Saturday, July 16, 2016

Isn't this illogical?

Back home from a trip re-commenced my morning walks.
Today i noticed that road dividers were laid at two points in the two main roads i had to cross and traverse.Time around 6.30 -7am.when traffic is pretty sketchy but fast.
On way back on the main road walking eastwards i picked up my sari to avoid it getting wet in a puddle of water on the side of the road.Water or drainage let out or overflowing on to the road from nearby hotel.
Immediately i had to jerk my head up as i heard the jarring  scraping of metal and saw  a young motorbike rider who had turned from a street on to my right and taking a curve towards east near the dividers skid and fall down along with his vehicle.It shook me and i stood rooted.
A watchman helped that man  to his feet as also the vehicle and turned to glare at me! That youth wasn't hurt all that much as he soon got on to his vehicle and drove off.
Then what that watchman did was truly illogical.He started pushing the dividers on to the side of the road after  two police vans sped westwards in great speed. 
Since  aman on motorbike had fallen on this spot isn't it logical that those dividers should be in that place.?If it  was a designated accident prone spot then those dividers ought to have been kept there.They had prevented any speeding vehicle from opposite side in running over that youth who skid and fell down.
Instead they were removed !Isn't this illogical? 
                                                                                                                                                              'Did this removal  of dividers coincide with me passing past that zone ?


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