Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Mystery of Corona virus.

When i read that  several pilots and crew and doctors  who had flown to Wuhan in China to bring back Indians stranded there , had all volunteered to undertake this flight fraught with tremendous risk of themselves contracting this deadly virus , i felt touched at their courage and humane feelings .I hope that have come out safe and sound .They need to be felicitated.

On seeing the news that China was pumping a trillion or more dollars to push up their economy which is said to have suffered a lot due to lock downs is several of their cities i instantly wondered whether this sudden attack by a deadly virus  was  a deliberate biological warfare or attack on China so as to wreck its economy.

There are lot of countries and people who are envious of China's stupendous development over the years .I am one such person When ever i compare India with China's  glittering cities , roads , and GDP  i start feeling  jealous of China .We are both very ancient  civilizations yet they are some where up there whilst we are struggling  up the ladder.  I couldn't bear my envy though tinged with admiration when i read that a 10000 bed capacity hospital was built in just 10 days ! of course by making 7000 people work for it .Would we erect such facilities so quickly in a emergency situation thus?Thankfully  such a situation hasn't risen so i have no need to speculate and i hope that it never arises.
If i am taken as a sample of what a majority Indians feel then won't a finger be pointed at us for sabotaging Chinese economy by releasing a lab manufactured virus in their midst and watch the wreckage with glee.Who knows , we may have the capacity to create such virulent strains of corona virus but i doubt whether we have the heart or the petty mindedness or cunningness or the sly  guts to trifle with such a powerful neighbour . .But there are countries that are more powerful than China  what if one of them had done it ?

When i was thinking on these lines the Russian President [ex KGB]came out with his observation that it is US which has done some mischief.I had this doubt myself not because i have a Communist streak in me which holds US responsible for all strife's in the world, but because for several years now i find myself in midst of foreign spies,Indian spies and defence intelligence and sly and devious  persons and in all probability this constant touch with them has rubbed off on me, leaving me with some of their suspicious thinking as well . i  like and feel grateful towards  Russia  for always standing by India in all its  crisis over the decades and donot like the European countries or US poking thier nose in our internal affairs but in all other aspects  i have no grouses   against US  and Europe .

Other wise i would blame the revolting Chinese food habits like eating snakes , bats and everything that moves ..
I have few other theories as well --

1.Maybe a disgruntled person or persons  in China  would have released the virus to settle scores with the establishment .

2.Maybe Muslim countries that can develop this virus has released it in China as punishment for locking up Chinese Muslims in camps so as to de radicalise them .

3. It could also be the handiwork of non state actors   ,the saviours of persecuted Muslims all over the world to lock down China with biological weapons.

4.Even Tibetians have their angst at Chinese ,but poor souls they definetly donot have the  resources  to develop such weapons.

5.Maybe the sheer envy of millions all over the  world over China's break neck  development has made  China  stumble and has made it to pause on its tracks.


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