Sunday, July 26, 2015

For viewers information.

My Dear viewers,
After a series of threats backed by painful intrusive and invasive shadowy controls, coupled with  the total indifference of all those around me ,culminated in my having to undergo three surgeries .
The  surgeries were painful but the long drawn convalesence that followed was even more painful  ,which was largely owing to  harrassment ,hidden from view.
I lost the zest for blogging or rather was successfully forced out of it and  the internet .
But my diary writings continued and continues .I guess politicians of all hues interest in my personal notings and writings  is keeping my very old habit of diary writing[ ,of which i had got over several years back  ],    alive, after deliberately reviving it .
It is impossible to blog it all .It is mainly a litany of epic proportions of the gadgetry no touch torture and cruel dipping into my subconscious  faced by me each and every day and my helpless anger at this abuse and my futile pathetic attempts to avoid  them .
 I may print a few of my earlier blog posts as a book .
Few days back i had a casual look at my profile  nearly after a lapse of 10 months ,and was amazed to note that more than two and a half  lakh people have viewed my profile!This means that my site is not blocked and is popular.
Felt my heart sink .Did i trade off a huge popularity for nothing?The frequency of threats to me and my family has reduced  only marginally and the no touch torture and social ostrasication that started towards the end of 2011   continues and have become even more intense and nastier after the general elections  of 2014, at a extremely personal level
Taking stock of my activity on the net in the past few years on the eve of Vidat's 8 th anniversary  which is n 27.7.15,did Vidat achieve anything positive by creating a blog site for his mother  whose writings have become ready meat for conscienceless media , politicians and groups?
He did.He made his mother , a non entity . an faceless invisible person for 50 long years, to bloom forth her individuality, abilities and knowledge.If the profile view is correct then he has succeeded in his heart felt desire and wish  to raise the status of his mother in the eyes of the world .

Did i achieve anything by blogging ? Yes i have ensured that his memory lives on in as many people as possible.


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