Thursday, January 23, 2020

Protests over CAA and NRC and Sterilite.

I expected a lot of protest when Abolition of  Triple talak law was passed , but nothing happened .I was really surprised .

But there is a lot of protest over the recent amendment to citizenship act and that makes me think that the Muslims who are protesting are  churlish and selfish .It  creates the impression that they  actually do not mind laws reforming their harsh personal laws but cannot stomach concessions given to Hindus.

There is also so much noise around impending NRC. It is only illegal immigrants who should  be scared of it . Why should a  Labbai Muslim--viz born and bred here since ages  and knows only Tamil get so all hot bothered?So whom are the protesters protesting for? For sake of poor Bangladeshi illegal immigrants /?Why is it that the heart of rich Muslim countries does not  beat and shed tears at the poverty of their brothers from Bangladesh?Are only Indian Muslims  highly humane and sold out completely on the principle of universal brother hood  as against other Muslim nations/?

I am unable to understand as to how NRC would make all Muslims who have lived since ages   in India, second class citizens .I have lived  ,that is my ancestors have lived here since eons, pre dating Muslim invasion a1000 years back but even i would have  to show my identity etc when NRC is done .Should i take offence that  some upstart seeks proof  of my firm roots  to this country?

I am not a card holder of BJp In fact i even suspect that their govt could have jammed my head in 2014 and disempowered me .so do have plenty of grouse .But have no grouse against any of their policies except in economic front where Lakshmi the goddess of wealth seems to be eluding them .Maybe the prolonged demonetization did harm the economy and creation of wealth was arrested .

When demonetization was announced i applauded it and wasn't much bothered about its long duration.I thought that those opposing it were those who want to hoard money .I even mentally compared it with the homam performed by Janmejayam  in ancient times to avenge his father Praikshit's death  who died by being bitten by a snake..In this homam snakes of all sorts from all over the world were drawn like magnets by the special mantras chanted by Brahmin priests  and made them fall in the sacrificial fire and burning them to death .
                                                                 But i did pay attention to our former PM M.M.Singh when a month or so after Demonetization he announced in Parliament that it caused 1 % setback in GDP.I agree that he was puppet PM in hands of a Italian woman who can never understand our ancient civilization and who rely' s upon a Muslim political adviser to win over Hindus!But he is a economist who is said to have played a major role in uplifting our economy several decades back as FM and his assessment is worth taking note off . The fact that GDP is falling and falling makes me think maybe what he said was right .Maybe that scheme was too prolonged .I am not a economist to know about GDP etc but can understand rise in numbers is better economic condition and fall means fall in wealth creation .

I was  disenchanted  when i saw how money played a great role in bye elections and general elections after that .If that money wasn't black money then what is it?Maybe demonetization's did check black money but only partially and maybe its long duration did make  wealth flee.

Lakshmi  viz wealth in any form  has to be appreciated and cherished .Contempt and indifference shown to Lakshmi will make her flee .I have learnt it the hard way  from my own life.

                                               About GST i was truly askance when AC etc were sought to be taxed under luxury .In a hot country like ours  it is not a luxury.It is a necessity.Same goes for other consumer items .I have observed that if a Indian has money he buys items that makes life easy and relaxing .They also do not mind spending on their wards education .That is why it surprises me that JNU students are agitating on fees hike in a premier institute on a amount that is so small that it is equal to what   my press walla  spends on his granddaughters secondary school education per year.And students who have secured seats in premier institutes likeIIT and IIM's through tough competition and purely out of merit are paying high fees running in lakhs without any hesitation.

Political analysts say that CAA was passed and NRC will be done so that only Hindu illegal immigrants from Bangladesh will get Indian citizenship and Muslims will be sent back.

Maybe that is the intention .That is politics.Democracy revolves around vote banks .BJP is sure that Muslims will never vote for them and  grateful Hindus [ those benefiting by caa and nrc] will vote for them .Where as secular vote bank is mainly made of Muslims .So illegal Muslim immigrants entering and staying in India is a boon for them .
Ultimately  the protests and protests against protests is for vote bank .It is of course nice to hear high sounding words like humanity etc on one side and pluralism secularism compassion, dignity  etc on the other but underlies all this is the need  to secure power .
If Hindus vote for Congress and other secular parties  enmasse and Muslims enmasse  to BJP Then every thing will turn topsy turvy.
The fact that Christians are included in the list of religiously persecuted to get automatic citizenship in here though world is full of rich Christian countries ready to offer them citizenship  is  because Christians vote for BJP like in Goa and North East states .

My view --I have no problem with CAA except that Christians should not have been  included for granting citizenship on basis of religious persecution.

I have absolutely no problem with NRC or NPR .As a  citizen i  view it as governmental exercise  for which i have to spend some time and energy in the manner i do during election s, and during census .

When ever i enter Chennai after visiting Bangalore i find  the spaciousness of the  roads is in direct contrast to the narrow roads in Bangalore .The Mount road  that takes me from the station to my house is so broad that it looks like as if it is part of some Western country whilst most of the streets in Bangalore are so narrow that they remind me of the narrow streets of Mylapore which is dotted with temples.The atmosphere both exude is also similar..

Though i live in chennai it is national issues that  mainly catches my attention  .One protest that  caught my attention was that over sterilite .I   felt that the protestors could have been shot at the legs instead of killing them outright  by some policeman sniper,if they were not carrying arms and using them .Maybe this is what made the CM crumble to pressurre and close down Sterilite and also go to the extent of petitioning  against it .I wish he hadn't. They didn't even win a seat there , so what is the use? I learnt that it  gives a lot of jobs.                                                                                                  A group of agitators  are holding entire state to ransom they way they did with kudunkulam plant .I remember at the height of kudunkulam agitation a partially blind person i was reading to wished that it would get over , so that he could get employment and see development in his home town .Both these agitations have a common thread .It is missionaries or the church which led them . Don't these people want development in Tamil nadu?The politicians [both Dravidian parties]here pander  excessively to thier whims  embolding them to raise fake alarm calls creating panic amongst people living in those areas and to throw spanner at good works.

About EU discussing CAA etc .When i read this news it made me hot and angry .These Western nations have not let go off thier imperial mindset and white man's burden theory.They still think that they have the divine right to interfere in internal matters of a sovereign nation.They just cannot digest the fact that India threw the foreign yoke 70 years back and that it is progressing without thier benign supervision .
Why doesn't our parliament also discuss laws enacted by Europe , Britan ,USA and pass resolutions as a tit for tat?


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