Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Alarm bells.

Once bitten twice shy.Hence even if it appears absolutely paranoid or totally crazy i have to blog the description of people ,my relatives and friends i am being shown so that  the concerned authorities take action as deem fit .

1. Around 10 am was shown a woman in 70's with flying white hair knotted at the nape in a fluffy saree and a unique gait .An replica of a close relative of mine living barely few kms away.Quite orthodox.

2.A very dark and fat and jovial  man with a  dash of vermillion  on his forehead and a small pig tail of hair dangling from  the usual cropped hair cut and wearing black pants and white shirt.Is he  a converse of my family priest?
3.Shown a man in 70's getting out his car .silver haired , dark and one eye  half closed .A replica of another relative living on and off in here..He is a scientifically minded right .

I wrote out these descriptions in a park i halted at 11 am to take rest on way back .Saw a corporation lorry drive by.

4. Shown a slim fair girl in temple. can't place her.Shown several skinny youths ,young men ,women,a lame man  on the road--can't place them

5.Whilst waiting to cross the road saw a tall and slim ,young man  with long hair and a small beard .An replica of boy well known to me.Works  in US and was in  India few months back with a white  American young man .

Saw a govt of India mail van pass by .

published at 1.10.pm -5.8.14.

Some more additions .I weighed within myself  the pros and cons of continuing to make public the people 's replicas i am being shown since i had a sneaky suspicion that i was being made to do so to prove that i am superstitious as well as to damn my name forever amongst the supertstitious that anyone even remotely connected to me either through relation ,or friendship or politics  is sure to be at the receiving end of some high and mighty's wrath .

I am superstitious in certain aspects .no doubt.But i have a choice .i need not reveal the persons shown to me and thus save myself from being further damned in superstitious circles  .or reveal them not caring staining   my name with the sword hanging over me --What if?Do i have it in me to be indifferent to any one's life be it even a stranger or some one hostile or indifferent  to me when i feel that i may save such persons ?No. even if it is some sort of out of the way idea to show to world that a hindu is not being given religious freedom in her own country by her hindu rulers to off set some powerful persons image of denier of religious freedom to  citizens in here ,to powers  abroad and i had even resolved not to become a pawn in such  games , i  have to give in with the sword dangling ,what if?
So i'll blog publish and then put it in draft.Why not keep it published? The list may go on and on and push away my blogs regarding the threats  to life ,peace,sanity and prosperity my  immediate family faces and my first and foremost concern is towards them and myself.
so here goes.--

1. A  man, said to be a priest of wealthy and rich , sporting a replica of upper floor resident's former unique  hair style sat for a ritual on my son's ceremony ----8.8.14
2. Saw a tall bespectacled girl  in jeans and top with her  mother at the clinic where i had gone to get my ears checked .may be on 6.8.14.  a sort of replica of R's sisters family .The sister is in 70's and ailing .Is in nearby metro.
3. Was shown a man of my age  my 10 th class mate who is a doctor and is working in UN .He has interest in Hindu philosophy.
4. Was shown a replica an younger version of second son of former cm of tn at  a restaurant in a sacred hill town in nearby state.This inclusion is  odd  in this list of rights.Is it for lack of ethics and morals whilst dealing with me before change in regime?.---14.8.14
5.A replica of a younger version of my very close female relative  who is in the capital city.---14 .8.14
6.Was shown replica of the younger versions of a union  minister from TN  and a party functionary of Cong who could also be a senior leader in tn  of another party , as both have somewhat  similar countenance .The latter replica apart from the replica of upper floor resident's hairstyle  smiled at me ,whilst replica of nri   smiled to themselves and none of the others did.--14.8.14
7.Saw  a replica of younger version of Iron man on TV .He accompanied the PM on his visit to  father of the nation's memorial  today.Did only i  wearing those distance glasses see and observe this?  15.8.14

My bub has been admitted in hospital  again by name 'Maya'. Hope he pulls through   by god's grace as well as well with the grace of those in power  .--15.8.14

1. Was shown a man in 50's -- a little distant relative of mine hailing from a orthodox family in the morn today at a park  --17.8.14
2. Was shown a younger version of my second son clicking on the keys of a shop's computer with a sad and forlorn look yesterday --16.8.14.

Was shown a long time resident [man] of our flat  who is nearly of my age having two sons one of whom is studying abroad and other who is in here, is in college.To this resident  and to another dusky wiry and energetic man in 40's from the opposite tenements the upper floor resident was explaining the 2  motor pumps--metro and bore  capacity etc whilst the white haired  old but energetic and wiry watchman watched ---26.8.14..


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