Thursday, December 17, 2015

Warning which cannot be ignored.

Today -18.12.15 morning at 8AM heard the vendor selling 10 rs balm on his moped announcing  loudly his ware which consists of a cheap balm which is cure for arthritis ,tooth pain and body pain in women and chest cold in children.
Have learnt from experience in  the past few months  that i must write or blog or tweet this warning  of punishment to be meted for words spoken in my house or written in my diary or for my blogs.Or otherwise i or others in my family are liable to be visited with bodily harm .
I recollect  that this vendor with his low menacing voice [with a similar tone like that of upper floor resident whenever he would warn me in past --2012 onwards till few months backwhilst writing my diary, from his balcony. when i lapsed into victim hood of a hindu  being persecuted for writing on hinduism or stating the hindu view point or wrote unflatteringly about politcal leaders]used to make his rounds as early as 2010.i didn't know the significance of this warning till a few months back and learnt that i should not ignore this warning this September when i tripped and fell on the main road after walking with a unnatural lightness of body which is  uncharestic to my physique which is always heavy and my steps are slow,measured and careful ,two days after this warning ,which i deliberately didn't write in my diary wanting to test its veracity.And  i did .There was nothing in the smooth black road at front of the deity at the temple where i crossed so as to pay my obseince from the gates which could trip me.Only a flash of thin man clad in dirty a lungi hurriedly crossing me just as i turned to cross the road,And the usual flower sellers ,a thin woman and few  youths stringing garlands.of flowers.

Probably this hiss of cobra was issued to me before every ailment that struck me or accidents involving son and hub.I didnt know then that he was giving warnings and thought  that  he was a irritatingly persistent  vendor and forgot about him the moment he left .I was blogging then .It was only in september 2014 my attention was drawn to this vendors warning even then i took it lightly and started taking it seriously only from this year. 
Maybe hammering on the wall and sudden burst of  sound of electric saw is also a warning but don't know its meaning or its effect upon me.Could it be a warning of some mishap planned for me for offending political sensitivities?Both are going on now.
Is it for republishing my earlier blogs or my latest blogs.?I have stated truthfully all that which i was subject to ,experienced and did .So why should i be warned or threatened?If it is felt that it is a single view point and one sided what prevents any one from contesting it ?My comments policy is public any one can comment freely and frankly. and lodge their view point .No problem.I' d appreciate any one for doing that and not this indirect  threats.and physical violence .


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