Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Vande mataram a dance drama.

The katcheri season has started and am looking forward to seeing good bharat natyam performances .Not all troupes and dancers catch my interest, .I have a few favourites  and i try not missing them.
The very first dance programme on time table i have was by Sheila Unnikrishnan. who is one of my favourites.Yet i was a bit sceptical about attending her dance programmes since it had the name Vande Mataram.but decided o attend it .The fact that the incessant rains took a break last evening was another factor that encouraged me to attend it .
Her concerts last two years were based on stories from Puranas .Both were uniquely choreographed .The classical element was fully present along with various formations her dancers took .There were also several moments that touched the heart like the dance of a small girl of 4 or 5 years  who played the role of  Krishna as a toddler.
However  her yesterdays concert was  a clear let down .She said  she was experimenting with social issues . I wished she hadn't.The concert was like a school's annual day function .I myself have taken part in such mushy mushy secular , unity etc dance recitals in my school days.and having to see it at this age was boring.
Most of the audience at that hall were grey haired .They all clapped dutifully but am sure would have preferred her usual recital of themes drawn from our epics and puranas the way i would have.
Had the the theme centred around exhibiting Matram viz our mother lands merits ,achievements of our country's past that would have been interesting and exhilarating .But the theme was around warring communities at present  and the need for peace!It bored me stiff and i felt that the time was moving too slowly.
Gifted artists should keep away from politics and concentrate only on entertaining the audience and not resort to preaching .Are we school kids?Should i see what i see  and hear to the preachings on TV or read similar preachings in newspapers every day , even on stage?When i had gone there spending money ,energy and time for entertainment?A wasted evening.
When ever i hear  the word secularism and communalism i get very hot bothered these days.The politicians here want me to be secular , that is i should not offend the sensitivities of other communities .it is either these communities who are always sensitive at the drop of a hat or it is the secular politicians giving them cover are the ones who are over sensitive..That was the reason why my head was squeezed non stop for 10 days after the Ayodhya verdict making me bewildered , confused and muddled lest i write about the verdict.
I often wonder at the secularists hypocrisy.They want me to mingle with Muslims, Christians and SC's in a heart to heart manner by giving them access to my inner ears 24 hours a day.through mobiles in some perverts hands and placing  powerful transmitters in my house .
Do politicians mingle in such mind to mind heart to heart manner with minorities?Is there a single secular neta who has married off his daughter or sister or niece to  Muslim or Christian or a SC?I haven't 'heard of one till now .Why do they give speeches about stupidity of rituals in Brahminical Hindu community but take brides from Brahmin community?They should take brides from communities that have no rituals and be a role model to their party workers.Many secular  politicians who are not  averse to Hinduism , rituals etc will swear their secular credentials by  hugging Bhais's and isais  why stop just at that ? why not make them your brother in laws?Merely mouthing words is no use .Get down to the act to be truly secular.Similarly will  all those Muslim and Christian politicians who champion secular values and plead for SC rights marry off their daughters sisters and nieces to Hindu's and SC's?I haven't come across a single such example.

Secularism in action  is only for common people like me and  not for politicians .I am the one who is expected to be a scape goat for exemplary secularism practised by secular politicians .They have proved the magnitude of their secularism by showing their determination to forcibly attempt to change my religious beliefs .All this dirty perverted idea of  me to be in constant  dialogues with dirty , uneducated , ruthless dregs of society and ,conversion attempts  etc with  is to please their vote banks and make them 10 feet tall .A brahmin woman that to hailing from a  orthodox and scholarly lineage is a terrific catch .Votes will come pouring .AS it did in last assembly election .Most people in my area know  about the forcible conversion i was subject to under Jayalalitha's rule .It didnt matter at all .Her rep was  was elected with a good majority .But this time in GE it didn't.although the candidate was a Christian .Puzzling how BJp alligned with aidmk 'Are
 nt they supposed to be idealogical? Then how come attempts to convert me forcibly by  aidmk didnt matter to them ?Nor the fact that muslims are allowed to have  direct access to my hub in the same sly manner it is done to me doesnt matter to them?He is a full fledged Hindu and a Modi fan.Maybe they also acquired a secular badge by ignoring me and my hub.or we are not important enough to be made a issue of from a political point of view.

At times on hearing some persons voice nearby i feel nauseous making me want to vomit  .This is the after effect of strangers talking to me without me being aware of it .That is who ever is talking to me or making suggestions to me through mobiles without me being aware of it owing to some super audio gadjets is making my stomach churn becuase no one apart from my husband has spoken so closely into my ears  .My husband is clean .clean mind and body A pure vegetarian and teetotaler.And when i think of what the person talking to me so close to me has eaten and has drunk it. churns my stomach .The very fact that person talking to me in this sly fashion, shows that his mind is dirty and is  amoral and abnormal.A normal person would talk to me face to face .A moral person will not talk slyliy to a strange woman who is , another persons wife and a mother and a woman of her own rights. That again churns my stomach . Which dreg of the society is engaging me thus constantly..Yuk.revolting.

I read in news papers that 19 % policeforce is corrupt .the second most corrupt institution in this country.True,If not wouldn't they have acted upon the complaint i gave at the very beginning in 20 12 itself?They didn't .They  must be knowing as to who is dumping my mind .But are silent .They may even help them If not for some special gadgets like wireless phones or some such things can a person  talk right into my inner ears without my holding a mobile  ?The municipal corporations are said to be third most corrupt .may be  that explains why a blind eye is turned to spy cameras and transmitters or super fine hearing aids , in my fans and lights--electrical equipments.
Will any secular politician worth his salt in here let go of the fine opportunity i present to enhance their hypocritical secular image ?


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