Thursday, December 31, 2015

I am a perfect living example of what people cookers can do to a targeted  person and family since 2012.Every thing that blogger has written which anyone reading it  who has not actually experienced thier handi work would scarcely believe that blog and would dismiss it as loony and a tall story .That blogger himself is not much inspiring in that photo of his  and i myself would have thought this fellow is crazy and has spun a vivid and macabre paranoid tale had i read it before i actually tasted their handiwork first hand .

So also the article on non lethal warfare that military wages which i read to get to know about all the impossible things happening to me ,like words flitting across my forehead ,my thoughts being read instantly and it being broad cast from nearby temple to shame and tame me  ,would appear stomach churning with its brutally focussed  dehumanisation of a individual .imagine if such a  practise is applied to ordinary middle class citizens honest and living within means  and who are not terrorists or hardened criminals or pows ,[the persons they are said to have tried thier hands on with such practises] to so as to subjugate them.or put them to nefarious uses.
But it has happened to me a ,55 year[ in 2012]  old  educated house wife with a political and scholarly lineage for turning into a blogger!

word to word of that blog has been done on us, with the addition of implanting  some device in my right molar upper teeth . In fact it is this device which is facilitating  instant reading of my thoughts as they rise .Maybe  to divert me if i start blogging or writing it .Fear of my individuality !It must have been  used and is still used to erase my individuality.

How do i know a devise is there?

1.After june-july-2014 jamming of my brain the nearby temple used to broad cast hourly advise as if in answere to my doubts that rise in my mind ,at times instantly .even now taps on ceiling is instant as if in instant response to my thoughts.So quick and so instant is the tapping or slight hammering on the ceiling that it is bewildering .are human responses so instanteneous or is it some software in my implant that itself is generating this response  ?                                                                                                                            2.Even 2012 itself i used to wonder as to how every movement of mine ,the planning behind it in my mind was known .was my face read?
3.I suspected that the painful root canal opertaion i was made to go through in 2011 was with the intention of planting ,cementing some devise in it since 2013 but couldn't quite put  my hand to it.That was the first major  step taken in the attempts to squash my confidence.It is still being used
4.Had forgotten about this due to fear put in me soon after GE  .Evenn before Ge i didnt think that i would be subject to such a inhuman leash on me.though when ever i went  for  morning walks youths--drivers or domestic help, maid servants, and owners would be shown with dogs of various size on leash ,even a few weeks back before the floods when i started top use my house as minea dog without leash would follow.
The most cruel and painful enactment was when i underwent a uterus surgery .The next day when i glanced down saw a tail less police dog  running up and down the main road .
ok ,few days back as i chewed on bournvita cocoa powder that had become hard ,i could hear a tiny metallic screech in my left side when i chewed that bit on my right molar with the help of the capped one .
Very sure that it is this implant which is facilitating instant reading of my thoughts.
5.This nerve wracking metallic screech [am being tortured in a worse  manner than it was done in middle ages] which is audible under my left ear is quite high in closed spaces and in corners and i can virtually hear my thoughts which seems to echo within. As i wrote this the current was cut.Does it indicate state govts role the chief provider of eletricity?

The cooker com  tell us how motorbikes are used  to get certain reactions in  a targeted person.I was hearing sounds and saw youths specially a fierce looking bearded youth wearing his mus identity race down from adjoining block when i started heraing stereo fonic sounds above me ,and was teased by groups of people where ever i went in 2012 May .During sept 2014 i heard a motorbike racing down nearly every minute .For me the reaction[ maybe even for my hub] is to feel the urge need to leak at times i normally didn't like before lighting the oil lamp and definetly never whilst telling slokas or doing silent japas before our deity  .which i started to and thid was greeted with fanfare by ringing the puja bell from down.It also happened if i saw even elderly neigh, dhobhi,errand boys,and a lot of our neigh and even visitors and strangers.

 observed that a few days back that just before a flight sound is herad ,i got this sudden urge to get up from my room and walk down to kitchen which is in W,tho' i had planned to sit and sight planes to make  a log which i was maintaining so as to feel clear headed  and to analayse etc.i obeyed this urge[sure uv control before sept this uv was causing me headaches which i used to ignore but dared not in sept and later ,now i hardly feel it ,so it means i have stopped fighting it and am obeying as was what was originally intended of me. ok as i came to kitchen heard a mobike sound ,felt a slight incontinence and at that time hub was doing a silent repitition of our deity, realised my mistake of allowing to be controlled and went back to my room and peeped out ,a neigh's son of other community was driving down on mobike.The flight also went above as i stood watching and again felt incontinence ,a youth of our community was driving down towards straight ahead of my window
So a deliberate attempt to use a community and sect has been enacted on us quite consistently all these years..Before it was hidden from view Now it is being shown so as to provoke me and make me abuse and get some concession or the other.

Read about mind reading and putting thoughts in  to a person which is done to some pows or suicide bombers .Guess what ?it has been done to me.I have written about keywords put into me as i slept after that 2012 sound blasting i received which made me write blogs, diary etc.non stop .
A month backwhen  i poured a mug of water on me before bathing and chanted my deity's name some Arabic  lines  in which i recognised their god's name  flitted across my slammed forehead!
apart from this i was often made to sweat on the eyelids and wipe it when i went for  a walk and saw a person ,mostly low strata from that community!  I was also made to sweat on my eye lids soon after bathing and wipe it with my towel which is hung on the hanger on west side.This happens even now .What a sick thing to do.would people of that community like to be associated with my leaks and drying my eyelids as if in prayer when i am not even fully clothed?
Similarily  would people of other sect like to be associated with my leaking in thier presence?Maybe a few individuals are chosen and  are readied for this ,To what purpose? To nasty me.? But i have started to write about it and now even blog without the rancours put into me.
It still scares me ,irritates me when  i say Rama casually like when getting up then find it immediately be supplanted with allah!
And when i do silent repitition of name of my personal deity and the name of god of other sect  keeps popping up breaking my concentration and therefore my introspection!

I have also been made to emote ,get angry ,feel unduly touched or sad in tune with  the news that is is in headlines or even sidelines   in papers or tv  whether people of this country are actually bothered or not and whether i am bothered or not.This is  happening since 2012.Like brain washing suicide bombers .
My emotional attachments in family has been widely used ,specially my grief .The attachments are still used

.The weakest are picked for this,like my late brother.My hub's attachment to his late brother .Now to our son having succeeded in severing between me and my hub by putting into his head that i am lusting after my neigh [a fellow who can't even meet me without my specs , which is used for false geity or creating anxiety in me first or preparing a ground  with his gadgets] and in sept dinning into my head that i was full of lust and was so starved  as my hub couldnt and cannot satisfy me, that to keep me in good spirits, a service to humanity, many of our neigh have gallantly offered their manly services to satiate me and also  protect me from strange men i may meet on my outings--walks ,who like dogs have smelt my needs are attracted by it and will smother me with their lust for me!
A pack of local dogs were made to bark on and off once i was shown the spectacle of female dog being chased and smothered by a pack of male dogs .Submlinial  messaging.

In this satisfying my lust charade even kids.children were used ! I didnt believe when i read this cooker com when he said they were also peadophiles when i read it few days back,but my memory came  and realised that what he was saying was correct.They were used in sept and even later.I even glared at the mothers signaling thier small sons to take part in this dirty pshyco war .no use.They went ahead as instructed .Middle class women of another sect from a lesser strata from another minor minority community.

Few days back in order to refresh my memory which was quite thouroughly wiped out last july .sept , i went through  articles on net on ultra violet rays, infra red rays used in controlling animals and people and read about the non lethal weapons that are used by us  defence  and that in a protest by women decades back  the women protesters in a camp suddenly felt nauseous ,had headaches and women past their menopause to start mensurating  and all the protestors were thus successfully disabled and scattered .The article says this sudden physical discomfort was because of using non lethal weaponary  which includes the use of  ultra violet rays  and these rays were definetly used . If not for these articles and blogs which are allowed to be published in US i would have been  totally at sea.Admire the courage of thier citizens as well their freedom to take on their govt 's shady antics.,.
 ok now back to drawing the similarity..Way back in 2011  my knee suddenly constricted on a visit to a city in another state the day after i felt a terrific heat in my genitials.I was blogging from my relatives house and i noticed a red car parked outside the way it used to be outside my house here.every day of my stay there.Then end of that year one day i developed a unbearable pain it was after the root canal surgery. and i had to take pain killers and go for phisiotherapy ,I cleraly suspect some such rays being used on me .What struck me odd was that the doc didn't bother to check or see my knees and absconded the day i was to met him next.He prescribed tabs .It was like as if he was fore warned.
i limped up and down and a long time neigh one fine day suggested that she too suffered from such pains and that when she mensurated it vanished!i was taken aback as she was as old as i then nearly 56 years!And i was made to do so in sept last only i was made to discharge  a lot of whitish fluid instead of red.for one whole month at end of which i lost 10 kgs ,and my balance both physical and mental and confidence.What a sublinial message for two yeras was actually put in full force in 2014.Thought then that my foodstuffs,medicines were slaked with female viagra but reading that article makes it clear that non lethal weapons were used on me to shut me down.
The gyno who operated on me when i decided to remove my uterus soon after to escape such further blacmails in future asked me whether i had any major surgery before this and i said no .then she expressed her surprise at the way my two ovaries were stuck to the uterus wall which is onl;y possible if i had undergone a major surgery in my stomach,i have never undergone ,both deliveries were normal .

I suspect that the heat of the rays used constantly on the base of my spine when i stand in balcony ,windows  since 2012 which finally culminated in this mega attack in 2014 led to this.

Like in that cooker com ,i too used to get stinging pain in my left eye since 2012 ,maybe as a punishment for writing or even reading something which could have helped a political adversary. My eyes used to turn as red as that woman' that photo.Even now i get that pain though not as much as before .

cooker com says--people around you will think you are schizo.Exactly in my case.whenever i let out my frustrations on my inability to take on my shadowy tortures loudly to my hub or write it the foll happens
1,A mental retard youth will be let loose blabbering   and make him stand near the temple.
2.Two  toddlers will cry or laugh or recite nursery rhymes or sloka alternatively.
3.An older female neigh will start rambling inchorently.
4.And hub will  become too hot and bothered unlike his resigned self of past several years on hearing my  complaints agaisnt neigh,poli, and communities.and threaten me with admission in a mental health home.
5.The temple when it was blaring advise will praise very patronisingly the good intentions of a saivaite in helping poor ,weak and so on and give some more advise ,.
.The last item always would irritate me more The patronising dishing out of advises and the holier than thou attitude of the announcer .Thank god it has stopped was making me lose even the little confidence i had in myself .
as per cooker com --will be made to undergo operations which are useless.
correct.-if not for uv attack i would have never gone for a major surgery .More worse was that in the  pursuance of the charade of conversion attempts  i was made to feel unbearable pain in my abdomen that was already raw and painful whenever i went near a god's picture in my house ,i didn't realise the connection then thinking it was police brutality ,,they were enjoying my pain just for the heck of it then, now i do.

Also underwent cataract operation though i could have managed with specs for some more time.I did so becuase it was suggested by constant teasing that wearing specs was also a cause of the discharge and i was made to discharge whenever i wore it and it happens even now in those rare times i dare to use it to read articles ,.I went around without specs for 6 to 8 months and then finally decided to when i found that even after my uterus operation i was being nastied through specs.Despite this when i watch tv now i can feel the release of fluids that tend to blank me out.

cooker com --Heart  attacks will be given happened to my hub in August 2012 .When i refused to join a political party  in the height of Anna movt so as to black mail me He was so tortured shadowily that his body bloated and suffered terrific discomfort and was let off only when i the cold blooded idealogue--according to my harrasers ,shed teras at his plight .Damage has been done .his heart is not working to full capacity.

cooker com --Small ailments will be made into major ones --True.Like my minor knee pain to nearly incapcitating me,,major surgery for minor tooth pain, turning small obssesions to major ones so as to consume our entire lives .Also bluring of eyesight .Impairing hearing Felt a ping a perfect shot like he mentions when i was blogging in august 2014 in my left ear as swift punishment for what ever i was blogging then ,dont remember now,and that ear was blocked for 2 weeks  with sounds richocheting inside my forehead.Here also the ent doc barely examined unlike in  my earlier visits  ,guess she was forewarned of the shady handiwork.

cooker com or non lethal weaponary com --Says will lose balance.That is presicely what is happening to me .My body becomes extraordinaroly so heavy that i am barely able to move on the roads And at times it is so feather weight that i am literrally flying .making me trip and fall .This loss of balance came about when i decided enoughof this  stupidity ,this is my house and i will treat it as i did before 2012 and bathe, dress and go to toilet in light  come what may.
Since the heaviness of body came about when i carried a load of my translation of Azhwars pasurams with pictures of deities on the cover and felt an invisible control,like head ache , to keep of mus houses  which i passed by in the street when i carried such pictures on me i decided to carry bags with such pictures and wear gold rings with images of out deity as i refuse to oblige such silly commands on me  .i have never carried such pics or worn such rings in my life but did it for above reason and also to get back my heaviness to counter the feather light speed
I made to scratch  at all the wrong places in my house and i would forget my wearing those rings and would do it thus inadvertently disrespecting our gods I stuck to the rings and bags in my walks to ward off the groups stalking me to weaken my spine and make me crumple down but was outwitted and more of such spine weakning was given .t few yeras back even after my bereavment i used to walk 6 kms slowily but steadily now due to loss of balance which i suspect due to casing and gadgets i have to drag myself or fly and fall.
Very thin people are used to make me feel light and dizzy .
I will add some more that cooker com hasn.t'
A.Special specs or people wearing specs are selected to give a exaggerated version of beauty or youth . ma ny in my flats have taken shelter behind thier specs now a days  when they meet me or  when i was wearing them could met me boldly without feeling any twinge of conscience ion doing wthe nasty job they were put on to .
b.Constricting of throat to point of suffocation --soon after jamming i removed my mangal sutra due to fear put in me now i realise with intention of conversion,stupid shadowy conversion .in those days when i visited temple of another sect my throst was horribly constricted.i saw a man of low strata pass me just before that constriction
In my locality which is under camera surveillance ,i am sure.when i neraed a minority shop and a girl of another sect neared me i felt such a pain in my left throat that i thought i would choke to death .it left only when that girl moved away.I was wearing my gold chain with godess lakshmi embossed in it.
When ever i wore it or neared pic of gods in my house could feel that slitting sensation .it left onlt after i wore ms back now also it is done but mildly.
c, when i entered my locality carying loads of my booklets on our deity my base of my head was given a sharp pain so that i may look at a direction , in the manner in which rats are said to be  directed in the direction where a handicaped man was limping
Have received this pain in base of head ,buzzing sounds in my right ear in my house.

Group stalking as per cooker com ---Yes ,It is done to a set of neighbours in my flat and when i go out or stand in my balcony people from lower strata like gas delivery men, water,milk,newspaper boys,drivers in car without any occupants,waiters,sales men dhobhi,sweepers ,dirty lungis and dhothis ,dark people,ne waiters,.i have been seeing only this lot for past 4 years  where ever i go even to dramas and concerts which the above mentioned people never attend that i have become fed up with this liberal spreading of poverty, racism and handicaps and minoritysm,where as before all this group stalking i was kindly disposed to all of them and was never allergic to all these common people nor suspicious of my neigh and nearly any one who approaches me .Like my late bub .said  when i told him  in 2012 how the common people who never spared me a glance were openly glaring at me and neigh who i thought were decent are literally peering into my house and disturb me deliberately when i walk on terrace ,you will be driven in such a way that you might even start suspecting ordinary events and innocent people.

I may call all this a stain on our democracy and  a black mark on who ever that person is who okayed it,but will those in power or politics care?
Every thing is just as before,Now even more tighter screws put on me
Can my 3 lakh viewers do anything Joke.Those in politics have milions of such viewrs /voters + power.
 do anything?
As per people;s cooker com people cookers are in national intel service

Is mine a mimic or are they really in natl service? If it is former i haven't the money power and if it is latter i haven't the capacity to take on such a trained machinery single handedly.

By trying to outwit them by readaing info,observing i am end up confusing myself as they are masters in creating confusion,diversion and have an unfair advantage ,that of preempting me by reading my thoughts.  .

After writing this went for shopping on that day .A traffic policeman  helped me cross a street smilingly saying this is free left and share auto fellows donot obey so it is dificult to cross .A dark tall young man .He escorted rather followed me and when he turned away i felt light and dizzy.  Then suddenly at another crossing felt a stinging pain in my left eye .looked up and saw a tall policeman with tilak and his young assistant on my side.the pain left when i crossed that gap.


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