Monday, August 22, 2016

The mystery of the broken handle of steel bureau

In April 2012 i found that handles of both my steel bureaus were  broken into half .Only today the reason behind this flashed into me .It was decided to beam radio frequency waves  and micro waves in full steam,to catch my attention .                                                                                                      If not how could i all of a sudden read my 1996 diary written when we were in our suburban house and a particular page in it where i have noted that my disappointment that my appointment as Notary public is still pending and have added wrily that since a Muslim officer is incharge of the section dealing with such appointments in the Tamil nadu secretariat,only Allah can hasten the long pending process .These lines were under lined to suggest the muslim angle  to my harrassment which was done with loud noises from the ceiling , the floor of muslim neighbours living above us. And why did i take so many other  instructions if not for such intrusive waves?This diary is kept in that bureau.

ok why was the handle  broken?Reason ---when i open this bureau to take out my clothes , a daily affair my right wrist has to twist whenever i open or close the door of this bureau.As it is our family tradition i have worn gold bangles since my marriage without ever discarding them for other metal or glass
or any other imitation .
From my recent observations of accidents -skidding of those motorists and autos coming from behind and the memory of a policeman shielding his eyes when his van suddenly came up on me in a turning in one of my morning walks and reading about  rays on net and how only gold and aluminium has this ability to deflect them  i wondered if there was design behind breaking the handle of this bureau.At that time i had thought that it was broken during one of the prying sessions of those involved in this to control me when we were away on temple tours leaving the house empty.Pretty innocent of me .

Now i am sure it was done to protect some one from  possible deflection of rays whenever i opened this burau.
The window of my room is in same line ,and a thick wall shields .Moreover i remember that it was people coming from behind my back on vehicles who skid and swered crazily . Went to this bureau's handle and looked behind me.i could see my adjacent neighbour's drawing room window . A small portion is visible through the door of my bedroom and  window of my drawing room .in fact the western window of my drawing room and the eastern window of thier drawing room face each other.They like us had always kept thier windows open till 2o14.We still keep our windows open for ventilation.

Ok back to my discovery -If the handle was not cut into half my wrist would  twist in angle to that window of our adjacent neighbour.Since heavy rays were beamed at me and us probably smothering our entire house in its radiation in 2012  precaution was taken to break this handle lest rays get deflected and sting eyes or cause cramp to any one who is near the window of my neighbour or entering that flat from the door adjacent to that window.
Similarily the steel beuru in my son's room  was also broken .Again i stood facing it , twisted the handle open and looked behind .A part of the window of the  kitchen of this adjacent neighbour's flat was was in direct line to my right  wrist ,exactly in manner the drawing window of this neighbours is from the handle of my bedroom burua.Their sink is in a angle and naturally a lot of work is done in the sink of a kitchen.
These neighbours had always kept the windows of thier kitchen as well as thier drawing room open till 2014.Closing them only when they went off on trips.It was in 2014 that all the windows looking into our houses were firmly shut and never opened  till a day or two back .It is closed again today.When i asked my neighbour the reason, way back in 2014, she said that she kept them closed to keep off rats which were causing a lot of trouble.
The reason is surely due to fear of deflection of rays from the heavy dose beamed at us probably constantly .If not why should i still hear that click near my ears?Hearing clicking  sound in ears is sign that i am in path of  micro wave radiation .i hear it in South west  corner of kitchen ,north east corner of dining room and in my bathroom and now when i am typing i heard it , in this  bedroom with window on my right side .All are in an angle to open windows and ventilator.Windows that look out at first floor of tenements on opposite side or to flats in the next apartment complex.
My observation is that deflection of rays happens in same level as i am or rather when  my wrist is near my chest.It is only then skidding etc takes place .So i was puzzled at why fear of death ones were put 
when i was doing my meditation in my bedroom seated on the floor.if the reason was to disassude me from using this room when planes fly low or some one is passing in the street below and nothing to do with conversion or change of sect.So sat in same position and saw that some windows , of opposite  one room tenements are in a angle to where i sat .During japa wrists get twisted whilst using fingers to count the number.Probably this can deflect the rays and harm those near the windows of the tenements.Though they are not behind me but at front and also not in same donot know whether  they are at risk  or not.
There is a connection between planes landing , huge ones that are near and visible from my bedroom window  and the heavy cover of electromagnetic waves i am always under  .The twisting of my gold bangled may not reach to the height of the cockpit of these planes but surely these waves -radio frequency could affect the gps in the landing system of these planes. This explains why planes  who have used this path regularily 24 /7 were off twice.once during local assembly elections and before that when i blogged about my discovery of flights as is visible from my window or heard overheard and their impact on our daily activities , co ordination all our activities with flights and in causing incontinence in me.I also observed this connection to flights and incontienece in me in Bangalore as recently as a month or two back .
                                                     One day soon after my brother's demise in August 2014 the timing co-inciding with my meditation in my bedroom  my adjacent neighbour mouthing words of condolence on seeing me near this small temple on her way to work said something strange that had me wondering ,She said 'we realise only when we ourselves get it '.That made me wonder then ,as to why is she telling this to me a person who has seen worse grief and she also knows it .Now when i think of this was she warning that i was endangering a lot of lives  either with my blogging or due to deflection of heavy microwave radiation and a lesson was taught to me?

If it was to do with micro wave radiation did i ask to be bathed in it in this manner 24 hours a day?      It is victimising the victim.                                                                                                               If it was to do with blogging or writing  why didn't any authority keen on law and order or defence of the country, come forward and warn me directly instead of all these shadowy tortures ?

What ever the reason may be behind the mind control that  was done and is being done  by  using electro magnetic  rays whether to convert me or purify me or make me change my sect or merely liberalise me in 201 2 but used , definetly to convert me or change my sect in september 2014 and from then onwards very brazenly[conversion attempts were subtle from 2012--2014]  the evidence that it was used viz rfs and microwaves on me generously is  from the clicks i hear.The mute solid testimony  are   the  handles of the two beurues that were broken in 2012.
                                                                       The fact that  beaming of such rays has intensified after 2014 is evidenced by my adjacent neighbours keeping their windows firmly closed since 2014 onwards .

written on 19.8.16

correction --28.8,16
Today in the morning was standing in my balcony at front of the grill which is the only spot in that balcony to be open from  my head to foot and is in centre of the balcony to breathe in fresh air .On my left ,windows and balcony of ground floor flats of next apartments is in a angle. i can see them eating and they can also see me .It belongs to a family of  another community .Just above it the fisrt floors balcony and windows are  also in an angle to where i stood .The bespectacled thin college going son of this  family[which i think is hindu as they perform Ayyapan puja] was used  in  some sort of casing used on me profusely a year back when conversion attempts were in full swing.So it could be either or or, or both. My left hand wasnot in chest level when i turned .it was at thigh were my lower parts targetted when i stood there or whenever i stand there?As a motorbike left flats i turned to my left to avoid the auditory masking . Immediately i heard a crash of metals and saw a van turning into open space stop. I guess it skidded and banged against the poles .As i watched  the minor commotion slowly it sank into me that  maybe this  was caused by my gold bangles distracting the elecro magnetic waves beamed at me or was it engineered from other floors inmates to make me feel thus?The memory of a police man turning his head abruptly on coming on me suddenly makes me also feel that it could be  truly a deflection from my gold bangles and its instantaneous result is that banging of that van which i think was also turning into that open space exactly when i turned left and my left hand hanging down was in a angle to that van or its driver .As usual this unnerved me for some time .
ok this made me think again .It is my left side that is targetted  with waves so how will my twisting the burau handle with my right hand cause the deflection if it was broken to avoid deflection?
I tried to recapture my earlier habits that have been changed over the years.I remember that i used to open the bureau standing in a angle to it and not straight backed .This standing in a angle and as against turning my back completely when doing anything is the cause .I would have lifted my left hand to press the door whilst twisting opening the handle with right hand and that left hand is in angle to the neighbours hall window .And if micro waves the mind altering ones or radio frequency waves were sent through my window facing north  as it is my left side that is attacked then it is my bangles on my left hand that could cause the deflection . The bureau is in eastern wall facing west.
                            What a lot of observation has been gone into regarding my routines , postures  etc so as to take such precautions when it was decided to start operating rfid in my implant in full swing in 2012!
The nearby temple has again started its loud advise and observations as if in response to my writing and also thinking!one such observation  is this -- 'You being alive is itself a great wonder'.Is it reffering to my over activeness and false geity unlike my lethargic and depressed self earlier on  before 2012 ?
Maybe . ok did i ask anyone to infuse me with such artificial youth?No!Did i ask any one to prop me ?Did i ask anyone to prod me on constantly to make me labour on and on?No .

i have to be my age even if it meant i ll have some ailments related to my age and declining immunity unlike the artificial induced ones like making me pass fluids or cause   premature cataract..

Why am i expected to be indebted to people who are playing havoc with my body and mind? 


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