Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Effects of headaches and incontinence on me.

Headaches--The deliberately induced ones makes me write on and on about anything i see on tv even for a second and form a instant opinion , which i may not write otherwise.
This means that my thoughts , my reactions to news items or on  my own harrassments , provocations, emotional responses to an event [deliberate ones] are minutely observed and then a heavy dose of radiation is given after temple visit coupled with nearness to a handicapped persons or even members of sad looking ineffectual muslims and glowering dark persons emmiting unconcealed hatred.

2.Incontinence, if heavy blanks out my mind , making me forget who i am and what i am and dissuades me from writing or blogging.It brings a lassitude that says why write or blog specially blog this silly stuff .just relax, eat and forget every thing.
When it is light it makes me concentrate only on my body and blocks any deep musings on my life or past or future or about anything in public discourse.It makes me listless and lethargic.

So headaches are given after a close contact with handicapped persons ,mentally depressed people  ,persons with luekoderma and extremely dark people,every time on a temple tour.
So i have to keep away from them.So how many people am i expected to avoid if i was to be myself and be free of incontinence, obsessive writing , sudden gripping of fear [ very dark people coming from behind me is supposed to make me shudder .it was thus once shown to me in  ttd temple .was meditating in the prayer hall and then felt a sudden fear.a man in grey safari suit hustled a huge dark woman from behind me and looked at me pointedly as if to say such people cause me fear!suggestion given to me after using mind altering gadjets on me when i wasn't alert . i have been seeing and moving with very dark people since i came here 35 yeras back and i never once felt this fear in thier presence]Muslims, christians, persons of other sect, my own sect and its subsect,-thengalais,
Is it the entire population of india  that i should avoid ? .Crazy .
so this is what is expected of me--
1.No service to handicapped .No reading to blind.If i do i will be given headaches  and then i have to  write and write and analyse and analyse .
2.No mingling or even going near a muslim or stand in a angle or look out of the window or balcony when a muslim passes or is near  .This is made known by sudden headaches.
3. No gold jewels , even mangalyam as it will cause accidents[one in a 10000]
so no walking or looking out of window less i cause accident to a stooge sent to case me.
Instead of putting me in a jail was this shadowy jail conceived?

Yes headaches + proximity + auditory maskings are used on me on and on so as to make me write on and on 

written on 12.8.16


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