Wednesday, August 27, 2014


When thre are so many legal options available to stop publiscing my famed diary --viz by acting upon the police complaint i gave some tinme back and remove all the pervasive cameras and render my status as an non entity ,who'll be for gotten in due course of time  and by blocking my blog[maybe it is , no idea], then why resort to shady illegal tactics ?As a person who has never broken the law i am unable to comprehend the workings of the minds of those who seem to do it casually without slightest regret for doing so .it actually appears that such  that they are entitled to to break law and constitution at will!

Why should this under cover business was started at all and allowed to go on and on with it  now taking a dangerous turn for me and to others closely connected to me?I forget with the sudden and unfortunate demise of my  poor helpless brother   the only one in my family with a good political grasp my connections have been totally severed .Others do not and will not understand the position i am in !

All This dangerous turns means that those who were enjoying the fruits of my forcible writings through under cover operations  are finding that it is back firing on them .
Even now aert there any   way of dealing with this problem --? Action can be taken on that complaint.And id f some foreign power is really bombarding me with radio waves ,why can't the authorities come and tell us about and ask us to shift to a safer place  i am guassing that would be a safe place which is away from mobile towrrs.and teach us precautionary mathods to tackle it insteda giving hints and play acting?
Why should al tgis be uder cover? Under wraps? Then again it means that i am being used asa bait to lure and tackle the foreign power.victimising the victim further.Isnt this demeaning the calibre of our inteligence ,diplomacy and leadership and throwing apserations on thier abilities as it apera sthat all are hiding behind me or putting me forward as the shioeld to cower behind it and  tackle the enemy.

What impression is being sent to foreign powers?Won't they laugh their heads off at the spectacle of  all the brave males of this country who have received special training and others who  have stormed and  conquered  the ballots are hiding behind an woman blogger   to tackle them?   .


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