Sunday, August 3, 2014

sos with a million prayers . 4.8.14--12 noon monday

Yesterday had lunch with poor kids at sprawling campus housing the free school and hostel for poor kids of primary level.Food, fine.All the kids ate the sweet and snacks  i had bought ,with great relish.The donation was in memory of my late son's  31 st birthday calculated as per traditional methods .
Of the35 children only one small girl was yet to polish her plate.clean.she would put some food into her mouth and then start dozing ,seated on the  floor!She was sitting all alone in that huge hall .All the others had gone out to play.after finishing the lunch  in normal time.

when i pointed out  this to the warden ,  she said this was how that girl was ,whilst eating but was very sharp and good at studies.Her lively  and bright sister few years older nodded her head Then the warden called the girl to her group  that consisted of herself, and 2 boys and that sister who were having their lunch after first serving food to the kids.She came running with her plate, joined the group  and  polished off the plate in no time.! .

I fell asleep late at noon back at home and woke up with the picture of that little girl and her obvious lack of interest in her meal  when seated all alone but finished it quickly without dozing off when she sat next to her sister and in the company of  that woman warden.These kids are all from poor families who are housed and given  education , food and shelter free of cost from 1 to 5 th class. Parents visit them once a month.That child was clearly missing her family so are several others..i could see tears in a bright and confident second grader who sang several songs lustily when she mentioned about her --new baby born into her  fairly big family .Despite the hype around family planning several households in rural and suburbs still have 4 or more children and their incapacity  to provide education or even food  etc makes them send their children to this well run trust .

It also reminded me of my son Did he drop 15kgs in just 4 months into this new job at Bosch at Coimbatore because he is alone at his place of employment down south?There is  sadness in his eyes and a faraway look  unlike his usual sharp and alert eyes.He is very restless unlike his usual cool and calm nature like as if he is being driven to a breaking point that reminds me of those 2 months in 201 2 when i was driven till i  broke down with my confession and slowly  lost interest in translation of ancient hymns, mantras as well as  writing my views on  matters of public interest .He is also listless like as if he is losing the battle of nerves ,not of  his job but of deliberate needling , and constant pressure tactics at work .

He is not a child but loves to be in a group and had always the knack, social skills to form a group or be a part of a group wherever he went and which  ever  background and how so ever  diverse the people  around him are .So i am sure that he is being deliberately isolated at his work place as well as in the time he spends at his rented house and in  that city.
i hope and pray that the good and kind people in authority  transfer my son  back to Chennai ,  or enable him to get a suitable job  here in  Chennai as quickly as possible and grant him also a fresh lease to a happy .peaceful , a comfortable  and a long bringing him  back to  us  at Chennai.Otherwise it would be just a matter of few weeks before he is completely broken down  with his personality  , confidence  gone forever at an age when he ought to be settling down in life , happily married in a well paying and satisfying job.

This is an  impassioned plea   to those who have the authority and capacity to restore my son's confidence and motivation in life and gift him back his normal life.

Earlier today in the morning i glanced at the mirror.didn't see a single wrinkle.Where have all those lines running down my cheeks gone? Each line is a testimony to experiences gone through  in my life, so far.The person who looked at me from the mirror wasn't me, the 57 year old who has been through so much of life  in past decade that it had aged me so , crows feet, white hair,long and drawn face etc.It was bright ,chubby and wrinkle free face that looked back at me! The face of a 40 year old woman!The way i would have looked back at our suburban house in  1996! when R was doing his punishment job transfer in  a insipid town down south and sons were in school with my first son in plus 2 .R would come home on weekends totally dissatisfied and dejected at the lonely environment there but refused to shift us there as it lacked facilities.He stuck on, slowly losing his motivation and finally at the end of 3 years quit the job for good and never took another.
Now R's face is also bright and he  is unusually merry ,over energetic and boisterous.After that 1 month of transformer torture he was put through he seems to have lost his original personality which had already been slowly chipped away in past 2 years ,culminating finally last brings tears to my eyes when at times i look at him and wonder whether the R i know will ever be restored back?  It is my son ,now who is like as if he is in a punishing job at a place he has no friends as i have explained above.Repeat of events.At the sight of of my son's sad and hopeless face in his weekend visits  my heart sinks and my insides  knot in fear.

so some one or many are  casing us. As i came down for a walk saw a inmate's son in white uniform waiting for his bus. He is in plus 2.he was waving at his plump and chubby mother in early 40's and his father who is on leave from a desert posting .I was being shown as to  on whose age and model we are being built up.A  married couple in their forties having an active sexual life and family life revolving around a single school going son .That boy's mother's father often helps his mother and stays here on and off.Somewhat like the way my father used to visit me in the suburb life.That boy's father is in secret services.The signals gleaned from the acting put up for me is quite clear though not fully clear.

So another act is being played out before the final real one.In real life R didn't get his transfer that was promised to him within a year or so back to Chennai  and he lost his motivation, energy ,smartness self respect and confidence in life and in the institution --[ bank ]as he understood that he was being punished for pulling up his bosses for corruption  /kite flying, by those higher than his immediate boss when he ought to have been felicitated for saving the bank from incurring huge financial losses and the wrong doer be punished.Instead the wrong doer was let off and a sincere honest officer like him was punished for daring to bring to light the irregularities  in the bank .Even the bank unions which he served energetically and sincerely did not  help him out. Nor did any friendly higher official or his friends. . He just broke .So that fate awaits my son also now.Reasons could be different.It is nothing to do with him since he is just another ordinary youth.It is definetly to take revenge at me and my right husband or to teach us a lesson . 

Once again i request the concerned authorities to  put an immediate end to the no touch torture  that is being meted out to my son and allow him to lead a normal life.  


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