Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How is my incontinence known to others?

How i that the  tiny miniscule incontinence within me is known to others?
1. May be i think 'oh no not yet again ' and this is jaw read.
2.Those familiar with my expressions or experts in facial readings can read or note my embarrasment in my face or the sudden surprise i unconsciously let out.
3.Or the gadjet that is used to cause this viz heating that creates annoying sensation  and cooling of my body tissues that causes water to condense and remove the heat, let it know to the user whether the target was reached and achieved successfully.

     Why is it let known to others who are not even remotely connected to me and make them feel revolted against me, ofcourse this scientific explanation will never be given but will be told that i am on heat and only youths of other communities as well as youths of my own community but belonging to other sects-- shakthi, or my subsect --thengalais and dark sc's are capable of cooling .
me.                        To create an impression that i am a lecheress on the prowl hunting for young males !
Again why?
1.Revenge for my writings?
2. Maybe to find a way out the implant +rfid problem without the govts hand getting soiled in it.Create so much hatred and revulsion against me amongst all communities and sects so  that one of them could be provoked to solve it for them by doing away with me.--the lechress of youths on the prowl

A lot of squrrils screech in my flat of and on .Nothing unusual except that i found out that each bird cry or animals cry is to do with with people around me .It was thus made clear to me with usual mind commands during September 2014.
When i writing about my headaches and pondering over the puzzle as to how my incontinence a very private matter for all is known to others and is made known to others to shun me a squirrel started screeching pityingly from next block lower floor flat.Is he the doer?
Whom do these squirrels represent and who is letting out thier secret doings? These symbolic screeches , enactments like birds and animals building a nest etc go on and on whether one understands them are not.
Do they represent the Intelligence?They must be but donot know who they represent whether state or centre .
I remember that squirrels had built a nest in my kitchens loft  and had its young ones in batches , a year before the accidental death of my late son.
They all quit this loft the very next day of his demise, startling a lot of mourners never to return to it .Only rats did that to only a two years back.
Was the squirrels stay on my loft  during and its leaving it for good after just a natural happening or was it also symbolic?
written on 12.8.16


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