Monday, August 15, 2016

Am i being set up?

Decided to purchase vegetables hence took a different route for my morning walk.
Weather nice and pleasant unlike yesterday's simmering heat.Observed barricades on the main road to my right to slow down traffic.I stuck to the left side of the road since it my observation and reasoning that sounds of all sorts generally loud noises are used of auto rickshaws,without silencers, scooters, old noisy vans,bullets and people talking shrilly are used deliberately to attack my left ear to cause confusion and incoherent thoughts in me .Hence lent only my right ear, the lesser affected of the two  to the sounds of traffic.
I was quite alert to distracting noises on my trip to Tirupati three days back probably because i was given a back seat  , the tc's ,so no sounds of people talking loudly on thier cell or children shrieking .I could enjoy the passing scenary and came back and wrote it --Nagari mookku.I was quite alert enough to escape sounds combined with spectaled dark men and ofcourse the omnipresent micro waves which i guess is like a invisible cocoon around me to cause incontinence.
Heard buzzing sound in ears immediately after a nice long darshan of Venkateshwarar.For all the crowd there was no one was pushing was taken .But that metallic sound in my ears  disturbed me.Radio frequency waves?Why? Is it for blocking out my reciting slokas and doing japa?What would one do in a temple if not for that? In a outer temple a dark tilak circumbulating the narsimhar sannnidhi left as soon as i had a small incontinence .Checked my temper as it is futile to lose it when i can never compete with all the fancy gadjets and commands etc .It has been decided to cause me embarrasment even in temples and i have to take it in my stride by ignoring it other wise i can never visit any temple.The fault is not mine but of the perpertrators.Yet felt irritated .Brain was blocked whole night  and block removed only in the morning of 10th.My body was as heavy as wood viz  fatigued .Was it effect of low frequency in net that they are capable of causing extreme fatigue

On return whilst waiting for the train at Tirupati station i lowered my guard and turned and looked at a girl shrieking on my left.Saw a dark man with specs .As i turned back  felt a incontinence though not in the scale it was on my last trip when i was commanded to carry bags with gods images.A bulky middle class northy, hindu standing at front of me as if shielding me left the spot immediately and huffed to a seat where his parents were seated and threw a water bottle in terrific rage under a stationery train ,the tracks, that had just been cleaned.Who is he? why was he so upset?Was it to do with incontinence and thus some sort of control? Who is that dark lower stratta man with specs?
                            Is a tug of war going over me?
On night of our return viz 10 th  terrific headache woke me up around 2 am and it persisted till morning Crocin didn't alievate it.and instead of walking wrote down-- nagari--[in fact i was writing on and on , analysing all this, till lastnight viz 14 th .the effect of that heavy dose  of micro waves and it will take a week to blog it all Today on Independance day the grip was removed and i felt tremedous relief.sadists at work]
ok back to my walk on 12 the August morning.Streets were deserted .All posh ones .In a corner a dog under a car started barking at a dirty &soiled rag picker unlike some ragpickers who are not all that unkempt, walking towards me.I moved away deferentially.He didnt.The dog kept barking at him common enemy?No sounds in that street except feeble sound of traffic from the main road.was that sufficient to do what ever trick he is being used for?
Went and bought vegetables.Nice walk.On way back on main road saw a barricade  just ahead of a turning on my left.Was it for me?Guard me or guard others from me?Felt angry.Am i such a threat?what if i threaten people by turning in this street on left that had no barricade?Pushed away the momentary anger at those who have landed me in this stupid situation felt that it would be petty to be revengful and decided to walk on the main road.Further on i saw that i had no space to walk due to the barricade.I had to climb to a narrow pavement by crossing sewage water .So decided to take the inner street.though it is a longer route and i was tired .
There was traffic behind me in this street ,though not much.As i walked on head songs on Amman being played from a adjacent slum which was not in view.W as this also auditory masking?Should i move to right side of this street to lessen its impact?The song was nice.i liked it so why should i move away?Is it wrong to hear amman songs? So walked on enjoying the bhakthi song .The air was cool and the melodious song a treat to the ears .As i turned left in the turning that would take me to the main road suffused with  a good feeling saw auto who had come behind me noiselessly and turn in that turning .Soon heard screams .Saw a woman lying crumpled on the turning on the road side..Her two women companions were shaking their fists at the auto who didnt stop but kept going .Not too fast.Some men chased it on foot ,but it got away.

This woman was bleeding.[ I had to stop here as heard sound of whistle maybe rf waves coming from open window and going around me, and my low back started to ache and heard a crow  cawing stopped blogging and left this room .Heard a van go down street.maybe it was being beamed from it.pain has left]I offered her my hanky but her companion didn't take it .Some one in the small crowd that had collected said she is a christian A man on mobike with a small girl[ i have seen him before] said bring her water. I stood looking at the middle aged woman and felt relived to see that she had opened her eyes and was trying to dab her bleeding and was also kept looking at me.So nothing too serious.The other woman said they were returning from work.Within a few minutes a red coloured police van was on the spot.Just how?The tilaked police man was cool and enquired those around --milk vendors ,labourers, if they had noted down the number .None had nor did i .A bit too far.
Seeing police i decided to move on .They will take care.Then a dark labourer asked for my hanky .The one that i made of blouse piece gifted to me in Tirumala temple by ttd years back .It has shanku and chakaram in its border.
They were now seated in a auto.The injured pressed my hanky to her bleeding forehead .They were going to a hospital.
As i left mind was in a whirl.Looked at passerbys -slum residents .Happy and unperturbed.How lucky to be so!Seeing them a little normalcy returned .
On entering the empty flat the shock of the accident and the bleeding hit me.I felt like vomitting.Did i cause it?Did my gold bangles deflect the radio frequency waves aimed at me sting that auto fellow in is eyes and make him turn wildly and hit that woman?Or was it set up?
Heard a flock of  crows caw anxiously near that turning .They always do when christians are involved in some way in my life.Why did some one shout she is christian?so that i should register it?why was she there?Why was i there?If not for the barricades and sewage i would have taken the main road.
Is some one deliberately setting me up against christians and muslims/?That my very presence is harmful to them?
That police man looked mighty cool .May be he has seen a lot yet......And they materialised so fast.Some thing fishy.
Last week i went to a shop.A huge one in pondy bazzar.On the way a balding young man with a back pack talking in his mobile caught my attention despite the crowds on the street.Parliament is in session and from past experience since 2012 i knew that he was there for me.
Went to the shop. i guess owned by muslims .a Lot of things in reasonable rates lesser than other shops.I had avoided this shop since 2014 september as i was commanded to quit going near muslims or their shops .But that day i forgot it and also revolted against this diktat.Why shouldn't i?Because i ll get knee pain ? so what? I needed a stuff badly and that shop may have it , i can rub my knees later with balm .
As i was looking at a article a sales man may be a muslim kept shouting near my left ears offering his choice.Soon i selected one ,wandered around this upper floor ,saw a dark sales man , felt a incontinence , the current dipped and dimmed as if heralding it .Ignored this constant provocation and came down the steps admiring the view of shoppers, trees and vehicles   from the glass fronted shop .Payment was to be made in  down floor.
As i neared the desk a young youth in charge of the cash kept sprinkling water on the table and kept wiping it dry with a cloth .He repeated this several times as if wiping off some untouchable dirt..He took my cash with bent head .Came out and walked back home.His action directed against me should have angered me but it didnt .i felt sorry for that kid.felt frustrated.Before i came down some one has told him of my incontinence , hence that reaction.He didnt like his place of work which is as good as place of worship being nastied thus.He was thinking that his worker and i caused it .I could understand his revulsion .My son would feel the same in reverse .Normal reaction for any honest hard working youth.
i wanted to go back and say that bald fellow caused it.with some high tech gadjet..Nothing to feel revolted about.He wouldn't understand .Even the highly educated wouldntI so walked on, my anger boiling at upper floor resident.He had used gadjets on me from 2012 and has put his own community in dock and then is showing me as a lecher
I also wanted to go back to tell him that i am not the person he is thinking  that i am My upbringing was such that i never discriminated between communities nor have i ever wrinkled my nose at other communities.i got embittered only in 2012.that to only against my immediate neighbours of your community because of their interference into my house and other rights. .It doesn't include you or any one else from your community .
And is precisely that broadmindedness of my parents  that has landed me in this conversion net.Had i been brought up like a conservative brahmin i would have ensured that i never lived near  even hindus who eat meat and never ever have landed in a apartment populated by other communities .
They were wonderful parents idealistic and sensitive but there is no reciprocity for such broadmindedness around me and there is only misunderstanding from my own hindu commuinity and they may have unknowinlgly landed in this hi tech systematic conversion attempts  to islam .                                                                                                                                        that youths wiping action kept troubling me for several days unlike the vulgar abuses i have received in hindu shops and glowering looks of several other persons of all communities and sects ,all of which i had brushed away within minutes from my mind .but this  youths ineffectual anger just like mine troubled me for days and i decided not to visit his shop.
few days later ufr came inviting for his son's marriage .A day earlier my hub has said that he would no truck with this person ,but the moment ufr gave the card he decided to attend the marriage.
Had argument with hub asking him not to go.He was firm  being conscious of social duties.I kept musing.This ufr knows all this yet has invited .The hall would be full of muslims youth.Normally i would have gone had he been a normal neighbour.Now should i go for tit for tat?Will all of them run away at my sight?Even that conceited bride groom ?
Decided to go .If he is so confident , knowing every thing why should i cower?Or am i giving yet another oppurtunity to set muslims against me for no fault of mine?
I have to face the world as a normal person.whatever flak it draws even if it be a threat of death by some angry youth of other two communities.
I have been set up in the following manner  with help of rfid, rf's and implant to hoodwink gullibles and make them hate me or be revolted of me. presence on the roads can cause accidents ,specially to.Christian women
2.Muslims youth in vicinity can cause incontinence in me.
So to gullible christians i am a witch .To muslims i am a lecher .This is what is broadly choreoraphed around me .
Even hindus -Thengalais[ this is another sect within sri vaishnavaites] and amman bhakths and sc's are set against me by using incontinence caused to me causing revulsion and anger amongst them
Why am i being set up as a hate figure?.Hoping all this will culminate auspiciously when a revolted youth bops us  off without staining the hands of those who are actually doing it?                                  Sounds like covert action of Pakistan in Kashmir? Well this is what is happening to us and me in particular.

written on 12.8.16 8.45 am.

Attended the marriage in the evening



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