Tuesday, August 16, 2016

rays and its deflection.

I think i am under a cocoon of micro wave or radio frequency waves since 2012.This cocoon thickened after 2014.
How do i know this?
The accidents that happen on the streets when i am walking .The sudden swerwerving of vehiclesThe glares that follow holding me responsible .My observation of flights and the sudden freeing of my mind for those few minutes when a huge plane is landing slowly which is visible from my window.It is those few minutes that i feel clear headed and like my original self. The diversion of such flights immediately after i blogged my observations though it be for only a day .

So the crux is plane and thier flights.Our activity and moods is entwined in it .How? with liberal dose of those mind altering waves.
The accidents are also evidence of this fact .The rare deflection of these waves by my gold bangles or gold ring  in my index finger that causes the stinging of the drivers eyes and consequent loss of control of wheels .That accidents are rare  coupled with my feeling free in those few minutes when due respect is shown to a huge plane landing nearby by stopping these rays and there after a mind which is totally muddled with trash dumped in by all and sundry  through constant questions and suggestions shows that  i am engulfed at all times with these mind altering micro waves and radio frequency rays .

effect of contracting my brain for a month --June 2014 and later squeezing out liquids--
1. Stopped reacting too much to news items .

2.Scared to emote too deeply for fear it being exploited by my observers .

3.Have become a public tamasha.Thoughts are constantly read and conversed with.My physical weaknesses,like incontinence, which didnot exist before  2014 are tom tomed to public.My mind is so ravished and my body so   constantly teased ,it has been made so transparent without even a tiny space for feeling like myself with the comfort afforded by, the rights and duties and my own capacities  i had always taken for granted  like every other person does ,that it is like as if i am being compelled to lose my mental balance. 
It is like as if some one is bent on seeing to it that i no longer see this as my country ,this as my state, my belief as mine , my time as mine,the rights that all enjoy are not for me ,and trivilising my capacities that are self made and self earned like as if they are not mine.

4.lost my I sense.The feeling that this is my body , my thoughts, my property, my life, my responsibilities to my family,and convictions in my values,beliefs and faith.have forgotten who i am what i am , what made me to be what i am viz experiences in life,

ok why is my mind controlled so meticulosly?

If not for fear of its influence  on some not liked by others coupled with a grudging respect for its worth, no one will go to this extent to control my mind for years spending money and resources. 

written on 14.8.16


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