Friday, August 14, 2020
About Me
- Name: K.C. Sujata
- Location: Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
This blog was created for me by my late son Vidat, in April 2007 on his own initiative ,wanting me to express myself and to monetise on it . He studied in Psbb school at K.K.Nagar, Chennai ,and graduated in BE computer sciences from SVCE In SriPerumbudur. He worked as a soft ware engineer in Wipro,Chennai and was about to leave for US to study MS when he passed away . It was few months after creating this blog for me at the age of 24. I thence forward expressed myself in this blog but did not make any money out of it.I have been maintaining this blog in his memory. I am 1957 born Indian(BA.Hist hons,LL.B),Hindu living in Chennai and member of bar council of Tamilnadu. My spouse is a retired bank officer.My younger son is in IT.He has a family. My great grand father is Late Kapisthalam Swamy He is a authority in SriVaishnavism. My grand father is late Sri M.A.Ayengar member of Congress party, follower of M.K.Gandhi,a freedom fighter, member of constituent assembly of India , speaker of 2 nd Loksabha and Gov of Bihar. My father is late Sri K.C.Sundrachari who was chief of admin of CSIR. My mother is late Smt .K.C.Chellamal.
Previous Posts
- Photos of processional deity of Srinivasar at Tiru...
- Ghanta avataram.
- Mystery of Corona virus.
- Bio data of K.C.Sujata
- Protests over CAA and NRC and Sterilite.
- Fore head torture.
- Contrast.
- Instant justise .
- Smart city.
- Shanthi sutra .
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Sad indeed to lose a child, whatever the child's age maybe. We haveto livewith beautiful memories of them. Bhagavad Gita sloka 22
वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय
नवानि गृहणाति नरोऽपराणि।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जिर्णान्य-
न्यानि संयाति नवानि देहि।।
Agreed, only those who go through such occurences will know the pain. But please take solace in the fact that he must have taken a new form and would be bringing joy to his new parents like he gave joy to you and your family - Girija (your friend from DTEA, Mandir Marg)
Dear Girija ,
Thank you for your thoughtful observation from Gita.Yes indeed Vidat may have taken a new body with newer parents , family and friends or may have reached Vaikuntum itself but the fact remains that I and my family have been deprived of the company of a very good atma and the indefinable emptiness in our life that the abrupt departure brought in its wake to us [viz me and my husband] will persist till our end, no matter what.
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