Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Reverse nastying 19.1.16

Vidat's photo's were blackened .The blog site he created for his mother was made out of bounds for her to use as per her will and  blog her balanced views and his memory systematically wiped out lest it stir emotions  and thus outbursts spilling over the blogs.
Bore it all and shrunk and shrivelled in the shame at the way i was forced out of it by making me discharge abnormally at front of neighbours, vendors, drivers, milk,paper , gas delivery boys and in  total strangers presence.
Stayed put in a place attacked by myriad of confusions  and pondering at the reasons behind this constant abuse of my body which was leaking like a tap or scratching  at all the.wrong places at wrong times thinking it was all over for me .The periodic temple announcements synchronisation of puja bells with either my or my husbands urge to go to loo during or after his i hour  morning puja added to this bewilderment. .Shrank further losing confidence in me at this loud broadcast of my lustful nature from nearby temple as well as from neigh ringing their puja bells  as if commemorating a girl coming of age.
after going through earlier dairies in order to edit them my memories revived .I have a longer married life than those tinkling their bells and am  a mother of sons older than those sons of neighbours  ,vendors etc who are being  used to make me discharge!
This gave me back my confidence.
I have no idea about the identity of those who stalk me on streets,total strangers but definitely do about those who are around me in these flats ,hence decided why not use the strange secretions in my body of late to nasty the ones who are doing it to me?
After all every one has some basic decency specially if it comes to their families ,so why not try this out and pay them back?
I have either been configured  by constantly using flights, motor bikes and auto's screeching sounds  ,maybe for past several years to react thus as is stated in people's cookers com or uv' are being used or both are being done.There is no doubt that ingress and exit of minority neigh from my and adjoining flat is just before a flight.
Aren't the parents and son's who participated in this getting it back?

If this is not karma  that to instant karma then what is it?

In a flight of imagination i am something like those suicide bombers ,in reverse and older,but capable of shaming younger Muslims by my mere presence..Maybe the perverted brain that conceived this configuration in me was thinking he was taming me and teaching me to be nice to mino's and when i caught on it has clearly backfired and that person has nastied our entire country by foisting such a  forcible compliance.on me and given it a bad name .

OK what if i go and stand outside a mosque  over which  flights go and stand in a particular direction just before they enter it for their prayers and if my knee starts throbbing then many a men would be entering their place of worship with  a soiled mind  as they would be causing such throbbing that some associate with excess libido whether they know it or not .definitely the person who did it to me would and he cannot hide behind the shield that he did this to me in interest of mino's .                                    So far i have tested the effect on mino's as it is very obvious.It has been indicated to me that even Amman bhakts +christians are into this If so i can stand outside a famous  Amman temple [the temple nearby i sparsely attended]  or a church again in a  particular direction and  if i get any pricking sensation down below ,it means they caused it whilst entering a place of worship with soiled minds of men though without their knowledge but the person who is advocating so much sectarianism would be shamed .
There is petty shop owned by a christian right opposite to my bedroom which crows often target,.Till today[21.1.16] this connection totally escaped my attention  i l 'maintain a log of how  i nastied this owner in 4o's as he must have been nastying me or used in this dirty business and then come and blog it.
                                  What ever has been done to me ,is not my fault so why should i cower in fear or hide in shame when i feel the urge to go to loo  when these neigh's sons ride in? the parents and sons who pitched will get it .Instant karma.So from 14 th onwards i experimented with this and maintained  a log.

How did i get this sudden enlightenment about something that must have been going on since my blogging days.Maybe It was the September liquefying operation conducted on me made the shady things ,exploitation and control going on me for years made it a bit more transparent but disabled me by making me feel revolted at myself Note ,.though not blogging i was writing diary and it was used as freely as before .
It was reading my past diaries that revived my memories of my long ,free life and infused me with strength to break away from this unwanted purdah  thrown over me by scaring me .by people taking total control of my house,surroundings and life .Am sure that if not for that implant in my teeth  coupled with absolute control over my  house ,and our movements i could never have been so dirtily manipulated .
What business have these men in another man's household?Would they tolerate such a thing happening in theirs?  .
This is my log--  14.1.16
Log of  people who were nastied by  my body functions===
Time --6.30.pm
persons --two bearded youths racing down on mo bike south wards on street
How were they nastied .Made a 58 year old with fake libido by uv's etc get the urge to leak instead of attracting women of their age ,shows their impotency and incapacity to attract young girls.

16.1.16----playing with fire  on  Festival day
Log of methods employed to nasty my hub an ordinary Hindu but  a religious person.

6.45am--when i bent northwards to make my bed all of a sudden 'Allah flitted across my forehead !
Heard flight in east.
7.15 am --Deliberately bent northwards as flight overhead .No words flitted only a slight crinkling of forehead Maybe if i wasn't on guard it could have flitted across
8.03 am Heard fli in east.. Bent westwards ,nothing.hub left soon ufr left.so ufr is the culprit.Those who know who he is will know the actual mischief maker.
8.19.Ufr came back.i deliberately stood in balcony and felt a tingle in genitals .Had the pleasure of nastying this person with his own weapons.can he show his face after my public  blogging about this supposedly private shaming which he would be hoping i will never dare divulge?what about his wife and sons?How can they find matrimonial alliances?

Have stopped taking bags with god's pictures ,the candy offered to me to stave off predators on the streets.Its usage makes me secrete more  but at times arrests my speedy flights !So i am made to nasty our gods in those minds that are using them for such purposes and not in mine ,as this is a new phenomenon .I have carried umpteen number of such bags earlier specially after visiting marriages and nothing like this ever happened to me So why should i feel  responsible for others dirty minds?
10.38am Felt urge to wipe eyes  soon after bath the way mino's do on tv whilst praying.hub in puja.
10.55.am --Scratching sensation in left auriole .hub  cutting fruits to offer  to bhagwan.


A lot of such urges --to visit loo and scratches up and down in morning.specially during hubs puja.
3.52.pm --Was cleaning balcony, hub reading ,ufr came down ,wanted to test and also shame him turned and faced north  the parking place.As he turned in his scooter towards me felt slight throb in my left   knee cap.
5.15.pm Nearly fell on main road returning from xerox with my shoulder  bagful of my translations of aazwars hymns.saw a dirty striped person on a dirty scooter  behind me .Garbage bin on my left.

8.50 pm
Standing in balcony watching street.for quarry.
A neigh parked his car in next flat but didn't get off.for full 10 minutes.felt tension arise in me and knew it would leave if i went in or changed my position .but as i wanted a quarry and smelt one as i was being forced to feel un comfortable  i stuck on in same position with renewed determination ,looking north .
Sighted one a topee in dhoti walking into our flat .Have seen him before probably friend of neighs.turned and faced him wanting to guage his effect on me.He walked away and that neigh don't know which community he belongs got off his car and i suddenly felt free of tension .So came in found stickiness like that which comes on my eyelids ,down below.
Is it effect of topee who could be involved in this or is it uvs from that car or from so many electrical fittings around me?The person in car was watching a mobile ,many do with me around,is it GPS , mine?
Does that respectable looking person in topee know the effect he has on me?Some one else's wife?How do my neigh's feel about their effect on me ,another man's wife, a long standing unsuspecting neigh of theirs , down under or in my knees?How are they able to meet his eyes after doing such base stuff to his wife and to him whilst doing his puja ?How do their wives and sons and family feel at this sex racket?is this the done thing and very normal in their circles?
9.45 pm --expected fli time 9 50  as per my earlier log of flights as this is   definitely connected to flights. .So stood in balcony to see my test and nastying through.
A youth came in  walking slowly lost i thoughts--Hindu --neigh; son no effect .A van backed and a car parked in opposite side viz tenements.Suddenly felt pain i knee cap throbbing pain .looked up saw neigh's --mus  nephew walk into flats briskly,So he caused it? He was followed by a older neigh nothing then.Heard fli overhead after older neigh crossed me and went down  .Is this the theme older and younger?like father and son ?
As i was noting this heard boisterous vibuthee neigh .s voice .was he warning about a fli or satellite ,suddenly felt angry specially at hub for talking on phone and interrupting my analysis.rushed out saw a red car of mus pkd in next flat.Heard fli .
By drawing red lines on certain words as i blog it was hinted that vibuthees provoke me.so whilst Hindus provoke me to anger and make me write on and on mus punish me with knee pain and of late  secretions in pvt parts to embarrass,shame me  and blank me out mentally.May be both are involved in this blanking out .


Decided to forgo walk for  reverse nastying.

Saw a Hindu auto driver.He is used to give scratches but not today,

8 am Standing at balcony for domestic chore forgetting my aim .Knee started to throb slightly  saw the occupant of a red car in next flat get off .other community.some activity in street,usual backing vans etc.was still drying clothes knee started to pain severely  ,Saw a youth --stranger walk into our flat briskly north --west fli at 8,01,am so duo caused it .                                                                                                      As per me both have nastied themselves by causing throbbing pain in me.

Arrived at following conclusion

Some body is clearly using both Hindus and Muslims to provoke, irritate and instigate me so that i may write in jumbled up fury ,but the power to punish is given only to Muslims ,that is  to give me nasty and dirty punishments.
Such persons see Hindus as crows whilst even the dirtiest Muslim as a koel !This i observed as per the alerts i get from birds and animals


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