Sunday, August 3, 2014

sos- -3.8.14 sunday 3.30pm

Call me delusional,schizo etc or even if i am being deliberately set up as one  to fix me for good or i am being used in a perverted form in diplomacy or simply to settle political scores between arch rivals  i have to relate events played  and their links to tragedies in my present life as they have come too too close for comfort .

1. last week or before that the spiky white haired nervous and a bit off his head, watchman was brought into service.same time  around i saw my son's friends parents on the road.The father  is with spiky white hair and a highly nervous  with trebling limbs  .who is said to be  recovering.Soon after got the news of my nervous  brother fainting on the road and he is in ICU for past 4 days .i had met  him 2 days before he fell down at a function.

yesterday saw a silver hair ,cut very short , distinguished looking woman  at the political  party get together..i tried to piece her.she seemed familiar like a journo on tv.Today on road side just half an hour so back  i saw poster of  a white haired old actress whose hair is also cut short dancing with a lot of  dusky young men as well as with the  leading young hero .My heart sank as i made an instant link.It is the first time that i have made an link so fast.Is the nice and lively 80 year old Japanese tutor for Bosch down south,my son's  teacher, whom he and his friends like immensely , the next target?

The pattern i have observed since i was made to be aware of my Bil's death as one of being unnatural is that lonely, socially isolated and ailing people are targeted since it could appear to most people that such sudden turn for worse  in illness, or  a fall could be in natural course of life.If so then why give an indication to me beforehand by showing people who are somewhat similar before the actual one's , my family members and friends take seriously ill and even pop off ? To put me in a perpetual  guilt trap ?
There are signals that my another elder  brother living alone in a suburb in here and building a new house is also in the list . When i cautioned him he answered saying he had done all his duties  and he was engaging himself in this activity to keep himself  busy in his retired life   and if that some one who is bent on going after my near ones wanted to do away with him since  he cannot do anything about it he will not flee back to delhi but continue with his work in here and asked me not to worry.He does me proud.the blood of our bold father and grandfathers run in his veins too.yet i cannot keep quiet about it and therefore  making the threat to his life public and hope the authorities take care of his safety.                                                                                         And why are conversations within my  family acted out for me to see and grasp and then play it out with deadly precision to the detriment of my family and friends life?who is so perverted but  at the same time is  cloaking  it into a holier than thou mantle?The kurals played could be for every body but it also could be for me specifically as well as the garbled ethics that is being played now .It is simply too preachy as well as threatening.

This reminds of the advise Chanakya gave Chandra gupta in 3 rd cent bc when c gupta could not defeat the powerful rulers of  india , the nandas  .Chanakya pointed out that c guptas startegy of directly attacking the enemy was being easily repulsed and to secure victory he must first attack  those living in the outskirts and then slowly and steadily proceed in, systematically destroying all support  to the ruler and victory would be his. c  gupta followed this advise and those who know history can guess the rest. This latest mode to put fear in me by threats to me and my family could be for two reasons.

1. to stop me .put an full stop to my existence.
                                                                                 keep me away from taking part in public life either by writing or taking active  part in the party's activities .

An silver lining in these sordid episodes is that there is some one who wants to protect me and my family whilst there are others who are bent on finishing me and my family off.Their identity unknown.

so i have to blog this so the persons in charge will save the life of my hapless brother and ensure the safety of that Japanese woman who is also living alone and is old.

Authorities please act as quickly as possible and save both the  lives .  further since my house is like a broad casting station i kindly request the intels or those who can guess what is coming next without waiting for me to observe the events played and make a link to injury and death to my  family, friends  and circle  that may take place in future  to  inform authorities immediately [my processing is  slow] and save lives.


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