Thursday, December 17, 2015

Observations and analysis on my situation --

First state of affairs after floods.In my flat electric connection was given bit by bit.At first only 2 phases out of 3 .then Few days back all 3 phases given and a day or two back the current to lift was given.
Is it a reward [miserly one] for extracting suitable political reactions from the additions i made to my blog moat and few tweets?

ok back to my observations on my situation .When i was soundly warned and punished for my angry retorts on the known face of my harrasser for that wretched tapping on my ceiling which in its lightness of sound is more provactive than loud noises around me,the mus family,then why was i allowed to tweet  about my leaking embarrasingly to put it bluntly salivitating at this age 58 in the presence of low and middleclassmus and that is  in the mere presence of mus -those of which i came across whilst walking or even in my flat complex shared by a quite few? why wasn't the current cut so that i may not acces the computer or net blocked?
By allowing me to do so  i was in a way allowed to tarnish an entire community as sex perverts. Is this secularism ?
My anger irritation and exasperation is at my mus neigh residing in upper floor  who was constantly vibrating my spine ,provoking etc since 2011 also i giuess it was he and his companions who taught every tom dick and harry the trick to do so and extract writings or reactions out of me i would love to see this person hauled up and punished for the  crass and brutal techniques he employed on me to make me write on and on  tecniques that made my hub a heart patient and  made me undergo 3 painful surgeries and not others of this community who are in no way connected in nastying me and my family..
This secreting in  face and pvt parts started only after that month nonstop actions [ artificial inducement by slaking, gadjets and that jamming of my head etc for a month which was dropped just before i could have completely lost my bearings,senses emotions and become robotic--even now i am unable to go within me] lost  squeeze fluids out of me from organs that have lost such workings for more than a decade ,and  i lost a lot of weight and totally fatigued .
It is those who made me sweat, leak or vibrate in mere presence of mus neigh or total strangers from low strata i came across in walks or outings who are floating theopinion through me after i started to record it in diary and then tweeted it,that every  mus is good at sex and specially so if a hindu woman is to be set right or brought around.who ever did it  and kept at it till i came on net  is doing no service to that community.

i wonder how i sweat on face when i see a unknown mus on road .is it work of gadjets or is there a gps in my tooth whose software sends signals tomake me break into sweat or leak all of a sudden in such a bizzare short i am being tretaed like an animal --a cow after constricting my mental abilities with those month long painful attacks.
If my jammers and reprimanders are one and same they are psuedo seculars in true sense of the word and have no moral right to punish me for 'communal' thoughts or constantly watch my thoughts.

If fear after GE, was put into me by grossly playing with my body and emotions so that i may experience what the seculars think minno's feel ,fear and insecurity ,they haven't succeed in it as i continue to see those around me as my equal,sometimes more than my equal how much ever i am armtwisted to adopt an superoir patronising attitude.


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