Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why do i feel that i am in Saudi Arabia and not in Hindu Bharat?

Why do i feel i am not in Bharat and that i am in some muslim country?
1.The sound blasting wasdone from upper floor and then followed by constant knocking on the ceiling  as if reading my thoughts and as if they were giving me constant company whist cooking or dressing or bathing or whilst reading or watching tv  It is a Muslim family that resides in the floor above me.
Why am i forced to keep in constant communication with them twenty four hours a day for past 4 years ,thus which says see me see me,hear me hear me take notice of me and talk only to me?

To remove the feeling that i am living in my house bought by my Hindu husband but it is a  space taken over by them viz Muslims  .                                                                                                        Further wherever i go my  space the private space in  a hotel or temple or car or train or bus is not mine and will never be mine though it is i or my husband who pays for all the taxes, bills , tickets diligently from  honest earnings  .

2. I guess that flight and co -ordination of vehicles  + micro waves makes me have a mental conversation with my husband or son [i observed that this] and immediately after i do it in my daily house work or whilst relaxing a auto will go down screeching triumphantly or corporation garbage truck will lumber down banging its doors triumphantly or the de-frost switch of my fridge will pop up with a loud  irritating click  .All these sounds are to inform me that i have spoken to members of other community specially muslims and not to my husband or son .
Why do i think it is only muslims i am talking with .Because i observed that when i ever i have this urge to make a mental  note  there is a Muslim in the vicinity  either by design or otherwise.That person could be anybody from a decent middle class neighbour to a dirty lungi or topee or persons from lower strata on the streets. but on the whole it is made out that  i will be conversing with a muslim mentally from my heart when ever i have such  such conversations may be only a snippet  , a small reminder of having to buy this or that or about making mental note to enquire husband about the time of a function to attend or timings of the train to be caught.
That is ,a feeling has been created in me  and to all those to whom this is broadcast that  as a house wife the mental notes i make are because there is a muslim in vicinity and that  they all stand in the place of my husband and son .Each one of them is either my husband or son !

 How did i relate my mental notes to Muslims so specifically? I always hear a slight click near me ears or even within my ears when ever i a make those small mental notes to be conveyed to my husband or son.and this followed instantly by those screeching autos . switch of fridge or sound of bullet in distance or see a muslim walking on the street.

What a sick mind that is which devised this.

I dont know as to how long this was being done to me as i got on to it only a year back.At that time fear of consequences  coupled with embarassment and'Oh let it be attitude' due to constant blanking out of mind by incontinence kept me away from blogging all this or even think or write about it .Even my thinking was stopped with constant painful headaches and with kids screaming and wailing around me as if to warn me of consequences even if i dared to think, introspect or analyse .

The realisation that i am making mental note only when a muslim is around makes me feel that i am being systematically converted .I feel that i am sorrounded only by Muslims .Really laughable in a hindu majority country.But this is what is being done to me. If i talk it is to Muslims. If i dress it should suit thier sense of purdah, if i look out of the window of my house or car i should see only topeesand purdahs and mosques. if i read a sign board of shops it should be of Arabic ones .at other times i should see only dark people on the streets i walk .Maybe christians.Always see sweepresses  on road or in station or shops or temples and dark drivers in cars and vans .And when i am not seeing mosques etc i have to register Jesus statues on the road side and see churches.It is either this or that with former heavily smeared and loaded against me.
Shame on those who allowed this and are allowing it.

Is this Tamilnadu and Bharat .Are our leaders hindu's?Despicable act of treachery to make a person like me of hoary heritage and sentimental attachment to this sacred land of Rama,rishis,vedas ,aazhwars acharyas ,ancient temples and rivers  and make me feel scared of it and its people as the lack of protest from any quarter from hindu'or eevn a flicker of support from them has made me view them as impotent vis a vis muslims,  and make me feel so alienated that i really feel like as if i am living in Saudi Arabia with Muslims ,muslims every where and thier strict diktats.

In the manner in which sage vishwamitra created a  separate loka for king trishanku a mini enclave/loka  of muslim emirates has been created around me...

Next , i am made to feel that only tilaks viz  Shakthi followers need to be recognised as Hindus and rest are dynosaurs[extinct]That the six sects of hindus donot exist .When i am not seeing muslims and christians i have to see only these tilaks and feel that they are my only saviours And when i visit temples of my sect be punished with extreme  fatigue, mental pressures , swallow the shameful disrespect  they  cause to the deity by giving me the incontinence in the premises itself [i see only tilaks, iyers along with thier families visiting these very temples look at me gloatingly after a spell of such incontinence.]
Whose sick brain child is this ?

On one hand isolating me from my Hindu community and making other communities give me company
and on other cause incontinence and several other bodily abuses for professing my sect .?

why is some one doing this deliberately to me make me blog it all  and thus put down our ancient heritage cum modern democracy?

written on 12.8.16


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