Friday, August 29, 2014

from my diary --18.8.14

7 pm .
  When the hindu paper came marked in eralier months it sacred me like as if  athreat was being issued.
Today to it came marked. it didnt sacre me. it is o showdipleaure at my diary it means they are reading my personaldiary and are making a connection betweem them and happenings in sangh i am yet to blog 15.8.14 diary.
Dont they know that i am a helpless victim i this quest for emotional evidence? How come they kept quiet i preceding yeras and are showing thier displeasure only now? I suffered then and am suffering now .Why was it ok  if emotional evidence was extracted in neraly in same manner under previous regime and not now?Is it my fault that i have been trapped and tapped ?
What is the se of showing displeasure to me?Any one needled in the manner i am will vomit out everything.I am powerless. It is the newspaper which has the power to rectify this.Since they seemto know as to what is hapening to me and around me much better than i do ,why not write articles in thier newpapers about it ,insteda of warning the victim and get me out of this trap?What is preventing them?Dislike towardsme?Thay have to choose between personal dislike and the social fabric they are so worried about.If they think my writings [after too much of emotional provocations which i hate to the core but cannot fight it]are encouraging sanghis then they must tell the world through their paper as to what is happening to me and set it right.This is true social responsibility they seek to espouse and not merely marking my paper or threaten my and my family's life .If i am not constantly cased , provoked, isolated ,traumatised by suspicious deaths in my family in recent times i would never write my personal experiences in such depth.

I would have written  of my recent visit to Tirumala like this--Had a quick and good darshan and written about beauty of thehills and passing landscape.that is all.

The ball is clealry in the newspapers , medias court.

8 pm .
As I finished writing the above the resident adjacent to my flat gave me a odd look .It took me a while to decipher it .It isto do with y open letter to hindu.Does it mean that casing, emotional provocation etc is done with consent and participation of  commies etc to secularise 'communals' through me?Specially those at thetop?
Then my dera commie pals you cannot have the cake and also to eat it It is not possible for me not to write when such heavy tortuous things are done to me .I have to do so to get mental relief .aNd if i write and ifthi s is a open house how can one section lay the rule that the other shouldnot get to  read what flows in my mind when i write it down and for that reason i shouldnt write?
Is it my  duty to maintain the secular fabric of this country?Did i ask for this mantle?When it is thrust on me hoping that what i feel [or write ] inside will be used as such or in the converse  and if it is done it is ok ,and not one of you are bothered about my mental, emotional well being, but if i write to get some mental emotional well being then i am committing a crime!Irony to think that a card holding life long communist 's/left liberal duaghter has to be treated so shabbily and abused by the commies /left liberals ,themselves!
Scandulous the depths people sink. If i am heavily tested definetly my inner most feelings ,thoughts will bubble up ad i haveto write it .so those who are doing such inhumantortures on me ,whois a member of bjp just for namkevaste --so no help from there,and who  feels that it is not  her sole burden to uphold secularism, have to be prepared for the side effects  of my writings on' communals'.

If i am asked  openly i would  pitch in  to contribute  my mite to cause of secularism as i firmly believe that every one irrespective of thier faith have a equal stake in this land and country  and they can negotiate, agitate etc for their rights but no one can ,who ever that maybe should  hold a dagger behind my back and, arm twisting and threatening lives of nera and dera ones.
if not just stop all this and just let it be.It is increasingly becomig a double edged sword from secularists point of view.
If secularists are in this racket  please stop it ,if not in this racket ,then write about it in papers ,that is about the forcible extraction of emotional evidence from me ad put and end to all this .

It would be a very great help  to me and my family ,  life saving and i would be truly , really grateful.


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