Monday, August 11, 2014

Is some one palying god?----------written on -9.8.14.

Frankly  have ----
1. No privacy.
2. No religious freedom
3.No right to peaceful and sole  enjoyment and without any encroachment  of my husband r's  immoveable property nor does he its rightful owner, has it.
4. No freedom of movement
5. No safety  to my life or to my family's just because i blogged  my views on every thing under the sun or  write them in my diary .

6. No freedom to maintain a personal diary.
7.No freedom to take part in political process.
8.No freedom of expression
9. No freedom to cohabit with my lawfully wedded husband of 33 years  in our matrimonial house.
10.No freedom to enjoy a normal family life or social life .
11. No freedom to be myself .Have to put an act of being docile and submissive to men [otherwise threat to R's and son's life ]
12. No freedom to lead a relaxed  life at our age.Too much of torrid and lurid casing that is sapping us of whatever energy is left in our old and tired bodies.
13. No freedom to have a thought  that disparages anyone in the mind of the controller.
14. No freedom to entertain superstitions and express them owing to the fear put in me that if i have or speak of such beliefs considered to be superstitious by some one controlling my life, then my fears would be gorily enacted  to disprove such superstitions.

15.No freedom amongst my family members to hold differing views on a subject.Each of  us will be a taught a lesson by enacting life threatening  acts either involving us or our close relatives so that each of our view points is proved right..Since it is only i who am aware of this so it  is depriving  only me the freedom to have a view on a subject.That is i should not argue or otherwise i ll be put in a  perennial guilt trap.

16. No freedom to enjoy the society of my fellow country men or women
17.No freedom to mingle freely within my Hindu community.

18.16 & 17 is the outcome of my being forced to wear glasses through which any official or politician or various types of persons   may be watching what i watch much to the discomfort and even fear of those who i come across in ordinary course of life ,since every one is warned before hand and nobody would dare take the risk to come into the view of such strangers with ulterior motives.
Since the religious identity of those watching what i see is also kept in wraps[guessing] all the hindus with a traditional bent of mind & who are informed about my glasses will view me with suspicion and even  revulsion for hurting their religious sentiments when i visit temples or attend ceremonies which as per hindu traditions  are meant only for close relatives. Even if they are not informed ,it is playing a fraud on their deeply held beliefs .In short teaching the traditionalists a lesson for being traditional whether they come to know of it or not ,owing  to extra ordinary  power and authority wielded by those who are making every one dance to thier tunes, using me as a pawn.
19.No freedom to enjoy the sights and sounds  and scent  of the world around me through ordinary glasses and a mind free of control .
20 No freedom to have a good darshan of my personal  deities in temples through ordinary long distance glasses.
21. No freedom to meditate,
22. No freedom to ruminate, ponder , dream
23.No freedom to curse, abuse .No freedom to display my anger to the only persons i have done after marriage --my husband and son.

Of all the fetters on my freedom the worst fetter is the one put on my freedom to think.

Others can be somehow or the other be borne or get adjusted to , by changing habits, lifestyles etc .But this manacling my thoughts and its constant correction and control is by far the worst form of punishment that can be meted out to a human being by another and who ever is doing it is  indulging in the worst form of human rights abuse.

Now the q is who is doing this --possibilities

1. The US .Its intent to keep a check on the religious minded --read hindu -- public personalities .May be i come under that category.

0r 2.Under the orders of local  viz Indian politicians who do not care much for freedom of thought  or privacy  .

or 3. under the orders of netas who want to either please the US by wiping out unclean thoughts from my mind  or to free themselves of the problem  which every one knew and abetted ,by tripping and trapping me as quickly as possible.

If it is first i ll say Thank you , big brother i can do without your  survelliyance  ,since political leaders  in here may take away my privacy or right to free enjoyment of my property but would not go to the extent of controlling each and every thought of mine . It didn't happen in the previous regime ,though persuasive conversion methods after a year long of  harrassment were adopted which i aborted in the only option left to me viz joining bjp --the party known for its hindu credentials.

How ever heavy jamming that drove me to the edge of my sanity and heavy pumping that nearly killed R has taken place only in this new regime.R is yet to regain his identity and health which the earlier regime had dented greatly and the new had just to give a little bit of  a push to achieve the goal....Whilst my son has also been driven to exhaustion and nervous breakdown only after a change in the govt.So how can i trust my own people/politicians after such a shabby treatment ?

i cleraly donot like this survellinace by a foreign country, if it is true that i am under such a survelliance..Nor do i like this constant jamming .threats and thought correction by my own country.which is true as i personally experienced and am experiencing.

Despondency hit me when i remembered reading that US  survelliance was in place since 2010!So i could have been under that  since then!

Did my late son signal to me that my time was up when i stumbled in the storm swollen fiercely raging  ice cold waters of the sacred river  at foot hills of mountain ranges  in middle of  2010 and could have been washed away and drowned ,had not my lurching to the support  my second son who was also taking a dip close by ? As i steadied myself i saw my late son in black jeans and black t shirt  climbing up the mountain foot trail  to the hoary and sacred temples beyond [the path that the scholar and saint of 8 th cent ad took]. .beckoning me as if to say ' Ma, you just escaped a sure death but all is not well  '.It was like as if he knew it and was  warning of the dark forces that had entered my life then itself .
Had i not steadied myself ,may be my innocent family viz r and son would have been safe and even happy now.

Caught between the devil and the deep sea.

I have a question to the person seeking to control my thoughts.Did you create me from the elements so as to confer on yourself the power to reward or punish me for my thoughts? Isn't that the job/duty of the creator of us all?
The punishments that i may have to endure in this world is when i contravene any law made by human beings for social good of all and not a select few..Did i contravene any such law? If so  proceed against me legally.

By seeking to punish me for my inner most thoughts the person doing so is seeking parity with the creator of us all!Every religion and every spiritualist will consider such an confiscation of eternal laws which are  beyond mortals  reach and understanding,  as deliberate attempts to play god .


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