Tuesday, January 12, 2016

10 rs balm.

In margazhi month instead of blogging some  auspicious slokas and their meanings i am forced to come on net to blog sick stuff .

Have to as i received two warnings which i cant ignore,

First at 7,40am today 13.1.16 and another at 8.20 am.
At 7.40 a vendor went selling 10rs balm loudly.--means danger of physical attack on us.
At 8.20 am a vendor went around selling herbal powder to cure tooth ache and left only when i noted it down in the book i have been noting down the timings of on and off noise made by my fridge  in a book since yesterday afternoon to understand the meaning  or alert behind  such sounds switched audibly ,not very loudly ,on and off whole day.
Did this so as to find out the correct time for my puja without blanking out or getting irritated ,Would anyone in india be caught in such a situation? When to pray and when not to pray.What a dilema?Laughable if i wasn't actually caught in such a vicious trap .But i am ,in every aspect of my very ordinary life of late ,specially after that through jammingof my head in june 2014 followed by making me swim in my own liquid for  a month in sept .When to dress when not to dress ,when to read or watch tv and when not to without those mind blanking leaks.Dropped them all but this ,i wanted to without any intrusion in to my actual self.
Saw a news item on cnn few days back.A pastor is in jail for decades in N.Korea for activism  not liked by aetheist govt but he says he is facing the term calmly because he prays nearly whole .Was stunned at this news.isnt n.korea a totalitarian ,dictatorship?Yet this person a criminal according to them is given the freedom to pray which i am not having!.And i had blogged about this few days back that is even a criminal will have the privacy to pray.and i donot!
 Will write the relevant portion of my notings which could have caused the warnings to be given.


Fridge sound on -6.15-23 .Was drinking coffee in balcony .Nice and cool in morning and sky with a dash of red in east.was facing east.Saw a old woman in dirty sari.Dogs were barking at her.Heard as i came in soon after..Moderate sound. flight
6-.20,am --Heard flight in east very loud .felt sticky.was feeling so whole day yesterday.wanted to sleep on and on but got up so as to note down the on and off sounds to see it out.As i have the house to myself  so no other diversions ,but the balm fellow has done it .
If so much liquid is squeezed out of me at this age 58 won't i drop dead soon?Hips and abdomen are hurting with pain.Probably to get rid off me is the intention.
sound off -6.23-6.39 --Went to put Kolam ,next door neigh without her specs was putting ,deliberately waiting for me to .i didnt ,came in .[let her put it will do so later.]Heaad flight.fridge on .

off --6.47--6.59--
This excessive libido i am supposed to have is a myth .This sticky feeling is only in confined places ,with lights,cameras and uv's.I feel dry in open spaces with many a specs hovering about me or motor bikes auto;s whizzing by.Outside i feel scratches and sudden vaccuming of the back of my head that makes me too light and dizzy.
similarily when children were used in sept that is their mothers asking their small sons to stare at me no stickiness was felt ,even in confined spaces.it was to propagate the myth that a woman as old as that boys grand mother was so full of lust that she would become sticky .
I felt anger at such women as well as those in my flat who know very well that thier sons are being used in this dirty game. in my flats Youthful sons of neigh of nearly all are used in linking my sensations in my genitials with their presence Are my neigh really parents to allow their sons to  be used in this despicable manner?Don't they cringe in shame ?  I would had i been in their position.Are they being paid back in a twist of fate?Same set before ge and same now except i can find the links with such youngsters and even men--neigh as i am made to leak,blank out in their presence  .Thinking that they are nastying me they are nastying themselves ,if all this is done deliberately with their full knowledge and consent.

i deliberately stood on balcony day before ,whole evening, whenever such volunteers passed hoping to feel sticky so that i can crow within myself for nastying such men who have wives, daughters and sons and sons who have parents.wanted to return their crowing over the vulgardiscomfort caused to me in their presence.Felt nicely satisfied .

off--7.06am -7.22am fli at 7.21.overheard loudly in balcony.A dirty thin young lungi was watching me from open spaces,which my both upper floor neigh can also see.Maybe hearing cleared deliberately to link it with the sexy presence of dirty lungi.That  only low down lungi's will sharpen my senses /sensuality.can see through it all .
off --7.24-7.40
Am hearing 10rs balm .Warning.
off 7.50--8.04
heard flight loudly south to south eastfrom balcony.saw a driver parking his car .so he is the enhancer of my senses!paid i suppose for this job.
Again heard fli loudly in west. as another bearded thin lungi walked up and down the road. S o these are the fellows who are supposed to make me ooze in pleasant nothings ,stir poetry in me , and blank my brains  out and keep me in vaccuos stupidity and keep me in the newly married state of blissful sex and love!.A real baby is yet to be born out of such oozings and no touch torture.Sick minds.

on--8.01 -.11
off --8.11--
Mus neigh drove in to next flat,saw from balcony .one with specs other without.just when sound went off.felt scratching .Naturally uv.
8.20--Vendor selling tooth powder ---this was when i had to abandon my watch and come to tweet and blog ,now it is 10 10 am ,have missed quite  lot of on' and off. to find a pattern ,ofcourse the sounds can be swithched on and off at will and confuse me further yet sticking to it as it is related to flights as well which cannot be so easily manipulated ..so could be wrong when i said flight diverted in fgn tour ,only i would have been made to hear it like i am being made now.on and of.

Just now a newspaper man came with bill for the month ,flight also heard then.
1.09 pm===
Took a break from notings of sounds,scooters and flights and satelites as i had to take my bath,cook and so on .
Threw all my careful notings analysis to winds and did my usual puja saying to my nastiers go to hell.make me leak or light weight or make others gods name flit across my forehead and make me wipe my eyes when i face west or bend ,make me angry or sad .noted that in on  sound on fridge time my japa made me angry and off time it did'nt   , make cars back and neigh burst out talking ,i am going to do what i always did.
i am hardly aware of directions but if i am supposed to then even i can nasty back with my body.and its forcible secretions.i can even name all those  neighbours who are constantly making me leak in their or their son;s presence or all those women  and their daughters who are deployed to case/entice my hub in this ongoing dirty business.  .
i have already come on public platform with all intimate details about the way i am being made to leak and be always be fully engaged in this sexual orgy.  I am not at fault hence have no shame or guilt about all these.nothing to lose but these youngsters as well other decent neigh 's taking part in this,some of them lustily do. specially in their social or official circles.The dirty lungi;s wouldn't care as long as they are paid but my flat mates would.whether paid or not, to do all this to me and my family.and also those who visit us.

i am holding back because i cannot believe that any of my neighbours would actually stoop so low.Aer'nt we all clean middleclass people ,very bothered about our name and standing in society.how so ever small that  name may appear to  others?

Since i feel that such a operation as is being done on us is at  a behest of a puppeteer monied or politically powerful ,it is the puppeteer who should be named and i don't know as to who that  is .

Yesterday my hub rang up from tirupati only after i said my usual prayer  on lakshmi that  mentions siva .said prayer at 1 pm and he rang up immediately as if a coin clicked.Did it? Was sectarianism carrying too far so as to confuse and deter me.Was wondering ,how did he call only then ? Is it a software ?If so such things didn't happen before Ge.at the most gps will give  direction will it command action? So reasoned that some one near him with this uv gadget would have squeezed his brain to make act that is give me a call, so as to  convince me  of this charade of sectarianism .Maybe his brains are also constantly worked upon,

 So thought today due to my jammed forehead people with uv's are capable of making me feel angry or sad or happy.if they are determined to make me feel so at any time ,often see babies made to cry loudly when i visit clinics and guessed the use of these uv's on them .Noted that  kids,from other minor communities were exempt from this rude treatment .
So how much ever carefully i may note timings of sound of fridge or flights  or interpret crows [uv eed one's] sudden fright at sound of backing of cars --chup chup  to mean a dreaded sattelite by them  in vicinity , and my position  that is my face ,twist and turn it to find out which direction will cause my leaks or prevent it  with its implanted gps in my upper molar with casers on a strategic spot on the road or open ground and analyse  which of my japa is whose pass word  ,[if at all it is to gain control over me , maybe seculars or earlier regime or even all parties ,who knew of this and made  use of me to write on one hand and the  new dispensation on the other,] try and snatch a time for myself. it maynot and is not given to me in the confines of my house.  Remember that in 2012 the constant sounds etc was stopped when i did my puja.was allowed to do it.nor was there all this crazy conversion and sectarianism attempts.All this has crept in i guess after i called a leader pervert  in my diary . and probably all this is by loyalists to show that i am the pervert.No problem does it matter to any one if i am a pervert or not?

So with uv's and wrath around me no use of such calculations except to waste my time and so said go to hell and did  my usual puja.
let it be a pass word or pure vehemence.


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