Thursday, July 21, 2016

Auditory masking continues.

Since i forgot the exact tittle given to this form of torture i went through my earlier posts to find out the correct name.I remember blogging about it but i am not finding it in my list of posts .Has it been deleted
viz censored ?
When ever i come up on such trifling of my rights i start thinking of my late grandfather and chide him for having forgone a brilliant career in law  for sake of fighting for freedom for our country sacrifcing all his wealth.Why did he do it? It is not in the least benificial to me.It is only helping the corrupts to amass wealth and power at his grand daughter.s expense.And why did he sit day and night for years to debate the constitution clause by clause ?What a waste of his painstaking work! All the freedoms , fundamental ones, he so proudly and  enthusiatically debated and help it all tobe incorportaed in our Constitution .is being denied to his grand daughter. My right to free and full enjoyment of my house without any trespassers was deliberately trampled in 2012 and same state continues till today.There are deliberate knockings on my ceilings as if to goad me on and this is not limited to this state or this locality but is carried on in any other locality or district as well as any state i may visit.What ever i write in my house bought by the honest earnings of my husband aided by the books i buy with his earnings and gather information from the travels he pays for and from the news i see on tv which he has bought and pays for the electricity is being read by all and sundry and is being allowed to be read though i write  only  for myself as a let off at certain times. He is unaware of this day and night robbery of his wife's  'creative talents ' or of its demand .Even if he were to come to know of it in future, he is sure to come up against a stone wall .The netas living off the sacrifices made by my g.f by amassing wealth from govt contracts etc will look down upon my husband and me as worms who donot have even a crore in assets and question our temerity to take on millionares like them who can buy us 10 times over  So much for property rights guarenteed by the constitution which my grand father debated!Irony! But every political leader will swear unabashedly by the constitution on one hand whilst denying the rights it has given to me on the other hand  unabashedly.
 The rights denied to me are--
1.My fundamental right to enjoy my matrimoniol house without any obstruction, hindrance and intrusionsand encroachments.
2.The right to freedom of expression --i cannot even write a diary for myself in my house or speak my mind in my drawing room .Both are censured .
3 The right to freedom of thought--Shame that a person in modern republic of democratic india has to complain about this.But this is what is denied to me ."My thoughts are  policed  and am even punished for some of my supposedly inner most thoughts!" They are even tailored ,as every movment in my house and outside is mapped and auditory masking is employed day and night to make me write . Who ever did this to me and is doing will never hang his or her head in shame but all those who are proud of our democracy , value all the rights and freedom that our constitution gives 100% to its citizens and the system  that  ensures it or is expected to ensure it will hang their head in shame.
4.The freedom to pursue my religion and worship the deity of my sect without any obstacle or hindrance to it.Included in this is the freedom to  to blog or publish books on my religion -Hinduism without ant hindrance
                                   None of them would want to believe this, they would rather be in their comfort zone by consoling themselves that i am  emotionally disturbed .But the denial of my rights listed above  is true.and it is happening to me every day and it could happen to any one next. Which right minded thinking person would have thought that our country would come to such a pass that a free citizens thoughts will be policed and hampered  ?I have written the same thing in 2012 and am writing the same thing now as nothing has changed in fact,policing of thoughts and societel humiliations has become worse after 2014 with constant attempts at conversion and change of sect thrown in

Are those doing this to me jealous or envious of my lineage?on one hand rights for which my freedom fighter g,father fought and won for are denied and on other conversion attempts  could be aimed at demeaning my sri vaishnavaite scholar gg grand father !Had my ansectry been otherwise say a christian scholar or priest or a islamic scholar it would have been hailed and feted and my religious freedom and rights safe guarded by those trying thier level best to make me change my faith and religion. Another irony ! Both great, dead and gone but have left behind enduring legacies .probably my revealing my anscestry proudly on this blog  gave ideas and added fuel to fire. .

                                                                                   Provoking me on and on to make me  write tomes has become a industry and this auditory masking is the most important + the most brutal method to make me write on and on so that vultures and ambulance chasers can feast on my misery .

 ok back to what i wanted to blog.It is about auditory maskings i observed again today.

1. The sound of unloading gas cylinders from a huge truck on to a smaller van in the open space .I was mopping the house now in the morning and felt my thoughts race with anger at all poiliticians .At the nonchalant way in which they read my personal diary and put it to use.Was wondering as to how any one of them can ever command my respect or make me fear thier authority when they are not living up to trappings of their lofty office?  i was tempted to write the raciest observations made by people of various political leanings on thier respective adversaries or even  by followers or by persons who are  just intrested in politics   in my diary and await reactions.
Then i stilled my mind with the memory of my earlier  experience  .Was auditory masking used on me?I let go of my fierce thoughts and listened to sounds around me.Could hear the sound of gas cylinders .being of loaded and on loaded.Usual sound of metal except that it was not done in a ordinary manner .Swift and quick but with too much of gap like as if waiting for my thoughts to end and then make that clanking sound as a trigger to goad me on .It was being orchestered.
Went to the balcony and saw the truck in the same position that during floods boys were made to climb and clap .It is in a angle to my left ears .The small van is the crux as i got to know later.. it was facing south .The man loading his van was looking up at the balcony of my immediate upper floor as if waiting for  a signal.When i stood in the balcony watching that man he gave in and  drove his van so as to face east.Now i couldn;t hear any of that metallic sound though  i could see the man off laoding and on loading the gas cylinders .
This metallic sound never bothered me all these years i have been here . I guess it has started to provoke me only after that stereofonic sound bombarding of my brain /mind was done for 2 whole months in 2012 .
There are other auditory provocations that are being resorted to which i will enumerate.But of all those this is the worst.since the abnormal gaps between the loadings and the worker looking at upper floor for signal  is a clear evidence  , at least to me that my thoughts are being read and they are being provoked or goaded on with such caliberation.Would any person like their thoughts to be read and have it constantly provoked like it is done to participants of debates in some irritating  english news channels at prime time in the privacy and tranquility  of one's house ?  Those on prime time are thier on own accord for self promotion either for self or party but i am being  subjected to such provocations forcibly for self diminishing without any concrete benifits  either materially to me or in  enhancement of my name or power..
2. The creaking opening of the metallic shutters of the petty shop which also in angle to my bedroom but on my right side exactly at 5.30 am either before or at the time of a huge plane with red wings cruising down and then  shutting it at 11 pm .The grating sound jerks me out of my sleep and the closing seems to say goodnight child go to sleep!

3.The cranking of hand pumps .This sound was very companionable before 2012,It assured me of presence of human beings around me dispelling the bouts of loneliness i had and it lulled me to sleep. but now, after 2012  it is keeping me half awake with thoughts criss crossing makes me feeltired the whole day.
4. The sound of bullet motorbikes.It creates nagging pain in my legs and knees .This happens only in my house ,either at bed or whilst sitting in  a relaxed manner.Since it happens only in my house i am not sure whether this sound alone can cause such pains or it requires a ray attack to back it .

 5. Ringing of puja bell .It signals the successful targeting by non lethal weapons on our private parts.An auspicious tinkling has become another source of provocation as it is employed to jeer at our embarresment and annoyance.
6.My neighbour, a woman talking in a shrill voice with great excitement over her cell from her balcony when i am standing on my balcony .As i face northwards watching the street below or the tree ,when i am standing on my balcony her talking loudly from hers assails my left ear and the cell conversation erupts  just before and during a flight which is either taking off or landing.making only a low rumble.So clearly such excited and loud talks are meant to enhance the effect of airplanes sound .

7, The milk vendors assistant or son talking for minute son on end in  such a angle that his screechy adolescent voice hits my left ear as i sit sipping my coffee in the balcony in the mornings.
8. The loud boisterous talking of another neighbour a woman , on our landing so that her voice can be heard in all my room s .
9. deliberate talking by ufr and lfr from down ,again targetting my left ear with their voices .

10 Observed that it is my left ear that is targetted for this auditory masking.

The effect as i have written above is to make me chatter constantly to myself by being two persons at a time arguing for and against or get irritated .The former debate within myself is new of origin that is it dates back only to 2012 and it is a wasteful, tiring, distracting and utterly useless activity.If not for this constant irritating chatter i would have had written and blogged much more meaningfully.It looks like as if it is seen to that i should never delve deep less i come up with pearls of wisdom which would harm everyone around me!So much for freedom of expression!Mine has been systematically squashed.
If my writings are so powerful why is it that nobody has come forward to recognise its influence openly and if it is harmful why not come and tell me directly and ask me stop after showing evidence of its harmful effects instead of trying to disturb and distract me in such inhuman ways?Aernt we open democracy?So why is every one beating around the bush .To me such slyness in dealing with me is a proof of using me on one hand and then at same time trying to smother all that  [all that means --not the details i have given about frankly about how various parts of my body was teased,and tortured and is still being done, but my original views on Hinduism, society,and public affairs ]  which is not useful or embarrasing. Pre- copping is being done on me.

All the above and some more attacks on my auditory  nerves is banned by WHO ,but who cares for who?

The annoying ray attacks are continuing merrily as usual using several scape goats when i shop or walk with twin achievment that of exploiting me on one hand and then portray me as the vamp to all creating revulsion in people around me.

must hand it out to my ray attackers and auditory exploiters  they keep on squeezing  me for my angry retorts , use it in the converse and then cover thier tracks and publisice to the world of my lowly nature!

Donot know if this will be allowed to be published or be allowed to be retained.

whole of yesterday there was no landing sighted from my window .will blog on it later after more observations on this.
On Friday there were landings day and night!

If there were no flights seen it means that auditory masking was stopped  but it could also mean that microwave or rfrays could have been used liberally for some desired effect.

On observing the effects of rays and auditory masking  on me the worst of the two is auditory masking It has removed my mental peace and tranquility and confidence .It is more or less like brain washing

.No wonder it is banned by WHO.It is no wonder that no one would care about WHO in here ,the land of selfish politicians.
Further the very fact that my earlier post on auditory masking has been deleted  proves that i have hit it right and that  it is a torture of worst kind which civilised nations donot use it or allow it to be used on its citizen.
Monday-- 25.7.16--A day of loud Take offs by planes ,very close,many over head , could see the windows clearly.Scarcely any landings.Bullets kept going up and down frequently.


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