Saturday, October 31, 2015

Contrast....... from my diary---29.10.15 4 pm

Had resolved not to mention minorities in my writings  but did so today in the morning in my diary.Maybe due to my nervy morning walks  .I resolved thus when on a visit to a relatives house for viewing kolu [dolls arranged on a step like stands which forms part of Navarathri celebrations in here] a middle aged police an was waving his lathi   at a cowering youth inside his  van on the side of a busy traffic junction.A passing motorist looked at me seated in a auto , pityingly.That night saw the news on Eng  news channels of two body builder mino youths showing their welts which mumbai police have said to have delivered.So was that policeman in here at chennai enacting that piece of news for me?
Felt that he was and felt enraged .Why should e do so ?Is it his job to enact news items for a citizen/diarist /nam ke vaste  bjp member[after GE was ignored &also jeered at the office]/right leaning therefore communal blogger like me?Didn't he have any other work to do ? And why should i be constantly dragged into this secular vs communal issues?that to by a person working under state govt!Was it to show me jeeringly what rights were up to in north and in process adapting a holier than thou mantle?Again why?That i may note it in this diary  or is it merely to poke fun at my right leanings  or is it both and somehow get some benefits for their well advertised protectees?not that i grudge any benefits accruing to them nor to any one desperate enough to rely upon me to turf them out but definitely do not take any pride in such altruism, since to me ends can never justify means and the means employed to get reactions from me on issues which or in normal course are not within my interests and ambit  as  can be gleaned from my tweets is too dirty,dehumanising and bestial.

This  constant manipulation eating into the peace of my daily life hardened me and so refused to write it and resolved not to curse my constant provocateurs as that seems to get them concessions and instead of abating with a sense of gratitude, i am rewarded with humiliating provocations worse than the previous ones!
Next ,on the day of sarawathi puja  a film shooting of a song and dance sequence took place all of  a sudden in the open space  at front of the temple with aloud and jarring music and words mattu vandi --bullock cart repeated  on and on  at the place where a few months back a huge ox cart owned and tended by a thin old man and cherished by his equally thin old wife used to be parked for several year s but was moved out and two ugly black water tanks taking its place .the stereo sound irritated me and made me jeer at the pompousness of the young dance master rather exercise master ,being followed by a small boy holding a umbrella shielding him from the sun and kept chafing at the crass song and dance.This continued for several days.But i was also touched  at the way ,all the wrestler like dancers  do the typical  guru namaskaar as is done in Bharat natyam , early in the morning before starting the days of repetitive  work.

I specially didn't want to write about this as i 'll be fried for my softness on Bharat's culture.I thought that all this shooting was something to do with  Pak films etc up north,but i guess now that leftist seculars were telling me about the plan of film directors to give up their awards .This shooting ended on Tuesday  as i returned from a shop , right in front of the temple when i passed it and  with firecrackers ,clapping etc following suit.  When i saw this news on tv squirrels started screeching .so may be a link.

Ok why should i be given such warning signals or prior information as to what the secoolars are upto?How is it my concern?am i their courier ?
Frankly i never hated or despised minorities in the way i am being made to now ,because it is mino's who are held  and show cased at front of me  as dirty titlists  whilst those espousing their cause care hidden from view .I have always considered them  to be equal to me ,neither low or high.Are low strata used in this shameful and dirty sex game  coz a right blogger tweeted that brahmin women salivate on low life muslim?Is his views put into action?
Ok why all this covert action around me viz animal planet or animal channels like  info and signals?If there is a threat to me why isn't the police coming and telling it directly to me the way rationalists , and writer like P,murugan were warned .Does it mean the following----

1.Threat to me and family [though tooth, knees and hearts were broken systematically and slyly] isn't much  or
2.Such warnings and protection are reserved only for secular, rational writers and not for cultural, Hindu Sanskrit sloka ,  Tamil verses translators on blogs previously and now when i do it in my house without blogging it , just for myself or with intention to publish it ,like me?That i simply have to take care of myself and family as such protection of state is available only for writers who are in secular/leftist  liberal fraternity?
Had to under go constant harassment  when i printed a small booklet on aazwars verses.
 3.Libs and seculars famed for their boldness ,broad mindedness ; flexibility could not stomach my not caving in 2012 itself but continued blogging till 2014 amidst harassment's  and so will keep on provoking me and get angry retorts  which secular  forces nation wide can put in use to counter communal forces  and in process squash me, defame me and push me to more danger  and then justify anything --giddiness caused due to constant intrusion into my  very private space[includes private parts whether at house or in public places by using gadgets ,casing and pshyco tricks,hypnosis,] so  tripping on main road ,accidents etc ,that i asked for it?
ok does all this deter me from going out or translating ancient works or writing my  very public diary?It did for sometime when the gadgetry use ,hypnosis etc peaked[i was caught alone against mighty monied forces] and was quite petrified and i sought to overcome  this embarrassing blackmail by surgeries and confined myself to house ,convalescing and noting only bird and animal calls and a few write ups on nature.
Does all this still deter me.Maybe it would if i felt that this was not my country and that laws ,constitution are farcical and have no sense of belonging to this soil and culture or subscribe to its ancient philosophy, thoughts and beliefs.But what to do? I am a born buff for all the above.

On seeing news after news of libs /seculars outrage what i have written above  is a sharp contrast..A ground reality in my case.


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