Tuesday, December 22, 2015

22.12,15 Monday.

Again a warning today in morn.Vellon vraugaa varuga  meaning Muruga come come and protect me. played loudly from lower floor flat  from 9am onwards

Getting fed up of warnings every other day but have to write or blog it and also recount my activities,or what ever i spoke so that my honest confession will bring me or hub or son  reprieve from bodily harm .I guess religious song means it is directed against my hub'
Activities yesterday--1Visited Srinivasa temple at Mylapore for Vaikunta Ekadesi,Regular practise for decades in the morn

2.Got 10 booklets of my translations  of tamil hymns of saints on TiruvallurVeeraghavar Swamy ,in the even.All printouts only.

3.Gave the book on hinduism i had bought earlier in  a temple soon after the floods receded and life gained normality to a young man whose interest in hinduism surprised and delighted me .I also gave him the the name of book stalls and addresses of book shops where books on hinduism as well as books on Saivism would be available,as he was interested in learning about his sect in detail
4.Night wrote an explanation to be blogged today since i have put a lot of my blogs on redraft and some could be controversial 'communal' issues soon after General elections .Wrote the following

As far as possible i refrained from commenting or making observtions on communal issues  making headlines

,But i was made to emote excessively on such issues and made to write, offending minority community 's  just .before elections and later excesively defending them .Both  not my true nature .

I normally never comment on such issues and even if i was provoked i used to first read the other side of the story from articles in the net and get  a balanced view on  controversial news items and not blindly spell my opinions on such issues in such a exaggerated manner.                                                                                     I was not given the space to read the net and form a independant opinion and was made to mouth the seculars view points on communal matters which they make a big show of being concerned with and are so obsessed with,.currently .

Do above activities ,so very normal for thousands of indians merit such a censure  ?or my notings in my diar,y which i will treat as private as that is my right, invite censure and punishments?
But it has .


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