Wednesday, June 2, 2021

108 Names of Vishnu and Meanings.Vishnu Ashtothra Satha Namavalli.


The following 108 names of Bhagwan Vishnu has been selected by our elders in the distant past from the 1000 names of Vishnu viz Vishnu Sahasarnamum for the purpose of performing archana of Vishnu easily and quickly.

Archana is done physically by placing flowers or  Tulsi  leaves at the feet of of the picture or idol of  Vishnu and simultaneously reciting the 108 names or mentally that is imagining oneself as placing flowers or Tulsi leaves  at His feet whilst chanting the 108 names.

Several centuries before the central Era  Bhishma the grand sire of Pandavas and Kauvravas taught the 1000 names of Vishnu  to Yudhistra from his bed of arrows whilst awaiting his death in Kurukshetra.

These 1000 names praising Vishnu  find a important place in the Epic Mahabarata written by sage Vyasa.

In Sri Vaishnavaite tradition Parasar Bhattar is the first  person to write meanings of the 1000 sacred names and also commentries on Vishnu Shasaranamum.This work is known as Bhagvath Guna Darpana.

Parasar Bhattar lived nearly 1000 years back .He was the son of Koorath Azhwar who was a close disciple of Sri Ramanujar.

The meanings and commentries on 108 names of Vishnu that follows are based on the interpretations  from Parasar Bhattar's Bhagvatha Guna Darpana by Sri Vaishnavite scholars of present days.

The fruit of reciting or even hearing the VishnuSahasarnamum or  is that it confers one with good health free of diseases, all types of wealth,happiness and freedom from great fears .

I guess even reading the following 108 names of Vishnu would confer some good benifits . 



            108 Names of Vishnu.

Vishnu AshtothraSatha Namavalli .


1.Achyutha:   Bhagwan Vishnu never let goes of those who have reached Him.

Other Meanings-a.He never loses His pre-eminent position even when He takes birth [avatar] amongst Devas like Brahma, unlike them.

b.He never loses His Supreme post which is indestructible even when He acquires Vyuha form unlike Devas like Brahma, Indra , Varuna  so on ,who all are subject to birth, death and removal from their post .

Note:Vyuha forms of Bhagwan are one of the five states in which Narayana\Vishnu exists. Vasudeva, Pradunya, Sankarshana and Anirudha are the 4 forms.The other forms are Para Vasudaeva viz Sriman Narayana residing at His permanent abode -Vaikuntum, Archa forms as Moorthies in Temples, Avatar -like Rama , Krishna  and so on,and Antaryami viz residing within the Atmas of all beings.

2.Adeendriya:He is beyond our senses.

3.Anandhinidhana:He is without a beginning or an end.

Expla-BhagwanVishnu is ever youthful.He has a divine, unique, eternal form and body.His form and body is never subject to Birth, old age and Death

4.Anirudha:No one can stop His functioning.

Expla-In His divine role of protecting countless beings , no one and nothing can inhibit or cause hurdles .

Another Meaning-The Archa[Moorthy] of Anirudha -the Vyuha form of the Bhagwan is enshrined as Janardhana in atemple called Vasubanda on the earth. 

5.Amruth:The Bhagwan grants Moksham.

Expla-To all those who have surrendered to Him the lord grants Moksha and thus frees them from the tenuous cycle of birth and death.

He is as tasty as nectar.This creates an insatiable desire in His devotees to  partake His divine presence with great relish forever and ever.

6.Aravinda:He is as beautiful as a Lotus.

7.Aswatha:Bhagwan controls the world through agents born of Him. 

 Expla-He created Indra , Sun and other Devas and He also makes them function.Whilst they are transitory ,He is permanent.

According to Vaishnava Dharma--

He takes Bramha Roopa which is full of Rajo guna and creates.

He also takes the form of Purusha or Vishnu Moorthy which is full of Satvic Guna  and protects the worlds.

He also takes the form of Kala which is Thamas Moorthy and swallows the worlds.

Moreover by being a upturned Aswath tree that has branches going down and roots going up as mentioned in Vedas He is the cause of worlds below Him


8.Aditya:He is seated in the Sun.

Bhagwan is reffered to in the Vedas as the golden deity seated in the Sun.

This Avatar is a example for many avatars.

Other Meanins:a.Sankarshana's Beeja Mantra is AAH - ஆ.By that letter Bhagwan is reached.

b.Krishna is called Aditya . As per Vishnu Dharma Devaki was Aditi in previous birth.Aditi's son is therefore Aditya.

9.AadiDeva  :He is the First.

Expla-He created the universe .He is the prime cause of everything including Brahma and other Devas.He has dazzling brilliance.

10.Ananda:He is Blissful.

His bliss is described in Ananda valli section of Taitriya Upanishad as something beyond the grasp of our speech or mind. 

11.Eswara:He is the Super Lord who possess unlimited Aishwaryam or wealth.

Expla-This is more evident in avatars than in Vaikuntum.Hence 'Eswara' is more appropriate to His avatar form.

12.Upendra:He is younger brother of Indra.

Expla--Amongst twelve Adityas Bhagwan Vishnu took avatar as the 12 th Aditya, as younger brother of Indra.

13.Ekasmai: He is the only One.

Expla-Since He cannot be compared to any one  He canot be enumerated along with anyone, Bhagwan is known as the Only One.He has no second of His kind.

14.OjastheJothyuthidhara:He possesses might, valour and effulgence.

15.Kumudha: He makes all living beings enjoy their senses.

Expla-KU  means Prakriti laden world .From Brahma down to micro organisms , all living beings have been provided with senses to enjoy the bounties of the  world around them in their own ways.The Lord provides enjoyment to all beings and derives happiness from doing so.

Another Meaning:He enjoys the company of Mahatmas in this world and grants them a place in 'Mukti world 'which is Vaikuntum. 

Expla-Ku means Earth.Mu means Mukti. 

16.Krithangya:He is ever grateful for services rendered unto Him.

Expla:He never forgets even a small service rendered to Him by Jeev Atmas like performing puja etc and considers them as a great honour to Him and shows His appreciation and gratitude  by protecting such JeevAtmas.Even if such a service was done by chance by the Jeev Atma without actually intending to do so.

Another Meaning ;He forgets past offences against Him by forefathers of who worship Him and readily grants boons.

17.Krishna:He is always happy at His sport or Lila of creation, sustenance,protection and destruction.

Expla-Kri means Earthand world .Na implies the spirit of satisfaction.

Another Meaning:He is dark complexioned like rain bearing clouds.This is stated in Mahabarata.His dark hued complexion finds special mention in His Avatar as Varaha.

18.Kesava:  Bhagwan has black,curly thick and lustrous hair.

Other Meanings-1. He removes sufferings.

2.He is in archa form in 2 places in this world .They are Mathura and Kasi. 

3.Siva says in Hari Vamsa:"Brahma is known as Ka and I am known as Esha .Both of us were born out of your body so You are known as Kesava."

19.Kshetrangya:He knows the place where Muktas will be in bliss with Him.

Expla-     That place is His Nithya vibhuthi viz permanent abode known as Vaikuntum.

Note : Mukta  is the Atma that has been liberated from Samsara or the cycle of  countless birth, death and re births.

20.GadaDhara: He holds the weapon -Gadha . [Mace]

Expla-His Gadhai is known as 'Kowmodaki 'because it scatters blistering sparks of fire on all four sides resembling the Agni or fire during Pralaya, when He uses it to slay Asuras and root away all enemies of His devotees.This makes people of the world joyful. 

21.GarudaDwaja:He has 'Garuda' in His flag. 

Expla-This emblem signifies the Lord's supremacy.

22.Goptha:He guards all fields of knowledge.

Other Meaning:He protects the Law of Karma.

Expla-The natural law has in its fold action and corresponding fruits.The Lord administersthis Law as well as protecting it.

23. Govinda:Bhagwan receives praising speeches and hymns from Devas.

Expla-'Go 'means speech.

Other Meaning:The Lord reclaimed the earth when He assumed Varaha avatar.   This is as per Mahabarat. 

Expla-Go means Earth.Vinda =Reclaim.

24.GovidhamPathi:  He is the Lord of all those who are experts in speech.

Expla-He enjoys being worshipped by the knowledge of Vedic seers.He considers such knowledge to be a Yajna and He grants them His protection.

25.Chatur Bhuja; He has four hands.

Expla-This is the attribute of VasuDeva form.The Vishnu Purana states that Bhagwan has four hands. 

26.Chatur Vyuha:The Lord has four forms.

Expla-The four auspicious Moorthis -forms  of Naryana in Vyuha state are Vasudeva,Sankarshana, Pradhyumna and Anirudha. 

27.Janardhana:He can destroy without any external aid all those who hinder His role as a Protector.

Expla-This name refers to the second quality of Bhagwan -Tejas.Tejas is the ability to complete a task by Oneself without searching for help.

28.Jyeshta:The Lord is foremost and senior most.

Expla-He has boundless Aishwaryam which is incomprehensible even to those enjoying Moksham .Hence He is foremost.

Since He is the beginning of everything He is the oldest.

29.JyothirAditya:He exudes a briliant light that is sun like.

Expla-The sun in the sky would appear dim and dark when compared to the Lord's Efflugence.

According to MahaBarata when 'Nara' 'Narayana' couple were fighting Siva all lights of sun and other celestial luminaries apperaed to have dimmed and Brahma fell down from His seat.

30.Jyothi: he is the first step and first light in guiding devotees to Mukti Marg which is Vaikuntum.

31.Tharaya:He rescues beings from the terrifying ocean called Samsara.

Expla-According to Atharvasika Upanishad He is known as Tara or the One who rescues.

Another Meaning -He helps us cross Samsara.

32.Dhamana:HE subjugates.

Expla:The Lord extinguishes the heat of Samsara with His effulgence which is pure and cool like river Ganga.

33.Damodhara:He keeps the worlds in His belly.

Expla-Dama means world .

Other Meanings-a. He gives pleasure to Devas .

Expla-Dama  also means Pleasure. 

b. According to Vishnu Purans ,He was tied with a rope around His belly by His mother Yashoda  which left Him with a scar around His stomach. 

Expla- This shows the Lord's extreme simplicity and accesibility and His  nature to subjugate Himself to His devotees.

34.Deepta Moorthy:He has for His body all those things that outshines others with their superior qualities.

Expla-Every thing that outshines other things is but a fraction of His extra ordinary efflugence.

35.Dhush Swapna Nasana: He destroys night mares.

Expla-According to Vishnu Dharma ,He said "Those who remember you Gajendra this pond and Me will never get night mares ".

Note ;Gajendra was a elephant that was caught by the invincible grip of a crocodile whilst the he  was  in a pond.Neither could he free himself nor could anyone else .At the end of thether he called aloud for 'Adimoolam'[Original cause] to rescue him .This plea fell on Vishnu's ears at Vaikuntum and He immediately rushed down on Garuda and slayed the crocidile with His Chakra.He also granted Moksham to the elephant.

36.Devaki Nandana:He is the son of Devaki.

Expla-In Krishna avatar He had the same splendour as He has in Vaikuntum.This is stated in Mahabarata.

37.DhananJaya:He wins over the desire for wealth.

Expla-To earn, protect and experience Him is much more desirable than earning , protecting and experiencing riches like gold ,gems etc

38.Nandi:At all times,places and ways He is filled to the brim with Lakshmi.

39.Narayana.He is the supporter of the group of indestructible species known as Atmas.He is also within them.

Expla:Nara means -Eternal and indestructible species known as Atma.

Ayanam means sustaining or supporting. Thus he Supports Atmas.

He is also known as Antaryami because  He supports Atmas by entering them and by dictating from within.

'Narayana' is a unique name  that can never be used in reference to any God.

This name occurs again and again in Upanishads to proclaim Narayana's super Lordship, that can never be appropriated by anyone else.

40.NarsimhaVabhu:He has taken the NarSimhaAvatar.

He takes Avatars to allay the fears of His devotees .

The Man LionAvatar --NarSimha avatar was taken to allay the fears of His devotee Prahalad. 

41.PadmaNabha:He has a lotus in His navel.

Expla:This lotus represents Kala or Time.It is also the birth place of Brahma.The Lord is not bound by Time.

Other Meanings:  a.Bhagwan has a beautiful navel.

b.His navel is like a Lotus.

42.Padmi:He holds a lotus in His hands.

Expla - He always holds a lotus in His hands that signifies the' Lila' or His sportive activities  

43.ParamEswara:He is the Supreme Lord.

Expla:That Narayana is the Supreme Brahman is testified by the fact that He was chosen as consort  by Maha Lakshmi Herself.

44.Pavitra: Intrisnicly Pure and purifying.

Expla-His Swaroopa [-form] is perfectly pure and blemishless.

45.PradhYumna:He brightens everything.

Expla- According to Pancharatra, He makes everything shine owing to to His brilliant self effulgence.

46.Pranava:He informs the eternal bond between Himself and all individual Atmas through PranavaMantra [OM] and makes them bow before Him.

Expla- According to Atharva siras -The importance of Pranava [OM] is that it makes all souls to obey and pay respect to Him .

47.PuranDhara:He shatters the cities of Asuras.

Expla-Since He eliminates Asura , ghosts etc He removes the fear of evil spirits.

48.Purusha:He is the first in all worlds .He is the leader of all.

Expla-He burns down all our sins to ashes .He protects , fulfills desires and leads from the front.

Rama is hailed as Purusha.Sage Agastya told Rama "You alone purify all worlds ".

Sabari says"I have been made pure by your glance" .

Brahma hails Rama as a Pure Person after Ravana's defeat and calls Him 'Purushotama'. 

Another Meaning-HE gives in Abundance.

Expla-He grants Muktas  the joy of enjoying His nature, form and qualities.

Note: Muktas are Atmas that have been released from bondage .

49.PundariKaksha: Bhagwan is like the eyes to the permanent residents of Vaikuntum.

Another Meaning-According to  Purusha Suktum.He shines everywhere as the eyes of upper world .

50.BruhadhRupa:His form is huge.

Expla-In every form He takes He occupies all directions ,all upperworlds and all intervening space.

 51.Bhakta Vatsala:He has special affection towards His devotees.

Expla:He is very fond of those who look up                                                 to Him as their Master and Friend.

In His excitement in acquiring such devotees He forgets His other matters.

52.BhagVate:He is Most Worshipful.

Expla-Since He is blemishless and full of auspicious qualities He is worthy of worship.

53.MadhuSoodhana: The slayer of the Asura Madhu.

Expla:He slayed the Asura Madhu which gives  Him the status as the successful exterminator of enemies.Therefore Lakshmi being assured of constant protection never leaves His chest.

Another Meaning:Madhu means sense organs .The Bhagwan entices all the senses of Nitya Sooris  towards Himself without any obstacles. 

Note -Nitya sooris are  Atmas that are living in Vaikuntum ,like AdiSesha, Vishwaksena ,Garuda  etc serving Sriman Narayana . They were never born in this world.

54.MahaDeva:The lord plays with Devas like as if they are toys.

55.MahaMaya:He weilds the great power known as Maya.[illusion]

Expla-He has a divine will known as Maya which acts like a curtain concealing His nature to those who have not surrendered to Him.

56.MaDhava:The Husband of Lakshmi.

Expla:Lakshmi never separates from Him for even a second.

She has 6 Gunas that Her Lord and husband has and also personifies them.They are Gyana,Shakthi,Strength,Aishwaryam Valour and Tejas.

She leads all the  Shakthi power of Bhagwan Narayana and runs the world as Para Shakthi by representing Shakthi faculty.

She also guides the other powers of Bhagwan.

She permeates all movable and immovable things in the Universe , hence is regarded as Ananatai .

Lakshmi is personification of Daya or compassion and Bhagwan is Her husband.

Other Meanings: 1.He gives knowledge about Himself .This is according to Mahabarat.

Ma means -Gyanam of Paramatma. MaDhava  therfore means bestower of knowledge.

This Gyana has 3 characteristics:-

a.Mounam [silence] b.Dhyanam [contemplation]c.Yogam [mental union with God]

2".Lakshmi's husband". Expla a.Hence whilst Lakhmi is Mother of all worlds He is the Father of all worlds.

b.He was born in the clan called Madhu as Krishna .Madhu is another name of Yadava clan.


57.MuktanaamParamaGathi:He is the final destination for all those who have attained Mukti.

Expla-He never let goes of those who reach His abode.Once He is reached there is no possibility of return.

58.Mukunda:He gives Mukti.

Expla:-He gives Mukti to devotees  who  worship  Him and consider Him soley  as their only God and none other.

59.YajnaGuhya:He is the fundamental secret of Yajnas.

Expla:Bhagwan partakes the Havis given in Yajnas with great relish although He basically Has no desire for it.

However He is pleased by those performing Yajnas and satisfies them with fruits desired by them since that person has acted according to Shastras. 

Since this conferment of benifits by performance of Yajnas cannot be understood by all except by those who are well versed in the Shastras He is known as the secret of Yajnas.

There is no bargaining with the Lord for fruition of Yajna ,hence the conferment of desired fruits by the performer is a secret.

It is said that One God who is pleased by all Vedas,all Vedic meanings and all Yajnas is Lord Krishna.

Any Brahmin who realises this true nature of Krishna , for him all Yajnas have been completely achieved.

60.YajnaPathi:He confers the fruit of the Yajna on the performer .

61.Yajnangya:The lord performs Yajnas for those who are unable to do so.

Expal:In Mahabarat [Aswa medika Parva] the Lord says 'To those who have no physical or material strength to perform Yajnas I Myself perform Yajnas daily in the morning and evening on their behalf so as to help them derive sanctity.'

62.Yajna:Bhagwan Himself is Yajna.

Expla- He is worshipped by Yajnas .He also grants the fruits of Yajnas.According to Vedas, Vishnu Himself is  Yajna.

Another Meaning-The lord takes the form of Japa Yajna.

Expla- According to Gita,those who want to perform Yajnas but have no physical or material capacity to do so He accepts their Japa  as His Yajna.

63.Rama:He attracts all by His qualities and beautiful form and makes them enjoy Him.

64.LakshmiPathe:He has the honour of the constant company of Lakshmi who is inseparable from Him.

Expla-Since Lakshmi never separates from Him, He has all the auspiciousness associated with Sri \Lakshmi.Hence the Lord is known as 'Sriman' Narayana

65.LokaDyaksha.He knows the exact persons who have the capacity to follow Dharmic practises.

66.Lohithakashya:He has eyes that are as red as a lotus flower.

67.Varadha:He grants the necessary skills to Devas to shoulder their earthly duties.

68.VarDhana:He nourishes all those who worship Him in His Belly , like a mother.

69.Vararoha:The ascent to His abode is superior to all other feats.

Expla-There is no descent from His abode.

The Mahabarata states that this golden world and all other worlds like Indra loka etc are like sheer hell when compared to Vaikuntum.

70.VasuPradha:In all the worlds He is the most valuable treasure.

71.VasuMana:He treasures all those beings who constantly worship Him. 

Expla-In Gita , He says that persons who seek Him only for Himself and not for wealth etc is a Mahatma and such persons are very difficult to find and that Mahatamas are very dear to Him.

72.VyakthaRoopa:He has a clearly visible divine form.

Expla;According to MahaBharat,He revealed His divine form to Markandeya and others.Markandeya describes Bhagwan as dusky hued,who has a patch of curly hair  called Srivatsa[mole] on His chest .Markandeya says 'It appeared that it was Lord Vishnu with Lakshmi.'

73.Vamana:He took Vamana Avatar.

Expla:He assumed the VamanaAvatar when Bali Chakravarthi conducted a Yajna in order to save the throne of Indra at Indra's request.

The Vedas declare that Vamana gives great pleasure to those who envision His form.

74.VayuVahana:He carries the wind.

Expla:He carries the air and oxygen which are life givers to human beings.

Another Meaning: He sends Garuda [here implied by the term Vayu] of great speed like Vayu to lift His devotees who have fallen down from their state, status etc , even if there are  compelling reasons  for their fall from Yoga.

Example.Garuda lifted Vasuraja when he fell down owing to a Rishi's cutrse and re instated him to his throne.

75.Vikrama: He rides on Garuda.

Expla-Garuda who is personification of Vedas is the vehicle of Vishnu.

76.Vishnu:The Lord enters and pervades all sentinent and non-sentinents.

Expla-Narayana in His Vishnu avatar enters and pervades all.He is the Antaryami or the inner self of all.This is His nature.

Other Meanings :- 1.He showers His blessings on all.

Expla;Unmindful of His supremacy He showers His blessings on all devotees equally and indiscriminately, whether one is high or low owing to His kindness and His inability to part with  them.This is His quality .

2.He is the personification of all powers.

Expla-a.This is stated in a Mantra about His Shaktisa Avatar.He permeates everything owing to His Shakthi [power]of creation ,etc.

b.As per Aditya Purana -Vis means to enter.Vis is the root of word Vishnu.So Vishnu means that He enters all.

c.As per Udyoga Parva of MahaBharat ,since He scaled all three worlds He is known as Vishnu.

77.VishwakSena: He brings all under His protection and enables their longevity.

Expla-This name refers to the Vyuha form of Bhagwan viz Anirudha's quality of Shakthi.

Anirudha has two qualities .They are Shakthi and Tejas.Of this 'Shakthi 'denotes the ability to protect anything.

78.VrushoDhara:Dharma is His Belly.

Expla--1.The Dharmic rituals with which His devotees pay homage to Him and the oblations there by offered by them in Homas fills His belly.They fill His belly easily and immediately because He is easily pleased and is not a cruelly exacting God.

2.He keeps in His stomach all those who suffer and protects them .It is His dharma to protect .Since His belly aids this duty of Bagwan His belly is personification of Dharma.

79.VedaVid:He enables one to observe and practise the Dharma learnt from Vedas and He receives them as His worship.

Another Meaning-He knows the  Vedas and their meanings without any confusion or doubt.

80.VedAnga:He has Vedas as His Body.

Expla-Just as one knows Atma through the body , He is  like wise known through the Vedas.

Vedas are His instruments to clarify to all His intentions and mandate.

81.Veda: He grants the knowledge of Shastras to all.

Expla-He grants scriptural knowledge to all those who have gained body and senses because of Him.

It is due to the above quality that Vedas declare that 'He created Brahma and gave him the Vedas'.

82.Vaikunta:He removes the obstacles of His devotees and makes them join Him in a speedily.

Other Meanings--MahaBharat gives the meaning as stated by the Lord Himself 

'By joining earth with water, sky with air,,the air with Tejas for aiding creation I acquired the name' Vaikunta'.

In Ramayana all women exhort their men to follow Rama when He was proceeding to the forest warning them that if they didn't do so  their names would be defamed and they would slip into oblivion .

83.Sharanam:Bhagwan is the path as well as the means to reach Him.

Expla- He removes sorrow.He should be surrendered to since by worshipping Him fear,sorrow ,sin and Samasara will not affect one and a eternal stability , joy  and knowledge will arise.


84.Shantha:He is calm and peaceful.

Expla-Though He is a ocean of greatness He is as calm as a waveless sea.

He shines brightly and dazzles on all four sides , burns all sins and is pleasing to look.

In 'Kiratarjuneeya 'the poet Bharavi says that by His mere glance He can control aggresive wild animals and make them docile  .

85.SarangaDhanva:He has the Bow known as Saranga.

Expla-He has a Bow befitting Him , since 'Saranga' makes thuderous noise when its bow strings are pulled and it rains arrows on enemies exterminating them ,thus wiping out their status of being called enemy.

86.ShasvathasThanave:He is immortal, firm,and stable.He is committed to His bhakthas for all times..

Expla-He is nectarine but unlike the Amruthum of Indra loka.Lord's nectarine elixir of immortality  can never be consfiscated, it is inexhaustible   , limitless and can be enjoyed without restrictions.

87.Shikandi:He has a crown.

Expla-He has immeasurable Aishwaryam[wealth] known as greatness which no one can compete or take it away.This greatness shines as His crown.

88.Shiva:He does good and auspicious things to all living beings.

Other Meaning -He is auspicious.

Expla-He confers benifits   like earthly pleasures  or Moksha as per His devotees requests and as per the efforts they put towards achieving their goal .In MahaBharat Kunti says " Krishna bestows good on the good and bad on the bad."

89.SriDhara: He is always united with Lakshmi in a natural manner.

Expla-By nature gems have lustre, flowers have fragrance,the moon has cool light and Amurthum is deliciously sweet, and Bhagwan has Sri that is Lakshmi .It is a inseparable and an eternal union.

In Ramayana it is stated that in the manner which a cultered man cannot leave his good reputation Rama cannot leave Sita.

90.SriNivasa: Lakshmi resides in Him.

Expla:-When Lakshmi rose from the milky ocean when it was churned for Amruthum Vishnu embraced Her to His chest giving Lakshmi a special position.He never let goes of Her.Thus Lakshmi resides in His chest permanently.

Another Meaning:- He supports Lakshmi.                                                                 Expla-Just as a divine creeper twines around the  divine tree -Kalpaka tree for support, He is like a supporting staff to Lakshmi.

91.Sri Matha:Narayana has the full blessings of Sri or Lakshmi.

Expla-According to Vishnu Purana, Lakshmi having had Her Auspicious bath and wearing white garments , white garlands and bedecked with ornaments went and sat on Lord Hari 's chest in the full view of all Devas,blessing Bhagwan first and fully.And then only She glanced at the Devas  who immediately received Her blessings making them happy.

Whilst the Lord had all her Kataksham the Devas had only a residual fraction of Her blessings.

92.Shubanga:He helps the 8 auspicious and fruitful components of meditation or Yoga to be completed successfully.

Expla-Meditation or Yoga techniques has 8 components.They are  Yama,Niyama,Asanam,Pranayama,Pratyahara, Dhyana, Dharana and Samadhi.

93.SrutiSagara:He is the ocean wherein the rivers called Vedas ultimately flow into. 

Expla- Srimadh Bhagavatham  states  that 'All Vedas say that Narayana is the Supreme Lord.'

The Gita says'I am the One known by all  the Vedas'.

94.Sangarshana:He attracts all sentinent ans non-sentinents to merge with Himself.

95.SadaYogi:He strives at all times  to get rid of the cycle of birth and death.

96.SarvathoMukha:He is many faced. He can be reached by bhaktas in any means they  adopt.

Expla-He has the path leading to Him from everywhere.

He removes the restrictions on His bhaktas, like that only one path is right and the other is not , so as to reach Him.

He is readily accesible to Bhakthas in what ever way they choose to worship Him .

Example-Rama accepted the surrender of Vibeeshana totally without any conditions . He didnot examine the motive of Vibeeshana since all that mattered to Lord Rama was that he had surrendered to Him and had taken His refuge..

97.Sarveshvara: He Himself without any delay reaches swiftly those who have surrendered to Him 

Expla-He Himself goes quickly to those who have surrendered to Him, since a delay may cause mental anguish in such persons.

Ramayana says that The Lord [Rama] hurriedly joined Vibeeshana when the latter surrendered to Him.

98.SahasRaaksha:He has 1000 eyes.

99.Skanda: He is Amruth whose flow keeps on increasing.He also dries everything in His VayuRupa.

100.Sakshi:He witnesses the joy of all those who have been liberated from Samsara ,with great happiness.

Another Meaning-He treats His Bhaktas like as if they are Royal Princes ,therfore He dilligently observes His devotees actions and behaviour.

101.SuDarshana:He has a beautiful divine and auspicious form that confers benifits on those who are delighted to have a darshan of His Vigraha.

Expla-Those persons who are unable to appreciate His qualities or are ignorant of them derive equal benifit of those who do ,by delighting in the darshan of His beautiful Vigrahas[idols].

Ramayana says -Rama is as pleasing to the eye as the moon.

102.SurAnanda :He makes Devas joyful by helping them when they are in danger.

103.Sulaba:He can be possessesd easily without much expenditure though His superiority is unmatched and is priceless.

Example-A hunch backed woman gave sandal paste to Lord Krishna and then with great familiarity she took hold of His garments and asked Him to visit her hut , a demand to which Krishna acceeded to  immediately.

104.Sookshma:He has a very subtle form.

Expla-1.His Swaroopa -His original form -can be envisioned only by those who meditate on Him without hankering for any wordly fruit and  only  for the fruit of experiencing the Self.

Another Meaning--His inner views are difficult to comprehend.

Expla-Asuras could not fanthom Mohini's inner intention whilst the latter took the task of distributing Amruthum.

Note -Vishnu took a beautiful woman 's form known as Mohini avatar to make sure that  Devas partook the Amruthum that was churned out from Milky ocean by honey trapping the wicked and cruel Asuras who wanted all the Amruthum for themselves  by diverting them  with His  exceedingly beautiful form as Mohini.

105.Hari:He receives the oblations  consigned in Yajna rituals.

Other Meanings-1.He gives Himself to His bhaktas.

2.When Bhakthas offer themselves to Him He readily accepts them like oblations to Yajna.

3.He removes the obstacles  between Him and His bhakthas.

As per Mahabarat the following is stated-

1. Bhagwan Hari the Lord of all is worshipped in a Temple at Govardhana hills.

2.:"I receive Homa oblation in  name of Hari , in houses of Yajna."

3."My colour is a special  Green. Hence I am known as Hari."

106.HiranyaGarba.He resides in a golden world made of pure Sattva.

Expla-Vaikuntum  the abode of the Lord is a golden world.

Other Meaning--He is like a treasure of gold.

Expla-Since it is a pleasure to meditate on Him and as He also grants fruits He is like  partaking the tasty and sweet Amruthum.

Example -Rama  had very  good qualities, powers and  a very beautiful form .This divine combination was as heady as nectar and as priceless as a treasure of gold to all those who knew Him and also  to those who  only saw Him.

107.HiranyaNabaaya: He has gold in His charming navel.

108.Hrishikesa: Bhagwan rules over and dictates and directs the five senses.

Another Meaning:-                                                                                                            He is full of happiness well being and wealth.He is also full of enthusiasm and joy .


     Vishnu Ashtotra Satha Namavalli concludes  .


Reference From:-"Vishnu SahasaranamaBhashyam".By MahaMahopadyaya Sri M.V. Ramanujachariar and Sri V.N.VedantaDesikan.



Blogger Balaji said...

Nice. A very good follow-up to the meanings of Panniru-Namam.

June 4, 2021 at 11:29 AM  
Blogger K.C. Sujata said...

Thank you.

June 5, 2021 at 1:58 AM  

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