Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sadistic form of control

I am becoming more and more sure that the root canal surgery i under went in the last months of 2011 was forced upon me so that a gps chip could be embedded in  the cavity of my tooth and then cemented.To control me .
My memory that was sought to be wiped out soon after Ge is slowly returning .I remember reading on the net about a old type of gps  that acted with help of radio waves and that it was very reliable.
I am sure that it is this type of gps which has been stuck in my tooth cavity may be on a nerve..i remember that the surgery was very painful.
Reason --1.No person on this earth can read another persons thoughts the way mine is being read, if not for such intrusive implants.
2.I can see planes flying in Eastern sky from my bedroom straight ahead when they are about to land in the airport 10 kms away or when they take off in eastern direction. At such times my mind clears and loses its fuzziness must be because  in that time my gps is either switched off or the jamming is stopped so that the plane has a clear path  in its radio frequency  which is vital for its communications .
                                         .i am deducting all this from my observations and what i read on the net 2 years back and to the extraordinary length that was gone into to keep me off the net .
Extra ordinary measures  included preventing me from meditating  at the time of morn flights to and fro --specially,10 55-11.5 &11.30-35 [flights are visible even at 2.30 in morn ,the time when dogs star barking] by linking the time of my b.i.l and brothers death in succeeding months to 11.30 am and scaring me away from meditating on my personal gods .My hearing also being controlled  or diverted i hardly hear the sound of planes  which i normally would.
Also observed that it is at these times that my attention is diverted by loud noise,chatter ,repetitive motions by those in street below or in the terraces.or if i am walking or somewhere else people getting to close to my back weakened by month long jamming and removal of fluids to make me even more weak,light headed and lose my balance and fall down.This is also done in my house ..
In short never allowed to have a moment for myself  since 2011 and went beyond the point of human endurance after ge.
i maintained a log of my being made to leak ,maybe it was done at this gap so as to blank my mind out,lest i meditate and get out of this let it be attitude forced upon me and try and seek remedy from this animal like control .
This radio frequency stuff came back to mind when i saw a plane flying by and mind cleared at that danger time 11,30am ,During floods there were no flights for 4-5 days .So my mind was completely jammed and under control  of those weilding the control ,over me or was given full fredom by stroke of nature to gain absolute control over me,us ,specially me --due to my famous public diary,.Did i exaggerate in my diary ?Not much. Was i too soft on leadership in here? Not really.Did write honestly but refrained from being churlish and mean at such a overwhelming disaster ,immediately but did write later on when things subsided.
Read of gps,radio frequency ,ultra sound control etc before general elections and connected it during 2914 when fluids were squeezed out of me  when i obs that planes wwre all flying in north direction ,overhead and not at all in East side for few days,say towards end of that month probably to exert  th ejamming to full force and control me that is kep off writing and net in a crucial foreign trip!
If it is true ,i wanted to note down this in my diary then itself but the glare of a neigh like as if divining my thoughts made me skip noting it down.That was the time i very much wanted to write my will but also didnt on receiving another  warning glare.A long time resident whom i had thought to be a very mild and nice person.
If what i obs then is true  that is change in path of flights i wondere ctehn also now ,how am i so important that planes had to bediverted for my sake!
Who put this gps or some chip in my teeth State or centre?Am i an animal.Did those in power fail to forsee the consequences of their dastardly deed due to arrogance of power and their vengence to teach me a lesson --a solitary person writing on public affairs and hinduism, that of  liberalising  a cover up word for converting me slowly and then hurriedly after GE?
Is my gps or whatever inhuman control is state specific or does centre also have a control as was put into my jammed forehead in sept 2014?

The inhuman treatment given to me by  implanting a chip  by making me go for a root canal surgery and then  provoking me  to write on matters i am not in the least interested by making me emote excessively to th e point of exhaustuion and preventing me from blogging what i really like ,small snnipets,obs on society and religion from my personal experiences ,will be a black mark on the person who authorised this and will be considered as a stain on our democracy if the person who authorised it is a political leader .

                          Is my control under one authority/politicians/media or under 2  or several? .Are they of different idealogies and are there fore vying with one another to control me viz writing?Is this conversion drama a cover up for this tug of war.?Is that gap in jamming  the time to influence me ? is my japa of my bhagwans name the key word in the soft ware of my gps to control  me? And if i do japa my control will pass over to some onelse ?

Only a anti hindu will dare to keep the sacred name of personal gods as the key to my control.Total intrusion into my religious freedom. Will any one in Bharat believe this?How could the
 person who did this or authorised this even think of doing such a sacrilieage even be it a thick skinned politician?On other hand it also speaks of total disrespect to human rights.and laws of this country.
I may call the treatment  accorded to me as a brutal one ,a black mark , stain on  our democracy who ever did it and is continuing   and i may keep on hurling abuses ,curses ,discover uncanny parellels with people cookers methods and non lethal warfare in  suppression of activism with my situation and keep on writing and blogging about it but will those in power care?Joke! If us  govt with 200 0r 300 long hist of democracy etc has such freaks to do the dirty jobs how can i expect it  not be or used in our barely 60 year old democracy?

ironical!In our trip to mumbai in 2007 my late son who had created this blog for me just a month before[though i didnt use it at all] took me to the terrace of a multistoreyed flats we were put up to see the planes take off and land from nearby airport.
It was a ethereal sight! The golden lights of the planes flickering in a row as it glided in the dark night. one after the other with scarcely a pause in between.Vid enjoyed this sight and went evey night of our short stay there to relax and have a look at them .
Would he have ever imagined or known then that his mother would one day be watching them fly past  and logging their time very keenly in quest of her freedom from our window in here? 


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