Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Vellon varuga Vellon [murugha] varuga[come and protect ] was played loudly from 9 -10.30am today in morning.
Debated whether to blog yet another warning to me,By blogging yesterdays warning i wasn't exempted from the punishment that always follows that warning.Whole of yesterday night felt the irritating prick of mosquitos though there are scarcely any and i had driven out  the few by using a mosquito mat.So it was a deliberate annoyance .

Around midnight i felt a sharp piercing and excruiting pain at the base of my spine and it was timed with the sound of a motorbike driving down the street  N-south in a leisurely pace .I heard the sound from my bed .Punishment like several such as these before when i had quit blogging.
Couldn't sleep whole night owing to mosquito bites of mosquitos that were not physically present to bite my flesh.

I had blogged the 10 rs balm warning yesterday yet i was subject to  a sharp pain and slow torture.Thought it over, is it becuase i didn't divulge the reasons that could have invited the warning and hence the punishment was duly delivered?
Which means i will be spared only if i blog all that i spoke in my house.I could feel my temper rise at  the coarse officials who want me to relate every thing i spoke so that they can take credit for chastising me for my thinking  and my views on society and political leaders and project the secular and authoritative credentials of the state.They can be sychophants but what is the need for me to be one?At thier sychophancy i felt my heart harden and swore to myself that i will not divulge the details of what i speak in my house on to my blogs and deprive them of this success and determined to bear the punishments meted out and thus not allow myself to be arm twisted in such a crude manner some what like 3 degree , a watered down variety.My heart warmed at this new found resolve and as it did the irritation and provocations of night before vanished and and also the need to take revenge .

I realised that by divulging what i spoke in the privacy of my house though it is evesdropped, in order to escape the punishments that are dime a dozen these days i am forfeiting my right to the privacy of my house. I have every right like any one else to speak my mind on any one in the privacy of my house  .and if i am going to be punished for not making it public so be it .The right to privacy is very valuable and i am slowly overcoming the arm twisting in myraid ways to deny it to me, like dropping purdah in my own house.Casting my mind back , what were the punishments i received when i ignored the warning and didn't get hystereical about it? Tripping me on  the main road and chipping off my tooth, giving toothaches and severe pains for a very short duration.Met several such punishments that were unbearable and highly sadistic, at the time of convalasing from my major surgeries but now i have regained my health , so why should i allow myself to be arm twisted thus.?

 My determination  not to blog what i spoke in my house increased at the thought and need to reclaim my rights and it was no longer a revenge against those viz- sychophants / beaurcrats / officials , arm twisting me to cough it all.

So i will not blog what i spoke in the morning today to my husband which could have invited this warning.Maybe i will get a night mare tonight  for refusing to forfeit my right to my house , and to the privacy of my thought and speech and views.But i will surely gain back my lost freedom with this resolve.Bit by bit.

If i will be visited with the punishment reserved for this warning tonight even after blogging about Vellon varuga warning then it is pointless to keep blogging or tweeting these warnings  as i am determined to stick to my resolve not to divulge the conversations i have in my house and  thus avoid falling prey to scare mongers and arm twisters who are trying their level best to besmirch  the sanctity of rights of a house holder and house owner .


Blogger Ajay said...

Mosquito bites without any physical presence of mosquitoes seems amusing. To me their sound is more annoying than their bite. Besides mosquito net, you could have given mosquito repellents like Odomos a try. It is like a moisturiser. I wish you the tolerance for the punishment if you are determined to bear it for the sake of your privacy.

July 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Thank you for your kind wishes.

July 16, 2016 at 5:13 AM  

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