Saturday, November 2, 2019

Statue for Buddhist monk at kanchipuram.

Read about the plan of the State govt of TN to install a huge statue of Bhodhi dharma , a Tamil buddhist saint greatly revered by Chinese and other SE Asian buddhists in order to attract tourists from the above said countries.
It is to be .installed in Kanchipuram.The height of this statue will equal the abnormally gigantic height of the statue of Sardar Patel at Gujarat.The image of the saint who may tower over all looks ugly  and unkempt.
Why hasn't the govt thought of installing the two great acharyas Adi Shankara and Ramanuja  who have propounded the Advaita and Visishtadvaita philosophy , the two main schools of Hindu Philosophy, respectively?
These philosophers have a intimate connection with Kanchipuram , whilst Shankara set up a mutt which is still in place , Ramauja lived in this temple town for several decades.1000 years back
This town which is full of  ancient temples  is divided into Vishnu and Siva Kanchi respectively .One part is dominated by temples dedicated to Maha Vishnu whilst the other is dedicated to Siva.
So why not install the images of these bright luminaries who revived Hinduism and also propounded philosophies ?Their images  are pleasing , bright, and radiating tejas  . They may also draw  tourists from all over India and  abroad.
Oh i forgot .Our govts are all secular .So nothing doing.More over both were Brahmins ,so even more nothing doing.But Buddha is secular because he was against Vedas .So he was against Brahmins becuase it is Brahmins who are the custodians of Vedas.So Buddha and his saints the Brahmin despisers are  very welcome to Tamil nadu the state which was the  pioneers in anti brahminism in modern history.

However as per Vaishnavaite traditions Buddha is one of the 22 avatars of Maha Vishnu .It is stated in Vishnu Purana which is considered as a jewel -ratna amonst puranas that in times gone by Devas appealed to Vishnu to save them from Asuras , who were becoming powerful day by day  by performing vedic rituals.Moved by thier tapas  and prayers Vishnu appeared before them bearing shanku and chakram and assured them that he would de fang the asuras .
Narayana then assumed the Maya mohan  avatar and visited the banks of Narmada river where asuras where performing vedic rites with great concentration with the objective of gaining power .The Maya mohan shed all of his clothes and became a digambara muni and started preaching the asuras contradictory arguments and enticed them away from vedic fold .They were known as arhats who thence forward stopped performing vedic rituals .
Next he assumed a calm and peaceful countenanace and manner , wore red robes and approached the asuras who were performing homamas etc and asked them in a gentle manner to think in scientific manner saying how will stick that turns to ash in hom kund deliver messages to gods,if a animal is sacrifised and if it brings merit why not sacrifise your own father and derive greater merits and so on.In his gentle manner he explained the fallacies sorrounding the vedic rituals and the foolishness in having belief in God and  persuaded the Asuras  to stop performing yagnas and rituals .This was non other than Buddha who worked tirelessly to persuade the evil persons from acquiring powers by performing  Vedic rituals and cleverly diverted them away from rituals  and tapas and from believing in  existence of one supreme force viz Brahman or God.He acquired a huge following , who all turned away from Vedic rituals and thus safe guarded the Devas powers derived from performing Vedic rituals , the sanctity of Vedas and ancient traditions.

This Maya Mohan  avatar of Narayana has also changed several asuras into Paschandi's or atheists ,primarily  with view to protect Devas by making thier deadly enemies  the asuras, powerless.

If only the leaders of the other two religious communities were born in Bharat , this Maya Mohan avatar of Vishnu would have come in handy and would have  been used by wise and intelligent Vaishnavaites  forefathers to  absorb them into Hindu fold and would have rendered them powerless, faceless and without any distinct identity and totally assimilated into Hinduism in due course of time and i wouldn't be suffering constant attempts at conversion in thier hands now.
We revere Buddha as a avatar of Maha Vishnu . There is also a carving of Hieun stang the Chinese Buddhist traveller to India in 7 th cent AD in the walls of  Vaikuntanathar temple[ of 7 the cent AD  ]which is dedicated to Narayana/Vishnu.                                                                                                                               But Kanchi is town of temples .It is also known as the one of the seven towns across India that grants Mukthi to any one residing in it. Any one entering it is greeted by lofty and sublime gopurams viz temple towers  that infuses awe at its grandeur and inspires religioisity .
 A statue of a buddhist saint as gigantic as Sardar vallabahi patels statue would definetly eclipse these gopurums and dumb down thier age old importance .

If at all such a  gigantic statue has to be installed it is advisable to erect it outside this religious town .There are plenty of open spaces available at the outskirts of Kanchipurum for this purpose.


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