Saturday, December 7, 2019

Instant justise .

Yesterday night saw the news of the encounter killing of the 4 accused in a ghastly rape and murder of a young  woman ,a vet doc in Hyderabad.I was amazed to see men shower  flower petals on the police who did the job and lift them up in joy .There were mild looking house wife's giving sweets to those policemen   men and tying rakhi's around the  wrists that had just killed 4 men!
The police of that state have obviously killed in cold blooded manner all the 4 not just the main one but all 4 who committed the  dastardly act of raping a young woman returning home from work and then after enjoying her , killing her by cruelly burning her to death.So many rapes occur across India , so we are told by newspapers and Indian men  are often derided for worshipping female goddesses as mother on one hand and then on the other hand rape women and kill them .
The huge protest that this incident as well as the huge protest in Nirbhaya case in which both men and women took part shows that Indian society on the whole  is revolted and angered by depravity of men who rape and kill women.I t is  also  a proof that society is no longer aloof at the  plight of working women that is the attitude that women must be in purdah and not earn a decent living  and  if earning should not be on  streets late at nights , if not they are asking to be raped, has gone !

Both the above protests directed against  police , authorities  at the gang raping and killing  of young unmarried working women were spontaneous .There were no politicians involved .It shows how Indians have come a long way from their traditional mould .They want their daughters sisters to work and earn ,and want security for them to do so freely and will not tolerate a few depraved men hindering it ..Indian society has changed

There are few questions arising.Were the policemen under great pressure to do something dramatic after their name was tarnished at the news of how they delayed when the complaint was lodged and a huge protest broke out?Newspapers keep reporting rape cases nearly every day but it is a few that really triggers such massive protests , like this one .Is it because it is a middle class thing?

Next were the 4 accused the real culprits or caught because of pressure?Many panelists on TV saw red over this and said that it is for court to decide as to who is guilty as many arrested as accused turned out be innocent.True , it is the courts duty but all are scared of courts who take ages to decide cases.So it is courts fault .There should be more courts to tackle the huge pile of cases , so govt is at fault for not setting up new courts why wasn't it done by govts down the decades, it is  because we are not a rich country but only a developing country.It is a viscious circle.

If the accused were the real culprits then what the police at Telengana did was right .I don't believe that the accused tried to escape etc They have been killed by the police They have given quick Justice .and as the police  claim it would instill fear in minds of those tempted to rape and kill  in future.
A similar thing happened in here few decades back.A driver of a wealthy couple kidnapped their 10 year old daughter and 8 year old son in southern district maybe coimbatore.The couple paid the ransom but their children were not returned The police caught the culprit and he confessed to raping the girl and then killing both of them .This news shocked every one but there were no protests etc and then came the news that the dirty driver was killed by the police  i think Shailender rao or singh whilst 'trying to escape' , and every one felt relieved and hailed that man, even i did though we all could guess  that the driver was killed by that police man out right.

I wondered at that time do even police who are hardened by seeing crimes and criminals everyday  have such tender feelings , that even they couldn't stomach that crime? May be it was also done to set a example to future offenders and it has worked Since that terrible crime i have so far not read any case of kidnapping children for ransom and then raping and killing them .

Lets hope that this extra judicial killing puts fear into lechers raping and killing young women who are on the roads late at nights .


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