when he was alive. He even suspected him of ripping off the seats of a tenants motorbike like as if vidat was a rowdy or slum dweller and had the gall to complain about this to me.He believed from the beginning that we were a low down family.  Prejudiced from the very begining of our stay in here.
2.The muslim resident of upper floor . who also courted me out of the way before 2014 suggested that i watch serials, socialise instead of writing and blogging.Be a house wife.
After 2014 in my show down with him he some how took the topic of Thenagalis and their fight with vadagalais over putting namum on a temple elephant.Thus suggesting sectarianism within sects.Those days  even now i write only generally on hinduism which i guess was not to his liking which is in tune with a notion stated in toi paper that those who are sectarians are truly secular.and those who are not are communal.I can show any number of sectarians who are also terribly communal .

His son thinks i am a loony .He often gestured this opinion he has of me when i used to walk in the terrace and probably this  contempt at me  arising out of my blogs has been put into action to show me as one. I am saying blogs because this person came into picture only when i started blogging unlike the earlier christian cum hindu neighbourand family

3. Lower floor resident .A religious hindu.

After 2014 he was intent on me wearing back my mangal sutra .He places food on the compound wall of the above mentioned upper floor resident generally after ringing his puja bell when my hub is meditating and i feel pain in my knees or incontinence as if to say muslims are controlling you.
of all the three i believe him .I saw genuine anxiety on his face when a  call to faithfuls were made from south side in a yoga session and he turned towards me. There were many in that gathering but none were perturbed by it save this person of that call nor did any one turn towards me.

Those who were inimical or had very poor opinion of Vidat when he was alive . i mean my neighbours have become my enimies once my blogging picked up.

The lfr -hindu,in b block had a lot of fights with vidat over his playing cricket and often threatened .to call the police.Through symbols viz squrril screechings it was made known that he is behind this cruel implant in my teeth with rfid etc which has removed my self respect and confidence and clarity of mind and possibly behind causing incontinence or in delibertely  provoking  muslims against me by letting them know about it and linking it to them.

May be muslim youths who could not stomach his friendship with a muslim female colleague when he was alive  cannot stomach my blogs now.


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